I slept at Grimmauld Place that evening so as not to miss the morning excitement. We were eating a simple breakfast of sausages and mash, with blueberry scones and English breakfast tea sweetened with milk and sugar when there was a sudden pounding at the door.
"Harry, you really must get that bell pull fixed."
"I've been rather busy lately." Harry was standing up as Kreacher escorted the King of Wizarding Germany into the dining area.
"Did I hear the truth? You have really located it?" he cried, reaching eagerly for Harry and looking intently into his face.
Harry sidestepped the grasping hands smoothly. "Not yet. But we do know where the photograph is located and truly believe we will be in possession of it today."
"Well then, let us go. I am very impatient to have this affair completed."
"We have another bit of news that I'm sure you will find equally fascinating. Ms. Margaret Krunkle is now married."
His Majesty froze and then slumped into a chair. "Married? When? To whom?" His face displayed complete and utter shock.
"She married an English ministry worker by the name of Mr. Nicholas Douglas just yesterday afternoon." Harry was watching him intently as his Majesty processed this latest development. I noticed the information that Harry had neglected to inform him.
"I do not know the name. She could not possibly love him." He looked back at Harry seeking answers I'm not sure any of us could guess at.
"I'm hoping that she truly does love Mr. Douglas. One should only marry for love." Harry became distant for a moment, and then snapped back to the present. "Besides, it would also save your majesty a lot of future fear and annoyance if she is truly happy."
"I suppose. If only she had been of acceptable linage. You just don't understand what a queen she would have made." He stared moodily off into nothing as the last of our morning repast was cleared away.
Harry gave the coordinates to everyone and we Appareted to the same location as the evening before. As we neared the home of Mrs. Douglas, we noticed Ms. Marlow from across the street. She, of course, didn't recognize any of us. She stood upon the steps looking as if she were awaiting someone.
"Mr. Harry Potter, I presume," she stated as we approached the house.
"Yes. That is me." Harry cut his eyes to me, startled to say the least. I was floored myself. How did she, a Muggle, know of Harry?
"Ms. Krunkle, I mean, Mrs. Douglas asked for me to wait for you. I am to give you a message. She said it was very important." The elderly little woman appeared upset and worried. "She and her husband left this morning, saying they were traveling to the continent although the way she said it I don't believe she meant Europe."
"What?" Harry was stunned. I was almost afraid he would faint from the shock.
His Majesty looked to be in no better shape. "I am ruined. All is lost."
As Ms. Marlow handed an envelope to Harry I peered through the front window. "Oh no! Harry! The place has been ransacked." I could see things were dug through and a shelf from the wall lay on the hearth.
Harry quickly tore open the envelope and removed a key. Stepping around Ms. Marlow he opened the door and rushed inside. The King and I quickly followed him into a home that appeared to have been visited by a twister of some sort. Furniture had been pushed or shoved aside, drawers opened and ransacked, unwashed cups sitting about. Harry had rushed to the shelf that had been removed and was now sitting on the hearth. We had been correct. The shelf was hollow and would have easily held several large photographs. There was a large photograph of the Prima Donna of the Opera Ms. Margaret Krunkle along with a letter address to Harry.
Harry read the letter aloud.
Dear Mr. Harry Potter,
You cannot imagine my surprise when I realized how completely you had fooled me. Congratulations to you, sir. I am extremely impressed. It wasn't until after all of the excitement with the fire had occurred that I realized how I had betrayed myself. I had been warned about you months ago. If Fredrick was going to employ an agent with some brains in England, it was going to be you. It is still difficult for me to realize, even knowing all of this that I still showed you what you wanted to know. I find it difficult to think ill of you for your deception. The sweet kindly priest that was injured while rescuing a lady in distress... Well… You were just so sweet. As a trained actress myself I truly appreciate your performance.
Knowing a little of the Wizarding world, I hazarded a guess as to your next destination and it proved to be successful. I noticed you leaving the church with Dr. Malfoy and just couldn't resist wishing the great Harry Potter a good evening. I then went to the clinic to see my husband.
We both believed a rather hasty flight from the country to be our best option when pursed by one as persistent as you. I'm sure you will understand. So today you find an empty nest. We have flown with all that we hold dear. As for poor Fredrick, please tell him not to worry. For I have fallen in love with a better man who truly loves me with all of his heart. He can marry whoever he wishes, always knowing that I slipped through his fingers. All I had wished for is love and now I have truly found happiness.
I am keeping our picture to safeguard myself against any possible harassment and for the memories we shared. If allowed to live in peace we will be the only ones who know of this picture's existence. Instead I leave him a publicity photo of me for old times' sake. One his future wife should not question or at least would be easily explained away.
Again, I wish to express the honor I feel at being your adversary in this little game.
I hope we may meet again one day under better circumstances.
Very Truly Yours,
Mrs. Margaret Douglas nee Krunkle
"Did I not tell you how wonderful she is? She is magnificent!" exclaimed the King of Germany. "She would have made a great queen. So formidable. It is such a shame she is not at my equivalent."
I just couldn't help myself. "Indeed, from all I've witnessed this exquisite dove appears to be on very different playing field when compared to his Majesty." This was said innocently of course as I peered about at the disaster that was a room.
Harry cleared his throat. 'I'm very sorry we were unable to acquire the photograph you wanted sir."
"No need to apologize. You have secured her promise to never use the photograph against me. I wish for nothing else. In all of the time I have known her, she has never broken her word once given. It is a rare thing." The King appeared to be truly happy as to the outcome of this little escapade. "I am greatly indebted to you so please tell me how I may reward you."
"I am glad that you are pleased with the outcome your Majesty. There really is only one thing I could wish for at this moment."
"Name it and shall be yours."
"This photograph."
The King stared at Harry in amazement. "That is it? Margaret's photo? Certainly. It is yours."
"I thank you sir. I believe this concludes our business. May I wish you a very fine morning?" Harry shook his hand before he Apparated away.
We locked up the little house and returned the key to Ms. Marlow. Harry was extremely thoughtful as we walked back toward our apparation point.
"The photo, Harry? That's all that you could think of?" I was still not sure what to make of that request.
Harry stopped and gazed intently into my eyes and then handed me the picture where I could see the back.
Gone but not forgotten Mr. Potter. Never forgotten.
Well, that is how Harry Potter helped avert a scandal that would have disrupted Germany and her King's machinations. Margaret became 'the woman', having out maneuvered the great Harry Potter. We both still ponder over the notation on the back. Maybe she loves to keep people thinking about her. Maybe one day we will find out.