A/N: This chapter is the final one….basically because I don't know what else to write….lame, I know, but it is the truth. My muse, whoever or whatever it is, has abandoned me re this tale. Many thanks to those who read and reviewed. I hope the ending is satisfying enough.

After Dark

Part 10

The night was moonless and warm; a thick blanket of clouds cluttered the sky and helped keep the heat of the day from escaping. Mai jumped nimbly onto her front porch and then ran down the staircase. It seemed like forever since she'd been on one of her nighttime jaunts and she was excited. The fact that her Uncle Katashi knew about her visits to the seedy, unseen part of the capitol city did take away a bit of the thrill, though. It wasn't completely secret any more. Sure, Ibaraki had known earlier, but he wasn't close to her, so his knowledge didn't count.

She wore a plain red skirt over black leggings and a loose tunic of red and gold, finally opting for the brighter colours that everyone in the underbelly of the capitol wore. There was no sense in standing out; it only brought her trouble. And her age and knife throwing ability were unusual enough.

Though the night was mild, she brought along her dark cloak. It hung limply from her shoulders in the breezeless night. A tiny drawstring bag containing a few gold pieces hung from her belt and all of her knives were in place. The criminal element was rampant in the dark part of the capitol and Mai needed to be ready for anything. Her uncle's words rang very clearly in her mind. She wouldn't disappoint him.

She jogged quickly through the city, sticking close to the shadows, and arrived at the alley by the bookstore a quarter of an hour later. Taking a deep breath, Mai headed down the dark passageway. She stood and observed for a few minutes before diving into the thick of things.

There was a fight going on in front of the brothel. Mai couldn't see anything for the crowd gathered around, but she could hear the sound of fists colliding with flesh and the shouts of the people grew more raucous by the second. Curious the black haired girl pushed her way through the throng and earned herself more than a few dirty looks. She kept one hand on a knife, caressing the handle that was worn smooth from her fingers.

As she got closer to the action, the voices of the fighters became clearer. Mai recognized them both; Ibaraki and his oldest son, Shinji, were the ones throwing punches. She went back the way she had come and then skirted her way around the crowd looking for a secluded vantage point from which to watch. The building next door provided one.

"Bastard!" Shinji spat violently as he swung at his father.

"You've got no business being here," Kano shot back with equal venom. "Mind your own damn business."

He grabbed Shinji's fist and pushed back on it. The seventeen year old winced but reached out with his other hand, grabbing a fistful of his father's tunic and pulling as hard as he could. Father and son were only inches apart now. The atmosphere was tense and Mai unconsciously held her breath.

"You're cheating on Mom," the young man screamed. "You're cheating on all of us. Did you think I wouldn't find out? I'm not stupid you know and I'm not a little kid anymore. I've heard you leave for months. Tonight I finally decided to follow you."

"Your place is at home, boy, not keeping tabs on me."

Kano was breathing heavily and a thin trickle of blood ran down his cheek from the corner of his eye. Shinji looked worse. Drying blood edged his nostrils and made a blurry streak across his lips and down onto his chin. One eye was puffy looking and there was a deep cut on his cheek. The young man's eyes were wild looking; rage and pain practically radiated from him.

"Why are you doing this?" Shinji asked mournfully. "Why? Aren't we enough for you?"

The nobleman gave his son a shove and looked across at him disdainfully.

"Grow up," he roared.

"Wh, what?" Shinji spluttered. "I have grown up. But you haven't. I need to tell Mom what you're doing."

"Oh no you don't," Kano said with a vicious grin. "I already stopped that little bitch from telling; you're not going to ruin things for me. Your mother doesn't want to know the truth. Leave her be. She's happy."

Mai's eyes widened. "Bitch?" she repeated.

The crowd, filled with men, women, merchants, prostitutes, thieves and gamblers was transfixed by the scene. They had gone from cheering and jeering to almost complete silence.

"Who are you talking about?" Shinji asked.

"That doesn't matter," the man replied and Mai breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't need someone else knowing she visited here. Honestly, Mai wondered if her trips were worth it anymore. She watched as Shinji, looking defeated now, backed away from his father and toward the tavern next door. He walked right by her. Mai could have touched his arm. Part of her wanted too. Shinji knew what she knew. Instead, she let her eyes follow him as he walked dejectedly homeward.

"Shinji," Kano called. "I'm not done with you yet."

Father ran after son. He grabbed the young man roughly and pushed him into the gritty stone of the alley's wall. Mai stopped looking.

"Did you hear the news?" Mai's mother asked her the next morning over breakfast.

"I just got up, Mom, so….no."

Masami looked positively gleeful. She took a dainty bite of her eggs and then proceeded to tell the tale.

"I heard from Saya who makes dresses for Taji Ibaraki, she was here to take a quick measurement very early, that Kano and Shinji got into a terrible fight with each other last night. Apparently there was blood everywhere and broken bones. Taji is terribly upset; that poor woman."

"But she has three sons," Mai retorted smartly. "Her life should be perfect."

Masami gave her daughter a look that could wither plants.

"I wonder what they were fighting about. Maybe Shinji's been seeing a girl other than the one he's betrothed to?"

Mai bit the inside of her mouth to stop from laughing. Her mother had the wrong one seeing women on the side. It really wasn't a funny situation, though. The whole thing made Mai ill.

"Who cares?" Mai said in a dull tone.

"I do. Taji's my friend."

"Really?" Mai asked.

"Of course, Mai; what is wrong with you?"

"Nothing; I'll be spending the day at the palace. Azula's invited me over."

"That's wonderful. What will you do?"

"Whatever Azula tells us to," Mai replied dryly.

"You'll be home for dinner, then?"

"Yes, I'll be home for dinner," Mai sighed.

What she really wanted to do was curl up on her bed and sleep. Mai didn't want to see either the princess or Ty Lee, but she had no choice. Only severe illness was a good enough excuse to refuse Azula's invitation. For just a minute, Mai contemplated faking something. But she thought better of it; her ruse was bound to be discovered.

"That brunch was so much fun," Ty Lee declared as soon as Mai rounded the corner and stepped onto the green grass of the palace gardens. "Don't you think so, Mai?"

"Ty Lee," Azula began haughtily, "your standards are just low. That was not fun."

"Hmmmph," the acrobat sniffed. "You don't have to be so mean."

"Oh, get over it, Ty. You're too sensitive. Mai doesn't let anything bother her, right Mai?"

Mai wanted to go home already; well, not home but somewhere else. She wasn't in the mood for Azula's games and manipulations. And she did not want to be pitted against the acrobat. It was unusual for Ty Lee to defy Azula in any way. Mai wondered what was bothering the girl.

"Mai?" Azula repeated. "I asked you a question."

"Oh, um, I guess not," she said without any real conviction.

"Geez, sometimes I wonder why I bother with either of you two. Thank Agni you both have skills. I'm sure that I'll need them one day."

'Nothing like feeling wanted,' Mai said to herself.

"I'm sure we can help you, Azula," Ty Lee stated, her voice bright and cheerful again. "The three of us will be able to take on anyone."

"It won't be for awhile. Father doesn't thing I'm old enough yet. I don't know what age has to do with it. I'm smarter than any of his generals. My firebending is better than almost anyone's. He needs to give me a mission. I would take the two of you along."

"Wow, that sounds exciting, doesn't it, Mai?"

"Sure," Mai agreed halfheartedly.

The ebony haired girl imagined camping out near a battlefield or infiltrating the enemy via some dirty, disused path, forced to wear peasant disguises and not bathing for days at a time. She shuddered.

"So what are we doing today?" Ty Lee asked the princess.

"We're going to practice our skills. I want to see just how well each of you is doing."

Mai's mouth turned almost imperceptibly downward in a frown. She didn't like practicing or demonstrating anything in front of Azula. She was too critical, too cold in her analysis and often just plain cruel. Besides Mai's knife throwing was something special that she shared with only select people; Zuko and her uncle. Throwing at the competition during her first visit to the dark part of the city was her decision and that had been exhilarating. Other than that she practiced alone. It was her refuge. That was about to change, though.

"Ty Lee, we're going to find a servant for you to practice your chi blocking on. And Mai, that tree over there will do. Prepare yourself."

Azula wasn't kidding about the servant. Ten minutes later a man and a woman, in their middle years, fear in their eyes, walked behind the princess and Ty Lee and then stood awkwardly in the garden.

"Mai, I want you to watch Ty Lee too. Okay, Ty, go."

"What if I hurt them, Azula?" Ty Lee asked. "I'm not an expert yet."

"They're just servants," the princess reminded her.

The girl's grey eyes widened with surprise.

"But I don't want to hurt anyone," she insisted.

"Do it, Ty Lee," Azula ordered.

The acrobat and chi blocker cart wheeled over to woman, made a few quick, well placed jabs with her fingers and they watched as the servant dropped to the ground, unable to move. Her eyes were terrified now and the male servant knelt beside her, gently slapping her cheeks.

"She's fine, you imbecile," Azula said coldly, "Back away from her."

"Yes, Princess," he said obediently.

"Now, do it to him but hit different spots this time."

Ty Lee went into action and incapacitated the man, hitting an entirely different series of pressure points. He dropped like a stone beside the woman. His eyes darted around frantically. The chi blocker dropped down to her knees and checked the pair, concern on her face. Satisfied that they were fine she got up and looked over to Azula.

"Well done," the princess praised her. "Impressive, don't you think, Mai?"

"Sure," Mai replied.

"Now it's your turn. Hmmm, how about we put an apple on Ty Lee's head and get her to stand in front of the tree."

Mai was confident in her abilities but had never thrown a knife with an actual human being there as a prop. She swallowed hard and began to protest.

"I'd rather just throw at the tree, or one of the apples that's hanging from a branch," she stated.

"It's an order, Mai, and Ty Lee doesn't mind, do you, Ty?"

"Of course not; I'm sure Mai won't hurt me."

Mai looked closely at her friend and noticed the tension in her shoulders and her tightly clenched fists.

"Great," Mai muttered sarcastically and then took a deep breath.

She tried to focus on just the apple, not Ty Lee's trembling lip or frightened eyes. Breathing in again, she selected a blade from her arsenal. Once the knife was in her hand, the old familiar movements and routine took over. She aimed and let the blade fly. It neatly pierced the red apple and Ty Lee sighed heavily with relief.

"Wow, Mai, that was awesome!" she exclaimed and moved away from the tree.

"Mai's not done yet," Azula stated calmly. "I want her to try from further back. Get another apple."

"But….." Ty Lee began.

"Are you afraid?" the princess asked with a sneer.

"Yes," the girl replied, tugging on her long braid.

"Fine, just one more then; Mai stand back there."

'Back there' was a good three or four body lengths further away. A dull anger bloomed inside Mai. Sometimes she really hated the princess.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I don't think it's a good idea," Mai declared.

"I don't care what you think. You will do as I say. How can you be my trusted followers if you don't obey me? I can make your family suffer, you know. All it will take is one word to my father."

The princess stood with her hands on her hips, and authoritative look on her face. She tossed her head and her ponytail bounced merrily back and forth. Mai knew that Azula was more than capable of following through on her threats. She felt weak for not protesting more, but swallowed down that bitterness and threw quickly and efficiently. The apple split in half, one piece bouncing off Ty Lee's head and the other falling straight to the ground.

"I knew you could do it," Ty Lee exclaimed.

The relief the girl felt was obvious in both her posture and her expression. Mai felt it herself.

"Are we done now?" Mai asked.

Azula looked over at the servants still splayed out on the ground unmoving. Then she looked at the fallen apple with its neat incision.

"I suppose," she stated. "You both did well. But no more hesitation and Mai, I think your movements could be a little bit smoother."

The black haired girl fought hard to keep her mask of indifference in place and bit back the smart remark that had come to her immediately. What did Azula know about knife throwing? Mai never presumed to give the princess tips on firebending forms. Silently seething, she retrieved her knife, wiped it off and slipped it back into place.

They wandered the palace after lunch, Azula leading the way. The princess sneaked a peek at the Fire Lord's private office but even she didn't dare go inside.

"Hmm, I wonder where Father is. There are no meetings today and cook said he hasn't taken lunch yet."

"Wherever he is, I'm sure he's doing something very important," Ty Lee stated.

Mai just shrugged. She really didn't care where the man was. She had no love for him, Fire Lord or not.

"Let's go to my room, then. I found an interesting book at the library the other day."

"Oooh, what kind of book is it?" Ty Lee asked, even though she was never one for reading.

"You'll see," Azula replied mysteriously.

They continued down the corridors, going further and further into the inner sanctum of the royal home. Many of the corridors were windowless and wall sconces were always lit to guide the way. Their shadows flickered along the walls as they walked and the girls all grew quiet.

"I hear my father's voice," Azula declared.

She pulled them into an alcove and they flattened themselves against the wall.

"Why are we hiding?" Ty Lee asked.

"I want to spy on him," the princess hissed and gave the acrobat a hard look.

"Oh," she replied softly and then put a finger over her lips.

Ozai wasn't alone. Keiko Tanaki accompanied him down the hallway. She was dressed elegantly and wore a smug smile on her face. The Fire Lord's voice sounded surprisingly dulcet. He looked over at Keiko every few seconds, clearly appreciating the shape of her body underneath the fine silks.

Azula frowned as she watched them walk by.

"Isn't that Mrs. Tanaki?" Ty Lee asked.

"Yes, it is. What is she doing here?" Azula replied sharply.

Mai knew but said nothing.

"Let's follow them," the princess added.

Down the hall they went, staying a safe distance back. They watched as the couple entered the Fire Lord's private chambers. Daringly, the princess moved forward and pressed her ear to the huge double doors.

"Come on," she beckoned with her hand.

Mai held back. She knew exactly what Ozai and the very married Mrs. Tanaki were doing behind those closed doors. She didn't need to hear it. Azula backed away after a few minutes.

"Let's go," she ordered sharply.

"What about that book, Azula?" Ty Lee asked. "And what was going on in there?"

"Forget the book and nothing," the princess replied.

Mai stole a glance at the normally collected girl. She seemed irritated and, strangely enough, disappointed. There were cracks in the princess after all.

Later that night, Mai read in her room by candlelight. She enjoyed the dancing of the light across the pages and the shadows that moved along with her, skittering their way across her walls. She felt calm in the near dark, relaxed and at ease.

Mai made a decision as she scanned the pages quickly. She'd had enough of the darkness within the darkness. Despite that, she was grateful for her knowledge. She had always suspected that something lurked beneath the perfectly coiffed façade of the nobility. There was no longer any doubt. She didn't have to revel in it, though. She could enjoy the darkness the way she used to.

Placing her book down on her bed, Mai blew out the candle. She tiptoed to her door and opened it carefully. All was quiet in the house. Even Tom-Tom slept. Mai crept down the stairs and strode silently through the house to the back door. She walked outside to the garden, opened the little gate, and headed straight for the solitary tree. Rubbing its bark, she whispered to it.

"You'll stay the same, even if you grow bigger, won't you?"