ok, this is the other new teen tians story i was talking about, an if anyone would like to tell me where is doesn`t make much sence, tell me please, and enjoy

Chapter 1

Cyborg looked down on the sofa that his 'little sister' fell asleep on that night. He had the biggest grin possible on his face when he saw an infant, barley a year old, also asleep, on the girls' stomach.

The Titans were called out to the cliffs and the edge of Jump City. Dr. Light thought that would have been the perfect spot to get enough sunlight for his solar panel. He thought wrong, again, he chose a spot that they could see from their living room window.

It was movie night marathon and it was now 3 in the morning. And everyone, but Beast Boy – who was used to all-nighters – was tired and really wanted to go to bed.

When the fight had started, it was going pretty good, `till Dr. Light decided on throwing Raven off the cliff into the ocean.

Raven was now wide awake when she surfaced from the salty water. 'Oh, now you're going to get it' she thought. She was just about to go and give Dr. Light a piece of her mind when she spotted something, which something was, a basket. There was something in her told her to go over to the basket, so the only thing she could do was to obey her body. When she got over to the basket, her mind snapped when she saw an infant's body wrapped in a blanket. Instantly she pulled the basket to herself and wrapped her arms around it then levated up to her friends.

Robin was worried 'cause Raven hadn't come up yet, but at the same time Dr. Light had gotten away. When he spotted Raven the first thing that came to his mind was that she was carrying a basket.

"Friend Raven, what is it that you are carrying?" asked an overly happy alien.

"Its... um... a..." she started. By this time Starfire was in front of Raven towering over her by a foot.

"Oh! It's a baby!" said Starfire.

"What!" The boys freaked.

They all rushed over to Raven as she sets down the basket on the ground. By the time the boys got over to her that when the infant decided it was time to wake up. And considering the five strangers gathered around it was very quite... that was 'till Starfire picked it up. Then is started screaming, crying, and calling for its 'mama'. Starfire, knowing 'mamas' can only be female shoved the infant to Raven, instantly shutting up once in Ravens arms.

"Um, am I seeing this correctly?" asked Beast Boy who was scratching his head in confusement.

Cyborg, questioning his own answer, "Yep."

Cyborg silently called over the rest of the team who was eating their dinner. When the three made it to the couch, Beast Boy burst laughing, but at the same time stayed as quite as possible. Cyborg had no idea what he what he was laughing at, the fact that Raven is sleeping with the child or the fact that the child was using Raven's right breast as a pillow.

"Is it just I or has Friend Raven's garblaff grown?"

Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg just stared at Starfire.

"Garblaff, the Tammerainan word for the English word breast."

They all give her the 'ooooooh' look.

Robin randomly said after a few minutes of a nice silence, "You're right." Imminently he had a hand contact the back of his head.

"And how do you know this?"

ok, so i really hoped you liked it, please oh, please review!