A/N So this is my second story. It's an absolute 180 from the first. Yes it is a slash piece, I hope you aren't offended. If you are please don't read. There is a bit of a twist though, so if you don't mind going off the regular Edward&Bella track, I think you might enjoy the reading. It is definitely lemony, but not until the fourth chapter. Please R&R to let me know how you feel about the story.

Stephenie Meyer is sole owner of Twilight. I just messed with her characters a bit.

Chapter 1

Taking the Step

Carlisle walked down the cold and empty alleyway toward the entrance to the bar. The wind was really picking up now and if he didn't feel such an overwhelming need he wouldn't have ventured out tonight. That he was out at all made him less than happy.

What would Esme think about where he was or what he was about to do? Carlisle hated keeping secrets, but he loved his wife too much to share his darker desires with her this night. As much as he fought, those desires could not be denied. Carlisle thought about his beautiful, loving, understanding mate. He thought about their six years of marriage. He thought about their struggles and Esme's support of him through medical school, both emotionally and financially. Carlisle had desperately tried to make their marriage work, to reciprocate the love that she had for him, but it left him incomplete. For six years he tried, but he just couldn't do it any longer. And, that was why he found himself here, now, about to jeopardize all that they had built together, all that they were and, all that they ever would be, in the hopes of finding that missing part of himself.

In the beginning he'd thought that their love would be enough, that he could change for Esme, that he could leave his other life behind him. He had even confessed to Esme, his activities during his last year of college, before proposing to her. She seemed glad for his openness and accepted his declaration that those feelings had fled long before they met. Esme dedicated herself to her husband in every way, determined to be all that he would ever need. How could Carlisle now tell her that she had failed? That he had failed?

Approaching the end of the alley Carlisle shivered. Instinctively he pulled his leather jacket closer to his body, flipping up the collar for added protection. Laughing sarcastically to himself, he realized that the chill was as much internal from his impending actions, as it was due to the weather. Moving to the far right of the alley, Carlisle rounded the corner and looked up, immediately focusing on the sign over the doorway of his intended destination. Gulping down a final wave of self loathing and disgust, Carlisle stepped through the dingy entrance of "The Men's Room."

The air inside sent a feeling of exhilaration and anticipation through him. He moved forward, committed to his resolution. Scanning the room quickly, he made his way to the bar and seated himself, hoping not to look too anxious. The bored looking bartender, clad in only a tight pair of jeans and leather vest, filled his drink order and left Carlisle to his own thoughts.

Looking over the club once again Carlisle noticed the bar was far from full. There were a few couples, each huddled together at their respective tables. A group of three much older men, at a table towards the back of the room, were leering at the one and only waiter (dressed identically to the bartender). Carlisle admitted to himself that the waiter was attractive, however a little too thin with a few too many tattoos and piercings for his taste.

There were a couple of tables where there was only one patron at each, but on closer inspection Carlisle decided that they were definitely not prospective candidates.

The first was so shabby and dirty that Carlisle was convinced that the man must be host to every sort of vermin and parasite in existence.

The other gentleman seemed very uncomfortable on the small wooden chair on which he sat. In fact, Carlisle wondered how the chair had kept from shattering under the weight of it's occupant. He must weigh over four hundred pounds, Carlisle thought to himself, shuddering. It wasn't that he was prejudiced against the obese. Large, overweight men could be quite attractive, even sexy, but... what if he had a heart attack and fell on me? I' d get squashed for sure! No, Carlisle didn't mind taking a few chances, but that scenario was too risky. He imagined trying to explain his probable injuries to his hospital colleagues, not to mention his wife, no definitely not!

Having looked the room over, Carlisle began screaming at himself internally. What were you thinking, coming here on a Tuesday? This is probably as crowded as it will get the whole night! You finally muster up the courage for this and you'll end up leaving as frustrated as before you came. You should have waited 'til the weekend! Surely there would be somebody nice here then. Oh right! Esme will be back from Portland on Thursday! It was now or never! Shaking his head at his own dumb luck, Carlisle turned back to his drink only to see two young men, at the far end of the bar, staring in his direction.

At first he wasn't sure they were actually looking at him, they seemed to be seriously discussing something. Anyway, Carlisle thought, they're obviously together and I'm not sure if I'm ready for a threesome. The two men, boys, both blond, both very attractive, continued to look his way and then the older looking one, with the ponytail, suddenly winked. Carlisle gulped nervously and dropped his eyes to his glass. When he looked up again he noticed that the stranger had slid off his seat, turned to his friend, patted him on the shoulder, gave him a quick peck on the lips, and started on the trek around the bar towards Carlisle.

Fidgeting with the napkin under his drink, Carlisle suddenly became aware of the lack of oxygen in the room. Also, the temperature seemed to be climbing at an extraordinary rate. Were his clothes this tight before he left home he wondered? Carlisle had a sudden urge to bolt for the door. In fact he decided to leave immediately before anything else happened to cause him more regret.

I'll just get up off my seat, smile and walk casually out. Now...right now...why am I not moving? Why can't I feel my feet? Oh no, here he comes! And he's smiling at me! Actually, it's more of a grin. Christ he's cute with that grin. And his body...oh damn! He looks so muscular under that T shirt. That is, what I can see under his faded denim jacket. How did he manage to get a jacket and jeans faded to the exact same shade? With the same amount of worn and fraying fabric? More importantly, how in the hell did he manage to get jeans that tight without cutting off all circulation? He's still grinning at me with his head tilted to one side. Oh hell, I've been smiling back at him this whole time! Great I can't move my legs, but I can smile like a fucking moron!

"Hi," The grinning stranger said, "I'm James.

"Hi," Carlisle choked out. Great, now I sound like a fucking moron, too! He thought to himself.

"Is this your first time?" James asked.

"Yes, I've never been here before. My name is Carlisle, by the way."

"Carlisle", James repeated, flashing even more of his gorgeous grin. "Actually, I know you've never been here before. I meant is this your first time... ya know...crossing over?" He said as he looked down at the gold wedding band on Carlisle's finger. The meaning of his words gradually seeped in to Carlisle's brain and he hurriedly reversed his response.

"No, no, it's not my first time," he stuttered quickly and began to blush, "Although it's been awhile." Also glancing down at his ring.

"That's cool," James grinned, looking over his shoulder at his companion who had now joined him. He continued, "My friend Jasper and I were wondering if you would like to go to a party?"

"A party? The three of us?" Carlisle queried.

"Actually, there will be a total of six guests." Jasper offered, speaking for the first time.

Carlisle turned his attention to the younger male. He was slightly taller than James and slightly thinner, too, although his build was still fairly muscular. His features were delicate and refined as was his voice, Carlisle detected the hint of a Texas drawl. His dark grey dress shirt was tucked carefully into his dark denims accentuating his tapered waist nicely.

As opposed to James, his appearance was very neat, only his hair seemed out of place. Jasper's long, thick, blond locks curled messily and hung over his soft grey eyes. Carlisle began rethinking his position on preferring to find a sole companion for the evening.

"Is the party far from here?" Carlisle voiced, apprehensively. It was important not to put oneself in too much danger.

"No, the party's here in one of the back rooms." James chuckled. "It's not so much a party as it is sort of a club", he continued, "We meet once a week and there are exactly six of us, but one guy moved away last week, so we're short one "member". James chuckled at his own joke. "So we thought you might like to be our guest tonight. And, if everything goes well, perhaps join us for our regular meetings."

"Well, I must say I'm kinda intrigued, I'm not sure if I could commit to anything permanent right now, but I think I'd like to accept your invitation. Could I ask what kind of club it is? Does it have a name? And why exactly six, um...people?" Carlisle rushed through his questions trying hard to hide his embarrassment.

This time both James and Jasper chuckled softly, "The name of the club is Tuesday's in the Round", Jasper stated matter-of-factly.

"As for the details, I think you'll understand when you get there", James offered, flashing his million dollar grin again.

"So, if you're ready, we might as well head back to the room, a couple of guys are already there since the meeting will be starting in about fifteen minutes", James added a little more seriously. Carlisle shrugged, running his hand through his hair trying to calm his nerves,

"Lead the way gentlemen."

"Great" James grinned, slapping Carlisle on the back and resting his arm around Carlisle's shoulder.

Moving toward the back of the bar to the darkened hallway, Carlisle found himself flanked by James to the right and Jasper on the left. Carlisle suddenly realized that his heart was racing, he felt fluttering in his stomach and his palms were sweating heavily. It occurred to him that his life was about to change, he just hoped that he could look at his himself in the mirror tomorrow.

A/N Hoped you liked ch 1.