Yeah, another Stein X Soul! It is the sequel to Un-cool Detention for those who are asking. I finally typed it! All for those Anime Boston People, yes I'm going, so see if you can find me (April 2011). I can't wait! I'm most likely going for the whole weekend. I'm not sure yet of who I'm going to be, so don't ask XP… ok, lets get to the point at hand:

Disclaimer: Love to, but don't own

Warning: smut/lemon so enjoy or else

Yours truly, Mizukaze Nari (Debbie) =^-^=

Soul patiently waited for the bell to ring. Cass was going to be over and then another so called detention session with Stein. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as thoughts ran through his mind. Finally when the bell rang, Stein glanced up at Soul, which made his stomach jump.

"Bye, I'll see you at the apartment, Soul!" Maka called up to him as she ran out. Once the last of the students left, Stein walked over to the door and locked it. He closed the shades of the windows and dimmed the lights to his liking.

When he turned around, he found Soul sitting on his desk. Stein walked over to Soul; who had his hands set behind him to hold himself up. Stein smirked and set his hands on either side of Soul; his lips now inches away from the younger.

"You seem so relaxed today." Stein said as Soul's blush crossed his face. "I like it." He crashed his lips upon Soul's. Soul felt Stein's tongue at his cerise, so he parted his lips and invited him in. The passionate kiss turned into a hard and frantic one in seconds.

A slight satisfaction moan came from the white haired boy's throat. Stein moaned back, then he trailed his kisses down to Soul's neck to receive more moans. Soul gave up on holding himself up and wrapped his arms around Stein's neck as Stein made a new mark.

Stein teasingly stroked at Soul's cloth covered growing member. The scientist smirked when he heard his lover's breathing grow more erotic. "S-S-St-ei-IN." Soul stuttered out. Stein smirked again and started grinding his cloth-covered member between the younger's thighs. As he gradually did this, Stein started to discloth his lover.

Soul shivered once cold air hit his bare chest. Unconsciously, he cuddled up against Stein's chest for warmth. He felt Stein's arms wrap around him and nuzzled his face into white hair. Soul looked up at him, lovingly.

HE reached up and took off the scientist glasses and laid them on the desk. "You look cooler without them." Soul smiled, and then kissed Stein. Soul slid his hands under Stein's shirt and stroked his chest. The younger moved his lips to the scientist's neck and lightly nibbled on the sensitive skin, which eared him a moan from his lover.

"Soul…" Stein moaned. Soul let go for a slight moment to remove Stein's lab coat and shirt reveling his bare chest, and then continued to make a mark on Stein's neck. As Soul did this, Stein worked on Soul's pants, lifted him up slightly to tug at them, and let them -including the boxers- fall to the floor.

Stein finally took off the rest of his clothing as Soul trailed his lips down his chest and to his lower stomach. Soul looked down, blushing, then looked back up at Stein. He pushed Stein a few inches back so he could stand and then kneeled down. He took hold of Stein's waist and leaned his head forward.

Soul wrapped his mouth around the tip of the scientist's erection and started to lick it. Stein let out a sudden gasp of pleasure and laid his hand on Soul's soft-white hair. After earning more moans from Stein, Soul engulfed as much of his lover's length as he could. Stein moaned more and thrusts into Soul's wet-casernes mouth. Soul wrapped his tongue around the hard erection continuous times before Stein started to lose his patients.

He forced Soul back onto his desk. Soul's eyes widened from the sudden force of action. He then realized Stein's erection was right at his entrance. Soul screeched as Stein thrusts his length fully into Soul without warning. Stein continued to thrust into Soul's tight entrance hard and fast immediately which made his lover gasp in pain until he finally hit the sweet spot.

Soul moaned in pleasure as he frantically searched for something to grasp onto, then finally wrapped his arms around Stein's neck and pulled at his hair. "Ah…S-Stein…F-faster…FASTER!" The scientist did as he was told and pounded into Soul faster and harder feeling his climax coming around the corner.

Sweat rolled down Stein's forehead and dripped onto Soul's face. Stein leaned down and kissed Soul's parted lips before he finally came. Soul flung his head back. Stein quickly covered Soul's mouth in time so his lover could scream in pleasure. Once he finished, Stein pulled out of Soul and collapsed on top of him.

He listened to his young lover's heartbeat in a fast pace and heard him breathe harshly. Soul wrapped his arms tightly around the scientist and kissed him sweetly on the forehead. Stein, unconsciously, reached up to the screw in his head and put it back in place, but Soul beat him to it. Once it clicked, Stein leaned up and kissed his lover passionately.

"I love you, Soul." Stein whispered. Soul smiled when he heard his name.

"I love you, too, Stein." Soul whispered back.

Please let me know if you want me to post the third one (I do have it). I will post it after at the least 10 comments (1 comment per user. Don't make another one just to post more:) So…I'll be looking forward to the many comments. – Mizukaze Nari (Debbie)