Little Mysteries

What is this pairing anyway? I've noticed that I only have two different BTR pairings written so I tweaked my kames plot just a little to make this. By the way, I think this would qualify as that dreaded something called fluff.

-Note- Kendall and Carlos are five years old. –End Note-

"Kendall? Where do babies come from?"

Kendall and Carlos are on a play date of sorts at the park. Their mothers are sitting with the other mothers. James and Logan are at home, pouting at the unfairness of having caught chicken pox. Kendall is regarding Carlos silently. Thoughtfully. There's a frown on his forehead. Carlos looks up at him hopefully. Curious. Kendall always knows the answers.

"Mommy said that when two people love each other veeeeery much, they have a baby together." He says this in a very matter of fact way. Carlos nods at is words.

"Yeah. My mom said the same thing. But I wanted to know where babies come from. Not why." Kendall's brow once again furrows and Carlo0s resumes his hopeful look. Kendall knows the answer.

"Babies come from kissing." He declares this with a confidence that only a five year old with no other ideas would. Carlos thinks about this for a second. Digesting.

"So when two people love each other and kiss then they have a baby?" His nose wrinkles in disgust at the word kiss.

"Yep. They have to kiss on the lips though. Or else it won't count." They both think about it and decide that it does indeed make sense.


They sit in silence, having figured out the mystery that is babies.

A few minutes earlier, on the other side of the playground, some other kids began a game of tag. At present time, the game is rushing towards Kendall and Carlos. One of the kids accidentally shoves Kendall forward. Somehow, Carlos and Kendall end up nose-to-nose, lip-to-lip.

Their eyes widen and they jump backwards, hands of their mouths. Their faces are red. The silence between them is a bit tense. For five year olds that is. Kendall mutters an apology. Carlos just looks worried.

"Kendall… I don't want to have a baby." He looks and sounds like he's about to cry.

"I don't want to either." They sit in stunned silence. In the way that only five year olds can. And they don't say a word, not until their mothers get them to go home.

Kendall, with a resigned look of determination, walks up to Carlos and gives him a hug before pressing an innocent kiss to his mouth and walking to the car. Though… He doesn't manage to resist the urge to wipe off his mouth and look disgusted. Neither does Carlos. After all, kissing is for grownups.

How was that? I actually like this. I have a question though. This is for the people who voted on my poll. What is that 'other' pairing and why do two people feel the need to read JamesxJames? I can write it of course, but… Why?