Full Summary:
Dr. Rodney McKay has another sister named Kaiya. She's a rookie at the 15th District in Toronto, Canada. What happens when both Jeannie & Kaiya are attacked by a replicator? And how does the whole 15th District end up on the Daedalus headed for Atlantis?
Rookie Office Kaiya McKay:
I was the only McKay that didn't become a scientist. I'd always wanted to become a cop. But I'd still gotten the family gene of being smart. My brother-Meredith (a.k.a. Rodney because he didn't like his first name)-still liked to bounce ideas off of me & my older sister Jeannie. I'd be at home, watching TV, and all of a sudden, my computer would start talking to me, telling me that I had a new email from Rodney. Jeanie and I would talk on the phone while trying to help Rodney figure out a problem. But when it came time for me to go to work, I normally brought my laptop with me to work, just in case someone broke into my house to steal my laptop.
While I was at work, I would get calls from Jeanie asking if I had solved any part of the math that Rodney had emailed us and asked us for help with. My answer was normally not at the moment since I was at work, that I would work on it later. Most of the people I worked with, didn't know anything about my having top level Security Clearance. I guess I kind of figured that they would find out sooner or later. I was betting on later though.
I had just gotten home from the 15th when there came a knock at my door. I pulled a pair of sweats and a tank-top on before answering the door. I figured it was just a neighbor checking to see if I got home alright. My next door neighbor, no matter what the time was, always made sure to come over and check to make sure that I was alright. It was just something she did. I learned from her mother, that she had a mild case of Down Syndrome and that when she gets attached to someone, she wants to make sure that they alright. Her mother and I were very close, having no one treat her daughter like an actual person, her mother was grateful that I was very kind to her daughter.
When I opened the door, it wasn't Katie, but someone else. I didn't recognize him, but I recognized the strength of what he was. He threw me against the wall and then the real fight for my life began. I blocked about every blow he threw at me until he caught me off guard by kicking me in the chest. While bent over, he sucker punched me to the ground. I was gasping for breath when I noticed that the door was still open and that Katie was standing in the doorway. The man turned around to see her and then bolted out the window. All Katie was able to do was scream, which got the attention of her mother, but by then I was all but passed out.
The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital. I notice that the room is filled with members of the 15th, people that I worked with. And also my brother-Meredith. Jeanie was also there and some members of Meredith's team. The 15th didn't know what to make of the small group standing and sitting by my bed, they just knew that two of them were my siblings. I sat up groaning and everyone looks at me. Jeanie and Meredith get up and hug me but stop as I gasp for breath and ask how they knew.