Nobody but Alex belongs to me. Everyone else belongs to J. R.R. Tolkien. You'd think that this statement wouldn't be necessary seeing as this is on , yeah?
Alexandria Cooper was a regular girl. She had average interests that were common for women the age of twenty three. She liked to hang out with her friends, who were also ordinary. She attended a University that was only marginally known. She enjoyed taking care of her neighbors dogs. The only thing she was really good at was art; even then Alex was no Michelangelo. She never did anything illegal, with the exception of having her license revoked for the mass of speeding tickets she had accumulated over the years. Alexandria was even average looking. She had a mass of red hair that curled when allowed to dry naturally. It always frizzed terribly when she allowed it to do so. Her eyes were forest green with flecks of gold in them and contrasted nicely with her ivory skin. Alex was short for a grown woman standing about five feet, five inches. She was good looking, but not a gorgeous beauty that the men desired, which also would explain her very short list of significant others. Her temper and sarcastic nature was a factor to the shortness of the list as well.
But Alex was a regular girl, so she couldn't understand why she was in the predicament she was in. Why was this happening to her?
That morning she woke, to the shriek of the alarm clock and the routine of her morning went on as per usual. Coffee, black; toast, slightly burnt; leaving for class, five minutes late; It was the kind of morning she had every single day. But somehow that morning went wrong and she ended up smeared all over the road, pain beating like a war drum against her bones. What had she done wrong?
Alex groaned smacking the snooze button again, fatigue encompassing her body and tempting her back to the realm of sleep. She had been having such a good dream too… Her hand smacked the corner of her bed, biting deep into her skin as her arm dropped. She jumped from her bed with a pained shriek and tumbled off the other side in a heap.
"Mother F-" she cursed, stopping short as she looked at the clock on her bedside table.
"Oh crap, oh no!" she yelled, tripping and stumbling her way out of the sheets, "I'm so late!" Alex ran into the kitchen, still in her PJs, slammed a piece of bread in the toaster and poured herself a cup of coffee from the pot. She drank it, wincing at the strong flavor, but she didn't have the time to put in the creamer it needed. Alex rushed back to her bedroom after putting the cup of coffee on the counter, and pulled on her outfit for the day. Her usual slightly ripped jeans and a tight fighting black band tee, which had a skull with wings on it. Avenged 7X blazed across the back in gold lettering. She tousled her hair slightly after raking a stiff brush through it. Today it would just have to stay curly, she had no time to straighten the massively thick mane.
As she swiped on mascara and put the finishing touches on her eyeliner, a pungent smell wafted past her nose. Alex sniffed and then her green eyes flew open.
"Shit! The toast!" She yelped and dashed back out to the kitchen and yanked the slightly burnt toast from the toaster, sighing in relief at its salvageable state. She scraped the really burnt parts off, leaving a pile of charcoal matter on her counter. Bolting down the toast and using the black coffee to chase it down, she grabbed her backpack and headed out the door, glancing at the clock on the wall as she slipped on her flip flops.
She was five minutes late to her class. Again. Alex dashed out the door, stopping only to lock it behind her. She mixed with the crowds and made her way to school, shoving through the crowds of people. The sidewalk was abnormally busy. Alex sighed, running her fingers through her hair, making sure to scrape her blue sparkling fingernails against her scalp. She observed the eye-catching polish while picking dandruff and flecks of paint that was previously in her hair, out of her nails. Her jogging slowed to a halt as she came to a crosswalk that was blocked by several large men.
"Hey! Watch it!" a man yelled at her as she violently rammed through the blockade he made with his body.
"Then get the hell out of the way!" she yelled back, a sneer adorning her face. Fury etched across his face and she gave him a condescending look. The light behind her turned to green as she was engaged in the battle of nasty looks with the thug. Neither she nor he had noticed. They were too busy sneering at each other to notice. Alex scoffed and turned away, making it clear with her body language that this guy wasn't worth her time. She pulled her backpack around to the front so she could dig through it looking for her iPod. She unzipped the bag and groaned when she saw it wasn't even her school bag. It was her overnight bag she had neglected to unpack when she went on a trip to the beach three days ago. In it was three outfits that were folded haphazardly, a pair of moccasins, her sketch book and art supplies, and her iPod. Alex sighed and scratched her forehead in irritation. This day just couldn't get any worse, she thought.
"Don't you turn your back on me, bitch." The man snarled from behind her and shoved her hard. Alex tripped over the curb in front of her and fell into the street. Fear clutched her heart in its icy talons as she saw a large pick-up truck coming her way. The only reaction she had time for was to widen her eyes in shock.
Pain shot up her arm and side as the truck slammed into her body sending her flying like a ragdoll across the road. She felt her bones shatter inside her, making her stomach lurch at the sickening crunching noise it made. The only thing she had heard similar to it was when her neighbor's dog had been chewing delightedly on a small rabbit's mangled body one day. The image of the blood of the rabbit and then the sight of a trail of blood as she slowed from the roll, that followed her body made her sick. She vomited in the street and choking as the motion caused pain to spark through her body. Pain coiled and curled up her abdomen and chest, making Alex breathe in short desperate gasps. She didn't want to die, there were so many things that she hadn't done yet. She couldn't die. The pain was connected to her heartbeat and with each painful thump; her body seemed to shake with agony. It was like being inside a large drum.
Her world began to fade at the edges, blurring her view of the sky with black.
"Oh my god, call 911, somebody please! Why the hell did you push her, man?" A voice yelled near her ear. Alex winced at the noise; even though it sounded muffled it still hurt her head.
'Why can't they shut up?' she thought grumpily, ' At least let me die in peace, you rat bastards."
Her vision blurred over fully and Alex exhaled for the last time.
Feedback is appreciated but not demanded. Flames are also welcome, if you feel that passionately that this sucks so much. Oh, it would be awesome if you readers kept an eye on Alex and let me know if she gets to be the dreaded Mary Sue character. I'm trying my best to keep her not from being one, cuz they're a cult you know, no lie. This is edited by me, so point out my mistakes.