Hey y'all… This is the epilogue of 'Be My Tutor', Seriously and strongly suggest everybody to read that whole story and the one-shot first before touching this, or else you won't be understanding this ending… I wrote it pretty short, nothing much to explain, only their future life.

Nothing belongs to me except the plot and extra characters.

Never Cease To Be My Tutor

"And, and?"

"Then…" Theodore waved his fingers in front of the three years old, "I crushed Ellie's body!" He exclaimed drastically as the child gasped with horror.

"Why?" The boy asked curiously, tilting his body in front to listen to the green-clad chipmunk's past.

"Well…" Theodore looked up as he tapped his chin twice, "I don't want my family to find out Ellie died in that horrible way," He shrugged to the three years old. "Beaten by those naughty kids." He laughed awkwardly. At least they continued to believe that Ellie was only missing…

"Whoa…" The eyes of the three years old widened on their own, "Dad, you seemed to be Mr. Utterson in the story, 'Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'." He giggled lightly, "Protecting your friend's honour." He explained innocently with a grin.

"Yeah," Theodore made some hand gestures, trying to say something relevant. "I get that a lot from your mum." He admitted sheepishly.

"Erm…" The child squirmed slightly in his blanket, moving from one side to another, taking a good view of his father. "How did you meet mum?" He asked curiously as he clutched the toy bear tighter to his embrace.

Theodore raised an eyebrow at that, "We're in a hotel for performances and…"

"No, not that." The three years old shook his head negatively as Theodore was slightly taken aback by his action. "As in…" The kid made hand gestures as Theodore's gaze followed everywhere. "How did you fall in love?" He asked with a blush.

Theodore gulped nervously, "Yo…Your mum was bad with a subject…" He stuttered slightly, thinking back to the time when his wife was still dating with his brother. "And I became her tutor." He said slowly with an awkward shrug.

"Tutor?" The child hopped slightly in his bed, excitingly. "Is that a job to fall in love?" He guessed innocently.

Theodore chuckled, "You can say that." He stated simply as he ruffled the hair of the three years old. "I was a 'special' tutor." He emphasized the word as he wiggled his eyebrows. "I taught your mum a lot of things." He recalled what had happened in the past.

"Like…?" The child questioned, wanting his father to fill in the blank.

It was almost bedtime, but Theodore and his cute-three years old son was sitting on the latter's bed, talking about Theodore's past as he child laid under blanket, excited to listen to his father's tales.

"Thomas?" The child's ear twitched as he heard the voice, "It's bed time already." Eleanor showed up at the entrance of the kid's room as she walked in slowly, wearing a spring-green robe. "Go to bed." She ordered kindly.

"But mum!" Thomas whined pleadingly, "I want to stay with dad longer!" He pouted unhappily, making his baby fat to scrunch up in a chubby way.

"Technically," Theodore spoke up as the two turned their attention to him, "He's in the bed already." He said simply as the three years old was nodding his head non-stop.

"Teddy…" Eleanor rolled her eyes playfully as her husband gave her a sheepish shrug, "We're not encouraging him to stay up longer." She sauntered to the side of the child's bed, "We have to attend your Uncle Alvin and Aunt Brittany's wedding tomorrow." She stated as she tucked her son into the bed. "Get some rest." She kissed the forehead of the three years old.

"Is it normal for couples to marry at twenty years old?" Thomas asked innocently as he snuggled up with his pillow.

"Oh, you have no idea…" Theodore muttered softly as Eleanor gave him a brief glare, nudging her husband. Sorry. Theodore mouthed embarrassingly to his wife.

"Sleep well…" Eleanor said softly as she walked from the door as she switched off the light, followed by Theodore who was walking behind her. Just before Theodore closed the door, he smirked slightly and turned back to the room, "And dream Susie." He winked at the blushing three years old.

Eleanor giggled sweetly, "Come on…" She pulled her husband out from their son's room, "Don't tease him about his crush." She said while laughing a little.

"I can't help it," Theodore said while shaking his head a little, "Thomas reminds a lot of me." He admitted as Eleanor embraced him slowly, throwing her arms around his neck.

"He looks just like you, huh?" Eleanor kissed his cheek quickly, "Sweet and kind…" She said dreamily.

"But Thomas has your eyes," Theodore cupped his wife's cheek with his right palm, "Beautiful hazel brown…" He said in a poetic tone.

Eleanor simply giggled as she pulled back from their hug and walked slowly to the master bedroom. "What were you telling Thomas just now?" She asked casually as her husband entered their room first, "Your 'amazing Ellie' again?" She teased slightly as she closed the door and locked it.

"Uh-huh." Theodore replied in a juvenile way as he pranced slowly to the giant bed. "Thomas never gets tired of it." He stated with a chuckle as he sat down on the side of the bed.

"I was shocked too when I heard that story about your promise…" Eleanor admitted as she spun to face the green-clad chipmunk, "Especially when your diary-"

"Wait," Theodore's head snapped up in realization, "You read my diary?" He asked unbelievably as his wife blushed really red and fiddled her slippers, not answering his question. (Refer to 'Be My Tutor' chapter 13.)

"Oh man!" Theodore slapped his forehead as he found out the truth, "And we're married for three years!" He exclaimed while spreading his arms widely and closed his eyes.

"Don't be angry…" Eleanor said softly as she too, sat beside the slightly upset chipmunk. "It was really tempting." She admitted sheepishly with a blush.

"When did you read it?" Theodore opened his right eye and threw a glance at his wife, curious of her past year action.

"You know…" Eleanor squirmed uncomfortably, not wanting to talk about the subject. "Before the day we had the soccer competition…" She confessed quietly.

"Oh…" Theodore agreed as his mouth formed an 'O' shape, "A lot happened at that time," He shrugged, "Like the time when we got carried away after our graduation…" He whispered as he pointed at Thomas' bedroom. "Seriously got carried away." He emphasized the last sentence while nodding his head.

Eleanor slapped his arm playfully, "Miss Miller scolded me!" She pouted cutely and put her palms on her hips. "She was kinda disappointed with me." Eleanor frowned slightly at the thought of her caretaker, thinking about her unhappy leaving at the funeral a few years ago. "The only one to have teen-pregnancy…" She smirked slightly, And we got married… She thought sadly, frowning as she looked down to the tiled floor.

Immediately, Theodore saw the same expression on Eleanor face. "I told you plenty of times…" He put an arm around her shoulder, comforting her soothingly. "I married you isn't just because of Thomas…" He spoke softly, concern and sincerity instilled in his tone.

"It's merely because I love you…" He reached out his index finger, touching gently where her heart was positioned as she smiled a little.

"Thomas simply fastened the time." Theodore stated sweetly, landing his palm on Eleanor's thigh as he stroked her fur affectionately. They sat there silently, enjoying each other's presence as they were contented with what has happened in the past.

"And it's because of you." Eleanor snapped her head up in a sudden manner, directing the statement at his husband.

"Me?" He raised his eyebrows.

Eleanor put his palm on hers which was resting on her thigh, "You're too cute to resist…" She giggled as she rolled her eyes, slightly embarrassed to say the truth.

Theodore laughed as he decided to stop teasing the chipette, "So many miracles happened…" He smiled to himself as he remembered the past occasion.

"That reminds me of your German test," Eleanor started timidly as she stood up, "How did it…" She trailed off as she paced in the room.

"Miracle again," Theodore chuckled to himself, "When I passed up the half-written essay," He threw his arms up dramatically. "I passed with an exact mark!" He released a deep breath, "Is that lucky or what?" He asked no one.

"After you had decided to be my tutor…" Eleanor sighed softly as she turned her body to her husband, "So much had changed in a few years…" She smiled sweetly which her husband replied with another sweet grin.

"Well," Theodore cleared his throat after he yawned as he covered his mouth with his palm, "Let's get some shut eye." He announced to the whole bedroom.

Before he could even crawl into the bed, Eleanor climbed up on him as she wrapped her legs around his waist, making his eyes to grow big as ping-pong balls. "Since your German passed…" Eleanor traced the outline of Theodore's chest seductively as she fluttered her eyelashes cutely, "Can you be my tutor again?" She asked as she pressed her face against him, using her nose to nuzzle his.

"On what?" Theodore was slightly confused of his sudden-seductive wife.

Eleanor leaned in closer before whispering, "Liebe Mich." And with that, both of them smiled because they had made sure that they had found their true love.

'Liebe Mich' actually means 'Make love to me', Lol. But I won't write the full details since this is a 'T' rated story, not 'M', please take note of that… Even though teen-pregnancy happened in their relationship, considering their sweet attitude and feelings, they probably still have a stable relationship throughout the years, that's from my point of view anyway. It's official, this story is seriously ended, even with the epilogue! Wait for my next story, 'Our Summer House' and remind yourself that my stories always starts with irrelevant stuffs, only mid-way will the fluffs and conflicts come in.

Main theme of this story- No matter how wrong you are or how much people are against with you, with true love, everyone can overcome anything and god will bless your relationship, no matter what. (Apply this in your life, it's for your own good.)

Please review and tell me your opinions. Sad though, BraveTheElement, I really wish you could stay here. Maybe you're working on the original works, but I wish you could visit or come back to us every once awhile.

From-Pancakez (The wrong spelling should be decreased more by now, I'm going to re-check it before I post.)