Disclaimer: I still don't own Twilight, sadly!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Ours was a quiet one, but I like things quiet in RL! lol! So, this is it! I will be updating Running Home again soon, but my mom is coming to visit tomorrow so it won't be until after then since I don't get to see her that often. I'm stingy with my mommy time!



"Abby! Mommy is too fat to chase you!" Bella cried as she waddled across the living room where our daughter had decided to take Bella's laptop and run with it.

"Mine!" Abby giggled as she ran away.

"I hate the mine stage!" Bella huffed as she dropped next to me on the couch.

"Me too, babe, but what are we gonna' do?" I could see the anger in her brown eyes.

I was not known for being the disciplinarian around our house when it came to my little girl. She was just too damn cute to be in trouble.

"Sam Uley! I am seven months pregnant! WITH TWINS! Go and wrangle your daughter!"

I laughed and moved out of her way. Being pregnant with twins had made my usually docile wife cranky as hell. Our four-year-old daughter didn't do much to help the situation. She was cute as hell, but was every bit as mischievous and demanding as her daddy. I hoped, for Bella's sake that the twins had her disposition. Especially if I caved as easily to them as I did my Abby-girl.

"Hey, Abby-dabby! You're being awful mean to Mommy, you know?"

"I know!" She said proudly. Little devil.

"Why? Mommy loves you. Why would you want to be mean to her?"

"Cause she's gonna love da babies more dan me! Stupid babies!" She pouted with the lips that looked just like her mother's.

"No she won't! Mommies love their babies all the same. Plus, you're the big sister! Mommy is going to rely on you to help her. And…" I looked around conspicuously and made my voice into a whisper, "big sisters always get to tell the little ones what to do. You'll be the boss."

Her eyes lit up and I knew I shouldn't have done it. She was trouble enough without the help, but I figured it would pacify her enough that she wouldn't give Bella that hard of a time.

"Im'ma do skype wif Emmett and Rosie!"

As much as I hated the leeches having anything to do with my little girl, they had been determined to keep in touch with Bella one way or another. That big bastard was persistent as hell. Apparently Alice kept the royal leeches happy enough that they gave Bella a pass. As long as they didn't tell her what they were she was safe.

Most of their contact was through phone, email, and skype, but they made sure to send Abby presents every chance they got. And I knew that they were secretly close by incase Bella were to really need them. I was loathe to admit that I liked them, but it was hard not to like Emmett. The big lug was a lot of fun when he wasn't annoying the hell out of me.

"Abby-dabby!" Emmett's voice boomed through the screen and I realized she had already called them before I came to find her.

"Unca Emmy!" She cried, clapping her little hands.

"And Sam, you know Bella's gonne' have your ass when I tell her what you just told little bit!"

"You wouldn't dare!" I scolded, making him laugh louder.

"Oh, I would! My Jelly Belly needs to know what her hubby's up to!"

"Asshole," I muttered.

"Ooooooooh, Daddy said a bad word!" Abby cried. "Im'ma tell Momma!"

"It's not nice to tattle, Abby." I frowned at her.

"Uh-huh! Im'ma tell on yooooou!"

Little rat!

"So, Abby, what's my girl been up to lately?" Emmett interrupted with a wink.

"Im'ma be the boss of dose babies Momma has in her tummy! Daddy said so!"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Aunt Rosie!" Abby cried as Rose's form appeared behind Emmett.

"Hey, baby girl! You know what else your job is with the babies?"

Abby shook her head no.

"You have to love them and teach them how to be good. How would you feel if you were the little one and you had this cool big sister who was mean to you?"

"I'd be sad," she said with a pout.

"You'd want them to love you, right?" Rose asked.

"Uh-huh! And play wif me!" Abby cried.

"Well, then that's what you should do for them, right?" Rose smiled sweetly at her.

"Okay, but you will still send me more presents right?"

Emmett's boisterous laugh was infectious and we all joined in.

"And what are you all teaching my little girl?" Bella asked as she walked into the room.

"Nothing, little sister! How are you?" Emmett asked. I could see that he was looking her over to make sure she was healthy.

"I'm fat!" She pouted, making us all laugh.

"You look beautiful, babe," I told her honestly.

Nothing was prettier than her walking around with my children inside of her.

"Great, here they go," Emmett chided and began talking to Abby.

Bella gave me a look, telling me that she was wishing we had some time alone, but with Abby those moments had become few and far between. Especially since she had a tendency to crawl into our bed at any time of the night. We had become masters at getting laid with our clothes on incase she were to appear out of nowhere. Although with Bella being so heavily pregnant that was becoming harder and harder to do.

We spoke to Emmett and Rose a little while longer and they promised to call Bella soon. Rose wanted some girl time and it was decided that after the babies were born they'd get together in Seattle.

"Knock knock!"

"I didn't know your dad was coming over, babe."

Bella just smiled shyly and winked at me.

"Paw Paw!" Abby squealed as she ran through the house to see Charlie.

"Hey, Abby-dabby!" She jumped into his arms making him let out an oof.

"How would you like to go over to Uncle Billy's and see Jake and Angela?"

Jake had imprinted on a friend of Bella's during a night of sulking and drinking. She'd recognized him and decided to try and comfort him in some way. Their eyes met and that was it. The thought of imprinting still caused some sad feelings that went down deep in my soul, but Bella would always notice and break me out of it as only she could.

I never thought I would love someone again, after Emily, but Bella had wormed her way into my heart. It was imprint love, but a love of choice. I still had my moments, but Bella bore them with grace and a patience that I didn't deserve.

"And Bailey?" Abby asked.

Bailey was Jake and Angela's newborn baby and Abby thought she was a baby doll to play with.

"Yes, she'll be there, but you have to remember to be easy like I showed you, okay?"

"Okay, Paw Paw! Bye Mommy and Daddy!" She ran out of the house like her ass was on fire and climbed into Charlie's cruiser.

"Hey, baby girl," he said as he kissed Bella on the cheek.

"Hey, Daddy."

Their relationship had become stronger than it ever had been before she lost her memory, and I was glad for her. My relationship with Charlie had gotten better as well. He'd even walked her down the aisle at our small, intimate wedding. He still watched me sometimes, like he was waiting for me to change. I later found out that Jake had told him a little more about what had happened between Bella and I, and that was the reason for his hatred.

In the end he realized that his daughter was a grown woman and he had to let her make her own choices. I think he also realized how much I had grown to love her.

"Whatcha thinking about, baby?" Bella asked me a she kissed my chest.

"Just about how lucky I am and how much I love you."

"How about you come show me then?" She asked with a wink as she disappeared down the hall and into our bedroom.

The End!

So, I have to thank each and every one of you for sticking with me on this one! Some loved it and some hated it, but those of you who hung in there anyway… well, thank you! I loved every review, alert, and favorite that you have given me! You are all amazing!

See you all soon with some Running Home!