using characters a a little plot from a non fanfiction book i'm writing with a friend ("Skylark Evanson" is her penname). no idea how long it's gonna be or exactly what's gonna be in it. but i've got the gist of it planned out. ENJOY!
DISCLAIMER: i don't own TSAL, but i own a few of the charries and co-own the others.
POV: Matt
That night was what did it. Just that one night that ruined both of our lives. Forever.
I climbed the built-in ladder that led up to Lucinda's bedroom balcony. That fact that I loved her was the only thing that made me sneak out in the middle of the night to see her. That and she had a bad dream and I needed to comfort her, and doing that usually got me a little something in return.
But that night I got more than a little in return. I got a lot more for my comforting than either of us was really ready for. It had just… happened. Before we knew it, we were rolling around on her bed naked, not really caring if anyone heard us or saw us. We weren't scared of the consequences.
I held her that night and stroked her black hair about a thousand times. I might've fallen asleep there in her bed, but her little sister walking down the hall on a midnight walk to the bathroom reminded me that I wasn't allowed to be here right now. She could come in here at any moment and see more of me than she'd ever want to.
So I climbed out of the bed carefully to prevent the springs from groaning. I reached for my boxers on the floor.
"Where are you going?" Lucinda asked, pulling the sheet above her naked breasts.
"I'm not supposed to be here. I love you, but…"
"It shouldn't have happened," she finished for me.
"Right. That."
"It'll be okay. I know it will."
"But what if I got you pregnant? I'd never be able to get over the guilt." I pulled my jeans on.
She got up and stood next to me, her arms wrapped loosely around my waist. "I know you don't want to leave."
"I never want to leave you." I gently got her arms away without being too rude and pulled my shirt back over my head.
"Then why are you?"
"I'm not leaving for good. Just… for a few hours until I see you in the morning."
She let me leave through the balcony door and climb down. She watched me the whole time, outside, and not wearing anything over her beautiful bare body.
When I got to the solid ground, I looked up at her. Her brown eyes were still pleading with me to come back, but I had to resist that urge. I sent her a kiss from my fingertips and ran across the street back to my house.