Of Things You Can't Control

(even though your name has "control" in it)*





Is this the best way of starting a story? Maybe it isn't. But it's the only way I can think of right now… because this is the end. My end.

It's over. I can feel it.

If only I had known about this moment earlier… I would have done many things differently.

I would have stayed with him. I should have stayed with him…

Goodbye, Kakashi. It has been a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for everything.




A/N: Hello and welcome to my first ever Naruto-fan-fiction.

Yet this is a bit more than just Naruto-based. Oh, it's complicated. But don't let me confuse you already. I'll say just this:

This story is set in the Naruto-universe. There are ninjas and hidden villages and ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. There are also characters that belong to the Naruto universe (yes, you've spotted the name "Kakashi" already – and as there are no other characters with that name (that I know of), you are right. It is Naruto-Kakashi).
Then again, there are some characters that don't belong in the Naruto-universe (but we'll come to that later on).

This story also sports one or two Original Characters in the leading roles. Well, one at first (more are in the making and will appear later on…). So. OC, you say, huh? Yes, and I really hope to not make her (yes, her) a Mary Sue. Please tell me immediately if you think my OC is turning Mary-Sue-ish. But then again… this is quite subjective, isn't it? Oh well. Never mind.

Alright, this Author's Note is getting longer than the actual prologue, hehe.

Oh, by the way: The Prologue and the Epilogue (which will come sooner or later, I'm sure) are working as some kind of frame. The following chapters ALL happen BEFORE, like a flashback or sorts. Or you can say the Pro- and Epilogue are some sort of foreshadowing, foresight, premonitions, whatever. You get it. Also, those are the only times I'll switch to the first-person-narration. The following will all consist of third-person-narration.

So, without further ado, I welcome you (again) to my first Naruto-fan-fiction. Bare with me.

Thank you for reading and reviewing! Enjoy! (First chapter will come shortly after this, I promise!)

(Do I need to add a disclaimer? Ah well, the name "Kakashi" belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. There.)

* What's up with this sub-title? Hoho, you'll find out. Later.