By Josei no Yoru
Summary: Elizabeth finds herself longing for freedom. When the only one she ever considered a mother dies, she meets her fate in Jack Sparrow. While helping him to get his ship back from Barbossa, she finds she's falling for him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pirates of the Caribbean, or any of its characters. Applies for entire story.
Chapter one: Sword practice
The air was stirring. It felt wrong. And I didn't feel safe. Kira, my only mother-figure I ever had, learned me to trust my gut-feelings.
Longing, I looked out of the window to the sea. I had been on a few ships before. But never I fought, never I sailed myself. But even if I were to do so, I couldn't even hand a sword. Yet. I'd practice… but I needed a teacher. Who could I trick into teaching me the sword? On short notice? Without anyone else noticing? Maybe the blacksmith's boy, that William. He was sure to be able to handle a sword. He made them. These thoughts I had been harboring even before Kira died. But the more time passed, the more urgent the feeling was to get away from this small port. What I did could be considered witchcraft, though it was simply knowledge of herbs and medics. Were the Royal Navy to intervene, my fate would be sealed. But before that, I'd fight. Though I still had to learn how.
I threw on a black cloak and sneaked out of the house. I wondered were William would be this time of day, but I started to look down the forge. I was lucky.
"Hello." I said.
"Hello. What does a lady like yours do here on this hour?"
I decided to get straight to the point. "Looking for someone to teach me the sword."
"You want me to teach you the sword?"
"Yes." He was astonished. "You'll be rewarded." An grin spread across his face. I didn't like it, but I let it pass.
"When do we start?"
"Tomorrow night, two o'clock?"
"Deal." And we shook hands. Foolish boy.
My lessons went well. He was a good teacher and I was a quick student. Within four months I beat him. Time, too, because the uneasiness was flaring.
"What about my left hand?" I asked him after our training.
"What about it?"
"Teach me." I said with a wink.
And he taught me.
Within one year I beat him with both hands. It was time for payment. And I didn't like the greedy look in his eyes. I needed to escape. And not just from him. The job of taking care of everybody too poor to be able to afford a doctor I took over from Kira when she passed away, had become more secretive. Witches weren't accepted, and I counted as one.
As usual I was watching the ships roll in. Some sort of triumph was going on. At dawn the hanging of some pirate was scheduled. I knew all hell would break loose. It was one of those turning points. But a pirate gave opportunities, too.
He was placed in the brig, awaiting the gallows. It'd certainly be interesting talking to him.
I walked down the jail, carefully making sure nobody saw me. As I was wearing man's clothing, that was no difficult.
"Good evening, Mr. …?"
"Captain, luv. Captain Jack Sparrow." I could hardly believe it. I had read or heard all his stories, and yet here he was, placed in the jail of Port Royal, awaiting the noose.
"Well, good evening then, Captain Sparrow."
"Good Evening, luv."
I couldn't help but notice he was quite handsome. He wore knee-length boots, a white (or, well, not so white anymore) shirt with the buttons undone, and a red bandana around his head, with atop it his hat.
"What brings you here on this hour?" he asked. Very polite.
"You. I am wondering if it brings me profit to free you."
"Good luck, the key's run off." He said with sarcasm.
"I am not in need of keys. But then again, what profit is in it for me to save you?"
He thought about that.
"S'pose that depends on what you be wanting."
"I want something lingering. So teach me how to sail. Nobody can take wisdom away."
He lifted an eyebrow. He probably thought I was nuts.
"Deal." And we shook hands. For a brief moment I wondered if it was wise. But he was my only way out. And I his.
"Now. Get me out."
I looked at the hinges. Half-barrel hinges.
"Leverage." I took one of the benches, and placed it on the doors, heaving them out of their hinges.
"Quick. Somebody must have heard that." I said.
"Not without me affects!"