I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You. Reviews are my Fuel.

Please Donate

By Waterrain

Arthur sighed heavily and shook his head for Alfred looked too happy for a person that will be giving blood.

"Heh, I'll be a hero for donating blood." Alfred commented cheerfully and he gave Arthur a thumbs up.

"You say that every single time you donate blood." Arthur stated flatly and he rolled his eyes.

"One pint of blood can save up to three people." Alfred told him in a matter fact voice and then smiled brightly at Arthur.

"I know Alfred." Arthur muttered and he sighed heavily to himself.

"Why don't you donate blood too?" Alfred asked innocently and then he looked at Arthur with big blue eyes.

"No. Just no." Arthur said firmly and he glared at Alfred.

"Come on, Arthur. I won't laugh at you for fainting." Alfred commented lightly and he grinned at him. "I really mean it this time."

"No." Arthur told him and then sighed for Alfred was giving him the puppy dog eyes while sticking out his lower lip.

"Please I want you to be a hero too." Alfred said in a sulkily voice and he looked at Arthur with pleading eyes. "I have donated my blood a couple of times and it is a wonderful feeling knowing my blood could save someone."

"I would rather not." Arthur stated flatly and he rolled his eyes in annoyance for Alfred is stubborn.

"I'll let you go further with me, Arthur." Alfred commented cheerfully and Arthur's cheeks turned red. "I think it will make you feel really happy and good."

"Alfred, You can be so shameless and we are in public." Arthur said in embarrassed voice and his cheeks felt as if they were burning.

"I'll let you kiss me with tongue." Alfred told him in a serious, but yet flirty manner and he grinned cheerfully at Arthur. "Isn't that an epic and awesome upgrade?"

"Not much of an upgrade." Arthur muttered to himself and he sighed heavily while looking up at the white ceiling.

"Please Arthur I want you to be a hero too." Alfred said to calmly and he watched as Arthur rolled his eyes.

"You can be the hero for both of us." Arthur stated flatly and his arms were firmly crossed.

"Heh, You are so lazy." Alfred told him slowly and then he smiled brightly.

"Alfred." Arthur started to say, but then broke off and shook his head to himself.

"Arthur please donate blood and I won't laugh this time when you faint." Alfred said to him and then looked at him with wide eyes. "I really mean it this time."

'I might giggle, but this time I won't laugh loudly.' Alfred thought to himself and he looked at Arthur with innocent eyes. 'I never said I wouldn't giggle.'

"You assume I would faint?" Arthur asked slowly and he felt irritated Alfred would assume.

"Yep." Alfred commented cheerfully and then he laughed for Arthur was trying to glare at him, but it was not working.

"Bloody hell Alfred. Fine I will donate some blood." Arthur said in an annoyed voice and his arms were crossed in irritation. "I'm not going to bloody faint."

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