the Confession of a Crazed Latino Male
Lovinito, sun of my life, bane of my existence. My love, my sin, my everything. Loh-vee-nee-toe: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of four steps down the palate to tap, at four, on the teeth. Loh. Vee. Nee. Toe.
He was Lo, plain Lo, in the very midst of a Spanish morning, standing at four feet eleven in but a simple mundane dress shirt. He was Lovi in general, day-to-day attire. He was Romano during school hours, or when he was in grave trouble, or when he was introducing himself. He was Lovino on the dotted line. But caressed gently in the embrace of my strong, tanned arms, he was always Lovinito.
Did he have a precursor? He did, indeed he did. In point of fact, there might have possibly been no precious Lovinito at all had I not hugged the fragile heartstrings, one blazing summer in the middle of June, of a certain initial woman-child. In the very madenning depths of the insane Madrid streets. Oh, when? About as many years before my precious Lovinito was born as my age was that one particular summer. You can always count on a clandestinely murderous man for a fancy prose style—a heartfelt spiel of foreign sentiments unbeknownst and oftentimes looked down upon by the majority of this world's sensitive population.
Mis queridas damas y caballeros, what I hold before my very existence is a sin far greater than ones committed by those unlawful bastardos. Mirar y ver… mirar y ver at my innocently malicious doings. What I have committed from the very core of mi corazón.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. No nos dejes caer en tentación. I have been reciting that one sacred phrase for as long as I have been alive, but even then, I am too late. I cannot be saved.
Gaze upon the malevolence of lust and its flaccid affliction of pain and woe through the thorns of an erstwhile flor Española. A gentle Spanish flower, wilted and bloodied by its own peccancy.
Oh, mi inocencia perdida… Oh, mi inocente Lovinito…
¡Lo siento! Lo siento, mi amor, mi pecado, mi todo…