Prompt by Noelle86: Cupid and Psyche as a Puckleberry story.

A/N: To anybody reading this, have mercy. This is a lot of firsts: my first attempt at prompt; my first story off-canon; my first Puckleberry fic; and my first smut fic. So it may be a little slow to start, and a bit...rough, to say the least (and no, that's not innuendo). So yeah, don't come down too hard on me, okay?

Other A/N: This fic is set in season one time, but very AU.

One Last A/N: If you're just reading for smut (b/c I know some of us are like that), skip to chapter 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, and 23

It was a warm day at William McKinley High School and the Cheerios had had a rigorous but successful practice, but Captain Quinn Fabray was still pissed. She felt sick with disgust at the events that had laid out around her and she felt compelled as the Venus de McKinley and alpha female of the social hierarchy to fix the ridiculous situation that was Rachel Berry.

Quinn wasn't sure how it had started, but she was fairly certain about when: around the same time that damn Glee Club had begun, and her darling star quarterback boyfriend Finn Hudson had for some ungodly reason decided to join. He sounded good, don't get her wrong, and she admitted it was kind of sexy—but not when he was parading around with that…thing.

Even worse, ever since he joined, Finn had done little but talk about her: Rachel said this and Rachel thinks that. As if what RuPaul had to say mattered, to her or the world in general.

She'd joined Glee on Coach Sylvester's orders in order to bring down the club, but her real intent was to bring down that Berry chick, to keep close to her Finn. However, instead all she seemed able to do was watch him become further infatuated with her.

She realized this would take drastic measures.

Quinn Fabray walked confidently to Mike Chang's party Friday night. If she didn't have a mission, she would have been even more furious that she was attending alone; that Finn had to practice his duet with Rachel Berry. Tonight, however, that was…well, not fine by any means, but it would make things simpler.

She took a cup and filled it from the keg, surveying the scene for her target. She took her time to smile at the multitudes of guys that glanced at her in her skimpy uniform appreciatively; after all, she was easily labeled McKinley's (if not world's) best eye candy. When she finally caught sight of him, arguing in what appeared to be a sensational (and often recurring) break-up with fellow Cheerio and Glee-spy Santana Lopez, she knew she had found exactly what she needed.

Noah Puckerman—Puck—was a self-proclaimed bad-ass, stud, and sex-shark. He possessed an allure and charm that, despite his reputation as a womanizing bastard, had yet to keep any of his targets away. He also had a disturbing ability to convince girls to hook up with guys of his choosing, a service which Quinn had utilized in the past to improve her own social standing. And Puck's slimy underhandedness and lack of morals was exactly what Quinn needed now in order to knock Rachel Berry down to size.

She waited until the crowd had died down from his and Santana's public display and he'd hit the keg multiple times to join him. She slid up to him, legs straddling the chair next to his allowing easy visual access up her skirt (another excellent reason to wear spanks: all the manipulation without any loss of modesty).

Puck was drunk, but he wasn't stupid. When he realized the golden-haired goddess sitting next to him was none other than Quinn Fabray, who happened to be flying sans boyfriend, he could feel the potential in the air.

"'Sup Fabray?" he leered, smirking at her. "Looking for some company?" He was certain that her bitch was showing when, instead of rolling her eyes and making a snarky comment, she instead leaned just a little closer, matching his expression with one of her own.

"I was thinking we could go upstairs," she faked a slur in her words just a little, letting her fingers graze his arm. "Talk." She raised her eyebrows. He bought it, hook, line, and sinker, and took her hand, leading her to the closest bedroom on the second floor.

When the door shut, she allowed him to kiss her; actually sort of relished it. His hands held her roughly, pushing her up against the door as he smashed his lips against hers. He was obviously skilled and experienced, unlike Finn who was somewhat awkward with his hands (with all of himself if she were being honest). And his tongue

Quinn snapped herself out of the moment, lest she be just another one of Puck's conquests. The guy was a regular Cupid, throwing unwitting women into whomever's arms he chose (usually his own). She had to maintain control; she didn't want to end up on the wrong side of his point.

She gazed at him sternly, pulling away from him. "I need a favor," she told him. She'd decided doing it straight-up would be the best option; negotiating had never been difficult for her when it came to the opposite sex.

"I just did you a favor last week," he replied, and he had. She'd decided Summer Foley wasn't worthy of being in the top five couples, and so had asked Puck to use his "influence" to knock her down. He'd banged her twice, she'd chased after him three days, and then had to settle for the swim team guys when she realized all of his teammates thought she was pathetic.

He leaned in to tempt her with another kiss. "Unless you want a different favor…" he whispered, the smirk in his voice dripping with innuendo.

Quinn quickly pulled away, trying not to let her body show how much it hated the distance. "Not a chance, Puckerman," she snapped, managing to keep her voice sharp.

Puck straightened, pulling himself out of the moment. He'd known Quinn would never choose him over Finn; he'd arranged it himself, though she'd never know it.

"What is it then, and what's in it for me?" he asked curiously. Besides being a stud, he was a regular badass, and always dug a challenge—and here the Queen Bee was to dish it out.

"I need you to work your charms and take care of Rachel Berry."

"Berry?" Puck barely knew the name; just enough to match it with a crazy-ass, slushie-covered face he saw pretty regularly. Girl was not well-liked by the alpha crowd. "Easy hit— where's the challenge?"

"I don't want Man Hands with you," Quinn retorted, and was pleased to see Puck's interest was now piqued. "I want her away from Finn; so far away that she's flitting with the rest of the bottom dwellers where she belongs." She waited a beat for good measure, maintaining hard eye contact. "Jacob Ben-Israel."

Puck could barely believe it, but he flinched a little. He understood the blonde wanting to maintain her hold on her man (how could she not?), and she'd recruited him to set up various Cheerio's with certain jocks to maintain her top status in the past, but setting low-standing Berry up with Jew-fro? That just seemed…overkill.

Still, he was the Puckerone, and it's not like he gave a shit about any girl, much less some slushie-covered freak that he didn't even know.

"What's in it for me?" he asked, once again moving closer to her. He ran his hand through her silky hair, and Quinn felt herself shiver involuntarily.

"I can pay you," she answered, trying to avoid his gaze as the heat emanating from him began pooling into her. "Five hundred."

Puck chuckled. "Fabray," he scoffed, pressing soft kisses down her jaw and neck."I know your daddy's pockets run deeper than that."

Quinn was losing the battle with her body as it began eagerly responding to his calloused hands, and she heard herself whispering, "Whatever you want."

When Puck murmured his price in her ear, she shivered again. Despite her brain's attempt to get her to bargain, manipulate, get what she wanted because she was Quinn Fabray, she instead felt herself nod helplessly.

Quinn's resolve completely crumbled as he moved away, his trademark smirk beginning to turn from her; to leave the room. She reached back for him and brought his lips to hers, relishing in his touch as his hand slid down her back, pulling her closer to him, gasping as she felt his erection pushing into her.

Puck smiled; Quinn Fabray was definitely one girl he was dying to have a second taste of. He cupped her jaw and pressed his lips to hers again, snaking his tongue into her mouth.

He steered her to the bed and she succumbed to him all but completely, only pausing a moment to whisper urgently, "No one can ever know."

"Just between us, babe."