Shades Of Gray

Chapter:10 (the real one)

Rating: T. May change later in story.

Summary: Kaname has always separated himself from others. Zero won't let go of the past. Together they form Shades of Gray. Can they get themselves out of it?

Beta:Nope, not this time guys. Mistakes, are all my own.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters I am about to use in this story. I just own their thoughts and the positions I put them in :P

A/N: Yay! I'm back you guys! :D Happiness for all! *dodges rotting tomato* Now that's not very nice *dodges rotten cabbage* Okay! I'm sorry! DX Please excuse my absence. I know I said that I would update I've Loved You For A Thousand Years, but what you need to know is that the Doctor always lies. x) Doctor Who quote of the day! That was rule one, now how about 2-10? Lol, so here is the next chapter for Shades of Gray, and I hope that I'll update ILYFATY next but who knows now.

I would like you to tell me what you want updated next to I can quench your thirst for my stories and sink you fangs into them quite hungrily. :) Now onward to the story!

Kaname sat in his office mulling over what Cross had told him not hours before. Now from what he was told and found out he could not distance himself from the boy like he had planned. And it was not because he was attracted to the other. It was because he was a Kiryuu he reminded himself.

He sighed. "Why must I always concern myself with a Kiryuu?" he complained to himself.

Zero blearily rubbed at his eyes.

He had not gotten a decent night's sleep in a couple of days after the incident in his dreams, and now he sluggishly moved through the halls in his home to the kitchen to try and see if he could eat anything. Cross looked at him in worry, as he had not ventured out of his room until now. "Zero this is enough. You haven't gone anywhere for an entire week, its high time you get out" he said and Zero looked at him startled.

If Zero was this startled from just his voice then he was going to be absolutely livid. "Kaname has a business meeting out of town for a couple of weeks. You're going with him" he said, and Kaien watched as Zero's eyes widened comically and the coffee cup he had been holding smashed to pieces when he dropped it.

"You're making me what?" he asked, and Cross thought he looked more frightened than angry. "You need to get out more. You're acting like I was in my younger years" he replied.

Zero's mind was racing. Whatwillhappentomenow? He thought thinking back to what happened in his dream state not to long ago. "I-I'm not going with him. I won't. He doesn't talk to me at all and he looks mean" Zero said, and Cross gave him a pointed look blatantly saying that he didn't come up with a good enough excuse.

"Zero I don't care what you think of him, you're going. He's the only way you will get outside. You're going and that's that" Cross said and Zero glared at him defiantly.

True to his word, he forced Zero out of the house all packed and ready to go.

Both Zero and Kaname stared at each other and visibly gulped. Both were dressed casually in faded jeans and a slightly dressy shirt. Zero looked away sharply, but what he didn't notice was that Kaname continued to shamelessly look on as he put his suitcase in the trunk. "Now have fun you two and don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Cross called happily from the door.

I'm fucked both thought in their heads

(A/N: I thought about stopping it here, but I decided to push it and see what else would pop out. Oo Sounds like I'm delivering a baby. XD)

Turns out Kaname's business trip was a 42 hour drive away. Zero scowled at the window. I'm going to murder him! Zero growled in his head. Kaname looked at the glowering teen for a moment before turning his gaze back on the road. He was driving after all. Why did Kaien put him in my hands again? Kaname asked himself for what seemed like the fiftieth time.

Kaname gripped the steering wheel and both gritted their teeth, preparing for the now 40 hour drive ahead.

Zero grumbled as he tossed his suitcase onto the extra bed, and twisted very suddenly, and hearing many pops along his spine he allowed a small sigh to escape. He turned around to Kaname who was watching him. "So.." he began. "I'll be here for a while sorting out some business matters, you are free to do what you wish while I'm away" Kaname replied. At the words business, Zero looked at him. "You say business, exactly how old are you?" he asked.

Kaname felt a smile tug at his lips but he masked it. "I'm twenty-five" he replied.

(A/N: In the Manga/Anime I heard that he was about 18 years of age, which could be true but I think he's a little older than that. :P Waaay older like what….10,000? XD)

Zero blinked and Kaname could tell he was mentally calculating their age difference. "Six years" he said, and when the silverette looked at him he continued, "You're nineteen right?" he asked.

Zero nodded.

"Why do you ask?" Kaname said as he sat down on his bed. He truly wanted to know. Zero made a face. "So I know how many years are between us when I can nine one one" he replied sarcastically. Kaname let a saucy smile overtake him. "Oh? What were you thinking?" he teased. Zero was at a loss for words, his mouth hanging open. He gaped at the brunette before he turned and stormed into the adjoined bathroom, Kaname's smirk following him there.

Zero stared into the mirror with a blush on his cheeks. His mind strayed to the brunettes smirk yet again and his cheeks darkened. That…that pervert he thought snapping into his mind.

A knock echoed in the bathroom. "Zero I have to leave now for me to be at my meeting at seven. I'll be back most likely by ten or eleven" Kaname's voice ran around him. Zero didn't answer, but he heard the front door close. He waited for five more minutes before he walked into their very spacious hotel room. Now that the brunette haired pervert was gone, Zero took his time viewing the space. It was one of the best rooms available. Zero whistled.

Now Kaname there must have been loaded to afford such an extravagant room.

Zero eyed the flat screen T.V. and the comfy looking bed. After a little thought, he did something very childish. He ran and launched himself at the bed and landed whit a thump and a couple of bounces. Everyone did it, he convinced himself as he grabbed the remote and flicked the teli on.

He instantly began searching for the movie channel, as it was the only thing that he liked watching.

After a little debate he flicked on one of the newest Red Riding Hood remakes, and settled in watching intently.

Kaname walked in quietly as it was a normal time for humans to sleep. He entered the room just as a scream of terror echoed from the T.V. Kaname flinched as it pierced his sensitive hearing. He walked further into the room to see Zero's fast asleep on his bed, the remote next to him.

Kaname walked over, sat down on the edge of the bed and grabbing the remote; he turned the screaming off. The room was engulfed in blackness, but Kaname could see clearly, his glowing red eyes trained on Zero's still form. He leaned down and sniffed the boys pale neck, his mouth opened revealing aroused fangs and he leaned down inhaling the boys scent through his mouth.

His eyes slid shut as Zero's smell washed over him. His mouth drew closer to his neck, and as his breath ghosted over pale skin, Zero shivered. That seemed to snap the pureblood out of his daze. He drew away quickly, ashamed that he had almost cursed the boy to a life of damnation.

Kaname hurriedly changed into a pair of sleep pants and then he carefully put Zero under the cover of his own bed. Kaname sat down on his bed and he eventually laid down, but he did not shut his eyes for a long time.

Zero had no night terrors that evening.

(A/N: I also thought of ending it here. But then just as I'm about to, I got a great idea for an ending. I love me sometimes. :D This may be the longest chapter I've done for this story. Be happy for me I'm finally breaking out of my writers block!)

It had been about a week since Kaname had almost drunk form the boy. Though he did not let that get to him, he still tried to get closer to the alluring silverette. Zero still thought the elder a pervert, but he slowly started to open up. If a little bit.

Both were sharing a comfortable silence as they watched a weird little game show, both making wry comments about the show every so often. Shuffling outside the door made them look up in confusion. "Are you expecting anyone?" Zero asked slowly, and Kaname shook his head as he got up.

Walking over to the door he opened it to find no one out there except for a small red box. Kaname bent down to closer inspect it. 'Zero' it read as he picked it up and brought it inside.

"Were you expecting something?" Kaname asked feeling suspicious. Zero shook his head, but took the box anyway. He grabbed both ends of the bow and pulled. It unwrapped easily, and he slowly lifted the lid off. Zero held his breath and Kaname did also; both were feeling dread in the pit of their stomachs.

Zero gave off a confused look as he pulled out a red cape with a hood. "What the hell?" he said. Kaname gave off a quiet snicker. "There's something else" Zero said and he pulled out a little tape recorder. Kaname took it before he pressed play.

A voice that Zero thought he would never hear again, came through the speaker, and the red cape he was holding dropped out of his fingers in shock.

"Hey there little red riding hood, you sure are looking pretty good; you're everything that a big bad wolf would want"

To be continued…

So how did you guys like it?

The ending lyrics are from the song Little Red Riding Hood by Bowling For Soup.

A/N: Yay! I'm back you guys! :D Happiness for all! *dodges rotting tomato* Now that's not very nice *dodges rotten cabbage* Okay! I'm sorry! DX Please excuse my absence. I know I said that I would update I've Loved You For A Thousand Years, but what you need to know is that the Doctor always lies. x) Doctor Who quote of the day! That was rule one, now how about 2-10? Lol, so here is the next chapter for Shades of Gray, and I hope that I'll update ILYFATY next but who knows now.

I would like you to tell me what you want updated next to I can quench your thirst for my stories and sink you fangs into them quite hungrily. :) (I am putting my Authors note's on the top and bottom as most of you tend to not read the top, so if I put it on the bottom too, then you will most surely see it).

Now the story is really kicking into high gear! :) I am happy with how this is turning out. There is going to be some real angst in this fic so I hope you're ready for it! ~