Demon Hunt
Prologue: Escape
Warnings: little bit of lime: Not much just a hint!
Disclaimer: I don't own the Kenshin
The Battousai hid among the shadows waiting for his next victim but he did not have to
wait long as the man in question came into view. For the Battousai this was to easy, it
was just another corrupt politician, who believed that his money would save him.
Battousai grimaced in disgust at the fat old geezer who had been making money off
others misery by selling weapons and drugs during this time of war. The five men
muscled demons and men surrounding him were no better than the one they were
protecting, they were probably the thugs he used to hassle the people who owed their
boss money but could not afford to pay because of the war. All six men deserved to die a
slow and painful death as far as the Battousai was concerned but unfortunately, he could
not waste any time to night. Amber eyes watched only mildly interested as the group
made its way down the street, coming closer to were he hid. Maybe it was the fact that he
could suppress his ki, maybe it was the fact that he could control the shadows and
atmosphere around him, maybe it was because of his ominous presence, or maybe it was
because the guard was just a muscle idiot; but, the reason did matter because right at that
very moment the Battousai was standing not three feet away from the first guard and the
mans eyes passed right over him. A confident smirk spread across the Battousai face,
'This assignment will end rather quickly.' he thought.
Kaoru crept quietly around the corner, her body firmly pressed against the wall behind
her, looking around, she saw no one in the next hall. She was just a few feet away from
her objective all she had to do was walk across the empty hall and through the door right
in front of her. Swiftly she crossed the space of the hall and placed herself firmly against
the wall again. Kaoru held her breath as she turned the knob ever so slowly and gently
pushed the door open. No one was in the smelly old locker room, everyone was suppose
to be out doing Lord Shishio's orders, but she stayed as silent as she could just incase. So
far everything was going according to plan, somehow she had made it to this room
without being detected, and how that happened she would never know, but that did not
matter right now. What truly mattered was that she was here and in a few minutes, she
would be on her way to freedom. Finally, Kaoru spotted what she was looking for, the
closet, extra uniforms hung innocently on the rack not knowing that one of them would
be used to help a prisoner escape.
The black uniform fit loosely around her body, the boots were a bit too big, but
the ninja mask fit snuggly around her head and face. Looking in the mirror Kaoru made
sure that she looked like any other soldier before leaving the disgusting locker room.
Kaoru walked briskly down the halls passing only a few other soldiers in uniform
coming back from their assignments. Ten minutes after leaving the locker room Kaoru
found her self in the main entrance hall, across the hall were two medium sized double
doors and to the side of those doors stood two guards. Kaoru took a deep breath as she
started to walk at a leisurely pace towards the doors. Her heart pounding in her ears, a
lump in her throat, her breath coming in small gasps as every step brought her closer to
the doors. Those doors were the last obstacle between her and freedom, and it was so
"Halt!" Kaoru had completely forgotten about the guards standing at the door, causing
her to jump after he spoke his command. "Are you going on an assignment?" The guard
questioned. Kaoru nodded slowly in answer praying her inability to speak would not give
her away. "Good, but I am warning you to remember your access information. You will
not be able to return otherwise." Kaoru nodded once again as the guard opened the door
for her with a small smile. "Good luck on your assignment."
As Kaoru stepped out into the night, and walked away from the secret hideout that was
once her prison, tears spilled from her eyes as one word came to her mind. "Freedom…"
3 Hours Later
"Ah…oh…Oh…Shi..shi…o…please don't stop." Yumi begged as her body convulsed in
orgasm. Her lover and employer Shishio Makoto had her pinned beneath him. His
bandaged and burnt body pulsed with the extra heat of their sex, new flames, that came
from within his body, scorched the bandages the fire in his eyes matched the fire in his
lower extremities as started to move within his woman once again. A sadistic smirk
played across his face as he watched Yumi squirm beneath him.
Shishio growled at the door as her got off the bed he and Yumi were currently sharing; a
scowl replaced his smirk as he walked to door. Yumi was left panting on the bed as she
watched her employer walk to the far end of the room a frown on her perfect face.
Shishio wrenched the door open only to come face to face with a lowly messenger.
"This better be important or you are dead." Shishio threatened in a quite sinister voice.
"Sssssir…um…I…am her to…ah…inform you…that…uhhh…" The minion continued
to stutter through his speech annoying Shishio even more.
"SPIT IT OUT!" Shishio growled loosing his temper.
"Sir…Kamiya has…escaped…we don't know if she…has escaped or ah…if someone
has taken her…sirrrr…..ahhhhhhhhh…" Those were the messenger's last words as a
blade of fire sliced his stomach in half.
Shishio looked to the guards stationed at his door, both of them sweating with fear. "One
of you goes and gets me the Battousai." In addition, with that he went back into his room
slamming the door behind him.
Hello! Everyone! Long time no write and I apologies for that! This peice had to be put on hold as my school came first! I can't promise that to have updates on a weekly bases but I am commited to getting this sucked done! Like every thing else I have written! I am not sure when I can post again or when I will have time to type it out! All I can tell you is that I have two more chapters completely written just not typed out yet! Hopefully my work load won't be bad and I can post chapters 1 and 2 real soon! Leave me a review and tell me what you think so far!
As always thankyou for reading