Naruto managed to turn Sauske back to the side of good. Unfortunately, he was still a rouge ninja. He must help the village for five years before they will consider letting him back in. Sakura, who still love Sauske, is willing to do anything to get him back in the village as a ninja. This is how her story goes.

Bleeding Heart

I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. Maybe I should train. I didn't need extra hours of practicing my medical ninjutsu. I was the best chunin at it.

Just the other day, Ino and I were reviving dying deer. Ino managed to get hers to almost full health, while I revived it completely. I even finished off Ino's when she left. Was I a show off? No; or at least I didn't think so. I decided to go practice with my shrunken. I couldn't afford to get rusty.

I headed off towards the forest. I would have to return quickly; Lady Tsunade would wonder where I was. I reached the edge of the forest. This wasn't the Forest of Death; no, it was just a forest. This is where I trained. I was about to pull out my shuriken, when I heard a noise. "Who's there!" I called.

"Don't worry, Sakura." I heard a voice say.

I immediately knew it was Sauske. "Sauske." I breathed, "It's you. Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Don't freak out so easily," he replied.

"What ever," I said as I pulled out my shuriken and started practice.

Sauske disappeard deeper into the forest.

"It's getting light out..." I noted as the sun started to show over the mountains. "Sauske! You should get going!" He wasn't allowed within ten miles of Konaha. If he got caught anywhere near, it would be on my head.

"Right." I heard Sauske say. I heard him leaving further.

I felt bad for him; being all alone. I sighed and headed back towards the village. Would I ever tell Sauske how I felt? I wasn't the obnoxious little brat of a girl I used to be. He didn't mind sharing practice grounds with me. For now, that would have to be enough.