It's really hard being a Power puff. Doing nothing but save the world there are times we simply wish to be normal. I mean imagine it. No childhood for me or my sisters. Saving the world before bedtime! Who the hell lets five year olds save the world! I don't care if I have superpowers. As soon as I was born their needs came first, then when they don't need us shoo us away. What I would kill for a normal childhood. Before the world knew about me with people who would understand me even if I still had power, they wouldn't make me fight. I know Buttercup doesn't want to fight! I want to fight. I just wanted to be normal even for a day.

I was flying in a plane next to my sisters waiting for us to land. There was a thunderstorm and we wore probably an hour way. "Buttercup what if the plane crashes?" Bubbles asked. We were sixteen and she was worried about this stuff. "We can fly Bubs. If the plane is about to crash we fly out of it." I said in a bored voice. Blossom happily ignored us as she read her book. That was until the plane shook violently. I fell out my seat since I ignored the buckle up sign. I cursed and looked up. There was some one ripping the plane off from the outside. I got up and heard a scream. My sisters ran to the pilot's compartment leaving me with the idiot outside. I opened the plane door and flew outside. I saw it was Princess. "Do you have issues!" I yelled. "Yes with you." I shot a blast of energy from my hand. Princess caught it and threw it right back at me. I hurried and flew out the way.

I gave a sly whistle. "Someone's bought some new powers." She charged at me. I grabbed her by the hair and threw her. She shot missiles at me. I dogged two and caught one. Then threw it right back at her. She got hit and was sent flying down. I caught her before she could hit the water. Then something shocked me from behind then I passed out.

I woke up flying over the water. I saw Princess on her hover board and me in a flying container. "How did you-?" "Stupid Buttercup you were fighting a robot this entire time." Then we got struck by lighting. "What's going on?" She yelled. The storm was still going on. "Is this stuff made of metal?" I asked quickly. "Of course." She said in that snotty voice of hers. "Dumbass! Metal is a conductor! It attracts electricity!" We got struck again. 'Great.' I thought. 'I'm going to die at the hands of lightning along side Princess.' I wish I was home or at least I would survive this. We got struck again and were sent spiraling down. The case had been broken but I couldn't move. 'Damn it why the hell had to happen. Why can't I be normal' I thought. Then I got struck by what looked like green lightning. I yelled and continued falling I had passed out.


I was running home through the park to get to my house. The guys and I now lived in Sea-City. I heard a scream. Then a girl fell from the sky. I ran up to her. She was about four. She had black hair with a green streak. She had a black dress with a green star on it. "Hey wake up." She looked like she got struck by lightning. She was pretty beaten up. I picked her up and started running back to my house. I had no idea what I was doing

I finally got home and took off my jacket. Both me and the girl was wet. "Where were you and why do you have a little girl." Brick asked. "I was coming home from work. She fell from the sky." He gave me a strange look. "So a little girl fell from the sky?" he asked like I was crazy. A vein popped on my head. "It's possible I mean we fly." I pointed out. I stumped him there. "But why bring her here?" Boomer asked. "Leave a little girl during a thunderstorm. I may be evil boy I'm not heartless. She's four she has no protection." "If she's anything like Buttercup when she was five. Screw protecting her worry about yourself." Brick said. We all smiled at this.

I placed the little girl on my bed. She reminded me of some one. Her eyes started to open. When she was fully awake she looked around. Tears started to form in her eyes. I jumped. "What's wrong?" "Where am I?" she whimpered. "Don't worry you're safe. I found you and was going to take you back to your mommy." "I don't have one." She said her voice getting cold. I flinched. Her green eyes pierced me like a knife. "I'm Butch. You are?" She reached in her dress and pulled out her necklace. "I'm Buttercup Utonium."

I had almost fainted there. My counterpart was four and well here. I have'nt seen her in five years but I am pretty sure is only a year younger than me. I told her to stay and told Brick and Boomer. "So when you said you're name no reaction?" I shook my head yes. "Well technically she was born as five year old she's four any memory or powers won't come until later." "Then how did she know her name and that she didn't have a mom?" Boomer asked. "Well some things can't be taken away like a painful memory even if it wasn't even a memory." "She did always said she hated that name." I said smiling.

"So what do we do?" "Find her sisters and give her back." Brick told Boomer. "We can't do that. Blossom would just blame us." We were not stupid. Blossom's mind worked one way. Guilty until proven innocent. We sighed. What to do?