Title: We Weren't Meant To Be
Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Rating: K

Disclaimer: I do not own D3! or any characters. All rights go to Mika Kawamura.

She stopped in her tracks, "Kanata."

"What is it?" He stopped too, but kept his back to her.

She took a deep breath, "Let's break up."

Now, he turned around. Shock evident on his face.

He quickly masked his emotions and said in the calmest voice possible, "Why?"

Her emerald irises glittered with tears, "I just...can't."

She took another deep breath and looked straight into his auburn irises, "I can't be with you anymore."

He gulped but said nothing.

He breathed in, "Fine."

"Have it your way." he said quietly as he briskly walked past her.

She closed her eyes to stop the stream of tears that were pouring out.

She breathed in and out slowly and wiped away the tears.

"Goodbye Kanata." she whispered into the wind, as she continued walking forward without a single glance back.


The wind whipped through her blonde tresses, threatening to carry them away. Her face was chilled to the bone, even with a scarf on.

"Found you."

She turned in the direction of the newcomer, "Mizuki."

The boy smiled as he stepped next to her.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked.

She gave a half-smile as she closed her eyes, "Just getting some air."

"Too much of it," he said, "you're face is frozen."

With the same half-smile, she shook him off, "I'm fine."

"Yeah," he said, "say that to me when you're in bed with a fever."

She kept her gaze forward without response.

"Come on, let's go back." he said heading towards the door in hopes that she would follow.

She didn't.

"Do you think it'll snow this year?"

"What do you mean? It always snows. Every year." he said resuming to his original spot.

"You're right." she said looking up at the grey clouds.

"Are you thinking about him?" he asked slowly.

She winced slightly, "Always."

"Then why'd you break up with him?" he asked impatiently.

She looked up at the sky again, "I had to."

Feeling as if that was all she had to say, he asked the final question, "Do you...still love him?"

A small tear formed on the edge of her eyes, "I always will."

"Then why?" he asked exasperatedly.

"He doesn't love me." she said simply.

"What? He's miserable without you. Haven't you seen him? His grades are dropping, he's quitting basketball and soccer. How can you say that he doesn't love you?" he exclaimed.

She turned and looked him straight in the eyes with a painful smile etched on her porcelain face, "He doesn't love me."

Her facial expression and tone left him speechless.

She turned her back to him, "He's depressed, but he'll get better. Because he doesn't really love me."

The wind was whipping against the two so harshly, it was hard for him to hear. But he heard it anyways. The wind carried her broken voice, "He loves someone else, he just doesn't realize it yet."

His mouth opened to speak, but no words came out.

She turned to face him again, "He'll get better."

"Then what about you?" he choked out.

She gave her half-smile again before opening the door, "I'll be fine."


She was dressed in pure white. A single flower placed carefully in her hair. Her heart was hammering in her chest.

She stared at the love of her life. He was dressed in a black tuxedo that captured the innocence in him. His chestnut locks were combed carefully, tucked behind his ears. A blush adorned his cheeks as he stood there nervously before her.

The music ended and the priest approached the two.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

The speech went on. And when no hands were raised, the wedding continued.

He took a deep breath and nervously gripped the silver band.

He slid the ring onto her slender finger and spoke.

"I, Kanata Saionji, take this woman, Akira Kijyou, to be my lawfully wedded wife. For richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, til death do us part."

The wedding ended with a beautiful shared kiss between the newlyweds. Tears and applause erupted as the two made their way to the church exit. The others quickly made their way to the exit and blended into the group, throwing rose petals in the air as the couple walked down the stone steps.

The church was empty, save two people. A man and a woman, the ring bearer and bridesmaid.

"See," the woman spoke, "I told you he didn't love me."

Tears formed in her eyes as she stared beyond the closed door, longing for what she couldn't have.

He gave a sad smile and stepped closer to her. He held her hand tightly, but gently, hoping the contact would reach her heart. But it was too late, her heart had already left with the groom ten years ago.


A/N: This is a terrible fanfiction (especially for MiyuxKanata lovers), but I'm feeling depressed. I haven't updated anything in awhile, and I'm really sorry. The reason? Life, school, etc. But I'm working on it...occasionally...(please don't kill me...) Sorry for anyone who's really anticipating ALS. (Farii, I know. Sorry!)