I hope that you all appreciate this new idea! I'm so excited about it, please enjoy!
It started on the day they were born. The medicine man had told the Fa family that they were being blessed with twins. When the day of their birth arrived the first to enter the world was a weak male whom the doctor was unsure would survive the night .The next was a female twin who seemed to be wanting to make up for her brother's weakness with her loud cries and eager hunger for milk.
The doctor handed the girl to her mother as he finished his business and began to tend to the boy. The male's heart beat was shallow and his movements faint. At one point he shook his head and brought out a cloth to wrap the infant in when the Grandmother who had been in attendance for the birth began to pray the ancestors that they would bless the boy with strength. Slowly color began to return to him and he started to mewl for milk. The sister seemed to be waving her arm for her brother to join her at their mother's breast and he was offered food as well.
In the passing days he soon became as strong as his sister, though his lungs were weak he was overall a healthy child. From that day on none could contest that they two shared a special bonds. Many said it was because they were twins born into the world together after sharing their mother's womb they were destined to be close. However this was only the beginning of their destiny together.
Mulan pouted as she put on her dress, since she was still young she wore pants under so that she could help with the chores and frolic without being encumbered. Still she scowled at the very thought of wearing such attire all the time. She was ten years old and her mother insisted it was time that she stopped dressing as a boy and began to behave like a girl. She rolled her eyes at her dress again and went to see her brother.
Jun smiled from his seat by the window and set aside his reading as he stood to welcome his sister. "Mulan you look so pretty!" He exclaimed as he came over to touch the fabric of her dress himself. He smiled fondly at the material and said "You are lucky to wear such pretty clothes."
Mulan snorted and rolled her eyes at the softly spoken words "I look silly." She said as she turned away shaking her head "Mother says that I can't wear clothes like yours anymore…" She shook her head "It isn't fair!"
Jun looked at his sister and felt at a loss of how to appease her. "I'm sure you can still wear them…just not as much." His answer didn't seem to change her feelings as he soon heard the sound of her crying. He gave another soft smile as he touched her shoulder "If it makes you feel better…I wish I could wear such pretty clothes." He blushed softly, he already ashamed his father enough with his weak body and interest in literature rather than fighting. He often wondered if he would ever stop embarrassing his family.
Mulan looked at her brother sadly, he would never say it but she thought it often. She thought that there must have been a mistake when they were born, she couldn't think of anything more natural than Jun wearing pretty clothes, and there was nothing she would like more than to wear his pants and learn how to fight from their father. She gasped as she looked at her brother. Often before now since they both wore the same style of clothing everyone would be confused who was the brother, teachers, neighbors, even their own parents sometimes couldn't tell who was Jun and who Mulan.
Jun looked up and saw a familiar look on Mulan's face. He narrowed his eyes, doing his best to appear stern "Mulan…whatever you're thinking we can't do it…we'll get in trouble!"
Mulan laughed and quickly began to change out of her clothes "Oh come one we won't get in trouble! They can't even tell us apart and now we'll be able to do what you want! You can stay home and read and write all day with Mother and I'll learn how to fight from Father!" She pushed her clothes into his arms and said "Hurry! Mother's going to be coming soon!"
Jun shook his head even as he tenderly set the clothes aside and began to change out of his clothes. "Please think about this Mulan! How will they not know?" He reluctantly handed her his clothes and then closed his eyes as he caressed the fabric of the new dress. "I suppose…one day won't hurt…would it?" He realized it was already too late as Mulan was dressed and he could hear their mother coming down the hall. He quickly put on the dress and then waited with anticipation to see if they could get away with this.
Their mother walked into the room and looked critically down at her children before speaking "Jun your father is waiting for you out in the courtyard…he won't allow for you to continue hiding here inside; and Mulan! You haven't done anything with your hair! I knew that dress would look lovely on you! Now let's get you tidied up, the etiquette tutor will be arriving any minute and I want you to be presentable for once!"
Jun and Mulan exchanged glances as they left the room. They knew their parents would not be amused with their antics if they were found out. However neither was willing to give up the chance to do what they had always desired. Certain it would only last one magical way they separated and walked away.
Several months later they had continued the charade, neither parent catching on to the switch and in fact began to praise the children for their 'improved interests 'in their respective studies. Mulan was certain the arrangement could continue indefinitely. Jun however was much less hopeful.
By moonlight the children met up and whispered to each other by candlelight "Mulan we have to stop! How long do you think we can keep doing this? Father and Mother are bound to find out soon and they'll be furious with us! Not to mention if it's someone else who should realize our game…then we will bring dishonor to the family!"
Mulan shook her head "They are praising us! For once they are proud of us! I for one like the change instead of constantly being berated I'm encouraged! Don't tell me that you don't enjoy it too!"
Jun looked away, in able to lie to his sister "It doesn't matter if I enjoy it…we both have our place in life. What happens when we get older? How will we cover my deepening voice? Or hide when you begin to develop?"
Mulan shook her head and waved her hand as if to banish his concerns. "Don't worry we'll figure something out when we get there." She took her brother's hands into hers and said desperately "Just for once…let us try to be happy?" Jun said nothing but nodded, he would do anything for his beloved sister.
Their game continued farther than either child imagined. Due to his weak lungs and lack of physical strength Jun was able to continue his role and blossomed under the life he was now leading. His voice remained light and even while his body was slender enough to pass for a young woman.
Mulan also developed into her role, her light frame became steeled by muscle and she learned how to deepen her voice so as to avoid suspicion. If she seemed to be more modest than other young men it was waved off and not subjected to deeper scrutiny. They continued in this way for years, until the fateful day when the Matchmaker was to decide their futures.
I hope that you all have enjoyed this first chapter, more coming soon!