Dawn: Hey, guys, Fire and I think you guys might just want to keep everybody straight in the upcoming chapters, so-

Fire: So we're releasing our character sheet to the public. It was originally in color, so sorry if it's hard to read.


Leader: Snowstar. She-cat. Snowy white fur with green eyes. Usually patient and calm. She had a brother, but he died in a battle before she was a leader. Siblings: none.

Deputy: Jaggedtooth. Tom. Short brown fur with amber eyes. Unusually sharp teeth. very trustworthy and silent, but gets grouchy around kits and apprentices, especially Wetpaw. Despite his tough atmosphere, he helped cared for both his mother and brother after his father and rest of his siblings died of greencough. Father: Deceased Mother: Greeneye. Siblings: Roanfoot. Apprentice: Blackpaw.

Medicine cat: Cinderleaf. She-cat. Toritishell with grey spots in her fur. Green eyes. Firm believer in Silverclan. She may seem rather cranky, but she truely loves what she does. Mother: Cinderpelt. Father: Halfear. Siblings: Mintfoot, Otterheart. Apprentice: Leafpaw.

Warriors: Shadowpelt. Tom. Jet black fur with yellow eyes. Very ambitious, but is quick to follow orders. Some say he's biding his time until he can become deputy, but he is never harsh with Jaggedtooth. Mate: Dappleflower. Kits: Wetpaw, Blackpaw.

Bluetail: She-cat. Blue-gray fur with blue eyes. Fast, smart, brave. Though only a warrior for two seasons, she is very responsible. Siblings: Rainstep, Graymist. (Both deceased). Apprentice: Wetpaw.

Torntail: Tom. Brown fur and only half a tail. Lost it when he took on a badger kit as an apprentice. Green eyes. Grouchy. Mate: Graymist (Deceased), Kits: Oakpaw, Sparrowpaw.

Roanfoot: Tom. Reddish brown fur speckled with white. Bright blue eyes. Very friendly and optimistic. Always has a joke. Though no mate, he is popular with the she-cats. Father: Deceased. Mother: Geeneye. Siblings: Jaggedtooth.

Mintfoot: She-cat. Gray fur with tortoiseshell paws. Amber eyes. Very outgoing and quite a pawfull. Mother: Cinderpelt. Father: Halfear. Siblings: Otterheart, Cinderleaf. Mate: none, but often seen with Roanfoot.

Otterheart: She-cat. Short brown fur with brown eyes. In the water every minute she can. Acts like a kit sometimes. Mother: Cinderpelt. Father: Halfear. Siblings: Cinderleaf, Mintfoot. Mate: Strongstream. Kits: Grasspaw.

Mossear. She-cat. Tortoiseshell with incredibly pale blue eyes. Quiet, but able to whip Jaggedtooths butt. That is saying something. Very slow temper. Apprentice: Sparrowpaw.

Strongstream: Tom. Heavyset. Stone gray fur and dark blue eyes. Strong and silent type. Siblings: Hawkeye. Mate: Otterheart. Kits: Grasspaw. Apprentice: Oakpaw.

Rippletail: Tom. White-gray fur and amber eyes. Ripple-like patterns running down his tail. A timid, shy cat to strangers, but loud and boisterous around friends. Siblings: Brownear.

Hawkeye: Tom. Brown tabby with piercing blue eyes. Best hunter because he has incredible eyesight. Thinks he's all that and a pile of freashkill. Siblings: Strongstream. Mate: Mousear. Kits: Stormkit, Longkit.

Queens: Dappleflower. She-cat. Brown with dark brown stripes with yellow eyes. Great at hunting, very speedy. Mate: Shadowpelt. Kits: Wetpaw, Blackpaw, Cloudkit, Sandkit, Berrykit.

Mousear. She-cat. Mousey brown fur with blue eyes. Hears very well due to overly-large ears. Siblings: Cloudrunner. Mate: Hawkeye. Kits: Stormkit, Longkit.

Cloudrunner. She-cat. White fur and strange, pale green-blue eyes. Very mysterious, not very talkative. Goes missing for days at a time. Mate: unknown. Kits: none, but expecting.

Elders: Greeneye. She-cat. Dusty brown pelt with green eyes. Very cranky and can find a reason to complain for everything. Mate: Deseased. Kits: Jaggedtooth, Roanfoot.

Cinderpelt: She-cat. Gray pelt with amber eyes. Sweet, kind and thoughtful. Mate: Halfear. Kits: Cinderheart, Otterheart, Mintfoot.

Halfear: Tom. Gray fur with black stripes. Gray-blue eyes. Loves telling the kits stories. Lost half an ear in a battle against a badger. Mate: Cinderpelt. Kits: Cinderheart, Otterheart, Mintfoot.

Apprentices: Leafpaw. She-cat. Tortoiseshell fur with yellow eyes. Has a fear of mortally wounded or dying cats. How she got to be medicine cat apprentice, who knows. Mother: Brownear. Father: Treestar. Siblings: Treepaw. Mentor: Cinderleaf.

Wetpaw. Tom. (Deceased) Black fur with amber eyes. Small for his age, yet speedy. Very curious and too adventurous for his own good. Often in trouble and lands himself in some of the biggest problems in the clans. Mother: Dappleflower. Father: Shadowpelt. Siblings: Blackpaw. Mentor: Bluetail.

Blackpaw. She-cat. Black fur and green eyes. Follows Wetpaw on his daring schemes, though she thinks they're all hopeless. Very strong for her age. Though neither one will admit it, she and her brother would die for each other. Mother: Dappleflower. Father: Shadowpelt. Siblings: Wetpaw (deceased). Mentor: Jaggedtooth.

Oakpaw. Tom. Brown fur with a darker brown stripe down his back. Brown eyes. Natural born leader, level-headed. Mother: Graymist. Father: Torntail. Sibling: Sparrowpaw. Mentor: Strongstream.

Sparrowpaw: She-cat. Jet-black fur and bright green eyes. Loud and happy everywhere she goes. Not an excellent hunter due to her chattiness. Though she's ditsy, everybody loves her. Mother: Graymist. Father: Torntail. Siblings: Oakpaw. Mentor: Mossear.

Grasspaw: Tom. Tortoiseshell fur with brilliant green eyes. Youngest apprentice, but a talented hunter. He had a sister, but she drowned two days after birth. Mother: Otterheat. Father: Strongstream. Siblings: none. Mentor: Rainstep.


Leader: Treestar. Tom. Brown fur and green eyes. Strong and powerful. Very ambitious and pure evil. Hates Wetpaw with a burning passion. Mate: Brownear. Kits: Treepaw, Leafpaw. Mentor: Treepaw.

Deputy: Cloudpelt. white fur with a single gray patch surrounding her eye. Doesn't like Teestar, longs for peace. Siblings: Foxeye, Truestep.

Medicine cat: Rosepedal. She-cat. White and ginger-red coat and soft green eyes. Hates Treestar, but supports him, even if it is not what she wants. Siblings: Brownrock.

Warriors: Lightstep. Tom. Very small black cat with a white muzzle and belly. Blue eyes. Great hunter with a smile at the ready, always.

Brownear: She-cat. Black fur with brown ears. Green eyes. Used to be an Iceclan cat, but fell in love with Treestar and finally broke free of her clan in the recent battle. Siblings: Rippletail. Mate: Treestar. Kits: Treepaw, Leafpaw.

Brownrock. She-cat. Black and ginger pelt and yellow-brown eyes. Total opposite of Rosepedal. Loud and boisterous, and claims to be Treestar's closest friend. The equivalent of Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter. Siblings: Rosepedal.

Iceheart. Tom. Pure white fur and ice blue eyes. He is exactly what the name implies. How he got a mate is beyond me. Mate: Songheart. Kits: Graykit, Applekit. Apprentice: Ratpaw.

Foxeye. She-cat. Deep ginger fur and amber eyes. Smart and cunning, but is sometimes blinded by anger toward Iceclan. Mother was killed by Iceclan when she was an apprentice. Siblings: Cloudpelt, Truestep. Apprentice: Thornpaw.

Truestep. She-cat. Silver-gray fur and green eyes. Patient with cats and a great hunter. She has serious issues with her leader. She never had a kit of her own, but basically raised Ratpaw when her parents died in a fire. Siblings:Cloudpelt, Foxeye.

Longclaw. Tom. Blackish brown fur and yellow eyes. Unusually long claws. Strong and firm, but fair. Mate: Whitetail. Kits: none, but Whitetails expecting. Apprentice: Sandpaw.

Brackentail. Tom. Reddish brown fur and amber eyes. Incredibly shy, no one knows who he supports. Family in General: ?

Ivytail. Tom. Cream white pelt and pale green eyes. Doesn't speak much, but gives Treestar his undivided loyalty. Mate: Brighteyes. Kits: Quickit, Volekit. Apprentice: Gorsepaw.

Queens: Brighteyes. She-cat. Tortoiseshell fur with incredibly bright blue eyes. Clueless and clumsy, but a good fighter. Mate: Ivytail. Kits: Quickit, Volekit.

Whitetail. She-cat. Snowy white with a black spot around her eye. Supports Treestar because she believes he can protect her kits. Mate: Longclaw. Kits: none, but expecting.

Songheart. She-cat. Ginger fur and a very soft voice. Green eyes. Kind and gentle. Believes there is good in Treestar, deep, deep, down. Deep down. Mate: Iceheart. Kits: Applekit, Graykit.

Elders: Patchfoot. Tom. Ginger, white and black fur and amber eyes. Crancky and often sleepy. Got his foot run over by a monster, and now his paw is mangled and scarred. Mate: Orangepelt. Kits: Brighteyes.

Orangepelt. She-cat. Bright orange fur and green eyes. Loves scaring the kits and telling them stories. Mate: Patchfoot. Kits: Brighteyes.

Squirrelcatcher. Tom. Black pelt and dark brown eyes. Caught a squirrel when only four moons old. Sleeps day in and day out. Is known to talk in his sleep.

Apprentices: Treepaw. Tom. Brown fur with greenn eyes. Despite lean muscles accustom to running, he climbs trees with ease. Originally Iceclan, he turned when he learned who his father truely was. He has a whole evil father/son duo thing going on. Mother: Brownear. Father: Treestar. Siblings: Leafpaw. Mentor: Treestar.

Gorsepaw. Tom. Gray fur and green eyes. Believes that Treestar is the greatest cat in the world, after himself. Huge ego, as if you couldn't tell. Mother: Whitetail. Father: Longclaw. Siblings: Sandpaw.

Sandpaw. She-cat. Sandy ginger fur and amber eyes. Great hunter and fighter. Humble and one of Treestars unquestioning followers. Mother: Whitetail. Father: Longclaw. Siblings: Gorsepaw.

Thornpaw. Tom. Brown fur and blue eyes. Youngest apprentice, but is always trying to be like the older cats. Mother: Songheart. Father: Iceheart. Siblings: Applekit, Graykit.


Leader: Ninestar. Tom. Very dark ginger fur, nearly red. Red eyes. Named for the fact he has an extra claw on his front left paw. Had a very short deputy ship due to Treestar. Mate: Dovewing. Kits: Patchkit.

Deputy: Hawkwing. Tom. Brown fur with darker stripes down his back and even darker paws. Icy blue eyes. Gives Ninestar advise before he acts rash, the only reason that Ninestar hasn't flipped. Mate: Leafpelt. Kits: Littlekit, Honeykit.

Medicine cat: Hollytail. She-cat. Tortoiseshell fur and amber eyes. Very sweet and kind, but secretly doubts Silverclan since a she-cat died her paws during her kitting.

Warriors: Blacktail. Tom. Dark gray, but a jet black stripe running from the tip of his ears to his jet black tail. Amber eyes. Very fair and kind. Most apprentices come to him to solve their problems. Siblings: Stonefoot, Willowpelt. Apprentice: Lillypaw.

Whitear. Tom. Pure white with green eyes. Very ambitious, but would never kill to get what he wants. He plays fair and square. Mate: Flowerfoot. Kits: None, yet.

Mousefoot. She-cat. Pure brown pelt with green eyes. Very brave and intelligent. Though young, she has as much knowledge as a senior warrior. Mate: Smallfoot. Kits: Lillypaw, Shadepaw.

Smallfoot. Tom. Gray fur and brown eyes. Small and quick on his feet. Doesn't believe in Silverclan. Mate: Mousefoot. Kits: Lillypaw, Shadepaw.

Barkleg. She-cat. Gray fur with dark brown makings on her legs. Amber eyes. Wishes she could have been medicine cat. Siblings: Burrpelt.

Stonefoot. Tom. Deep gray fur and blueish gray eyes. Very powerful, but good-natured and friendly. Siblings: Willowpelt, Blacktail. Apprentice: Ravenpaw.

Willowpelt. She-cat. Brownish gray fur and brown eyes. Compassionate. A good hunter, and loves to fight. Siblings: Blacktail. Stonefoot. Mate: Burrpelt. Kits: Ravenpaw.

Jetfoot. Tom. Pure black fur and eyes. Incredibly fast and skillful in both hunting and battle. Very egotistical. A big hit with the she-cats, but has no mate. Siblings: Flowerfoot.

Burrpelt. Tom. Gray fur flecked with bushy patches of brown. Yellow eyes. Patient, especially with young cats. Believes everyone has the potential to do what they want if they believe. Siblings: Barkleg. Mate: Willowpelt. Kits: Ravenpaw.

Cloudear. Tom. Pure white. Light blue eyes. Not evil, but very close to it. Dropped off a cliff when he was little and hasn't trusted a soul. Not quite schizophrenic, but close to it. Mate: Cinderface.

Apprentices: Ravenpaw. She-cat. Black fur with a white belly. Blue eyes. Calm and and excellent thinker. Mother: Willowpelt. Father: Burrpelt. Mentor: Stonefoot.

Lillypaw. She-cat. Tortoiseshell with amber eyes. Great in hunting and fighting, kind of cocky. Trusts Blacktail with her life. Mother: Mousefoot. Father: Smallfoot. Siblings: Shadepaw. Mentor: Blacktail.

Shadepaw. Tom. Dark gray fur with black paws and belly. Dark green eyes. Lives in the shadow of his sister, but does the best he can to impress everybody. Defiant. Is usually ignored when around his sister except by Leafpelt and Ravenpaw, his friend. Soon becomes Wetpaw and Blackpaw's friend. Mother: Mousefoot. Father: Smallfoot. Siblings: Lillypaw. Mentor: Jetfoot.

Queens: Flowerfoot. She-cat. Tortishell fur with green eyes. Treats everyone with great respect and though she is a runt, she is very humble. Getting ready to kit. Siblings: Leafpelt. Mate: Whitear.

Leafpelt. She-cat. Tortishell fur with amber eyes. Very protective of her only family left, her runt sister. Siblings: Flowerfoot. Mate: Hawkwing. Kits: Littlekit, Honeykit.

Cinderface. She-cat. Brown pelt but an entirely gray face. Blue-gray eyes. Just about ready to kit, yet is very sick and weak. Naturally good-natured, and (like Daisy) is never a warrior. Mate: Unknown.

Elders: Sandtail. She-cat. Ginger-brown fur and amber eyes. Had always wanted to be leader, and used to give Ninestar advice after his short deputy ship. Most aprentices do what she says without question.

Grayfoot. Tom. Black fur with gray paws. Green eyes. Loves repeating old legends and terrifying the apprentices.


Leader: Stormstar. Tom. Gray with a jagged white stripe down his side. Amber eyes. Brave, strong, an ideal leader. Cats knew he was leader material since he was born. Siblings: Smokewhisker, Dovefeather. Mate: Softwind. Kits: Beekit, Raykit.

Deputy: Bluepelt. She-cat. Blue-gray fur. Green eyes. Dependable and trustworthy. Lives to serve her clan. Inseperable with her sister. Siblings: Bluesky (Yes, her sister's kit name was also Bluekit. Very confusing, but since they're twins, they're mother never had to tell them apart until they were warriors). Apprentice: Lionpaw.

Medicine cat: Dovefeather. She-cat. Snow white fur with bright blue eyes. Kind and fair minded, yet can be very sympathetic. Siblings: Smokewhisker, Stormstar.

Warriors: Stoneclaw. Tom. Deep gray fur and amber eyes. Intelligent and strong, but watches his step for reasons unknown.

Swiftfoot. Tom. Small brown cat with brown eyes. Small and fast. Very talkative and friendly. Always has a joke to spare. Siblings: Goldenflower, Owlfeather.

Smokewhisker. Tom. Jet black fur with a silver touched muzzle. Gray eyes. Wise and silent. Most senior warrior. Siblings: Stormstar, Dovefeather.

Wildheart. She-cat. Tortoiseshell fur and amber eyes. Adventures and curious. She's always doing something or other. Siblings: none. Mother: Flowernose. Father: Fernstar (Deceased). Mate: None.

Ravenwing. She-cat. Black fur with a white underbelly. Blue eyes. Kind and thoughtful and never does anything without authorization except disappeared for three moons in late leafbear last year. Siblings: Mothtail. Apprentice: Flowerpaw.

Bluesky. She-cat. Blue-gray fur and amber eyes. Siblings: Bluepelt (The other blue twin. Strange, strange way to grow up.) Mother: Patchtail. Father: Longtail.

Tigerheart. She-cat. Brownish ginger fur with black stripes. Amber eyes. Strongly resembles Tigerclan. Fierce and strong hearted. Definitely not evil, but never misses the chance to fight. Entire family died with greencough. Siblings: Whitefoot (Deceased).

Duskleg. Tom. Brown tabby cat with green eyes. Though a great warrior, he doesn't believe in Starclan. Sibling: Softwind. Mate: Whitefoot (Deceased). Kits: Lionpaw, Brownkit (Deceased). Apprentice: Lightpaw.

Owlfeather. Tom. Mottled brown fur and golden eyes. Regular, friendly warrior. Strong if not very fast, brave, wanted nothing but to serve his clan. Siblings: Goldenflower, Swiftfoot.

Mothtail. Tom. White and pale ginger with a light brown tipped tail. Yellow eyes. Timid and shy, but loyal warrior, nonetheless. Siblings: Ravenwing. Mate: Goldenflower. Kits: Thunderkit, Riverkit, Shadowkit, Windkit.

Queens: Goldenflower. She-cat. Golden fur with green eyes. Talkative and firm believer in the old legends. Siblings: Owlfeather, Swiftfoot. Mate: Mothtail. Kits: Thunderkit, Riverkit, Shadowkit, Windkit.

Softwind. She-cat. Pale cream fur with swirls of ginger. Blue eyes. Gentle and kind, but fights fiercely when she needs to. Siblings: Dustleg. Mate: Stormstar. Kits: Beekit, Raykit.

Elders: Longtail. Tom. Dark brown fur and milky blue eyes. The eldest Lightiningclan cat, or any clan cat for that matter. Went blind from age. The main storyteller and entertainer. Mate: Patchtail (Deseaced) Kits: Bluesky, Bluetail. (They had a hard time telling them apart for a while.)

Flowernose. She-cat. Gray fur except a ginger patch on her nose. Gray eyes. Cranky and intolerable to warriors and apprentices, but gentle to kits. Mate: Fernstar (Deseaced). Kits: Wildheart.

Apprentices: Lightpaw. She-cat. Black fur and amber eyes. Swift and adventurous, kind of like Wetpaw, but brave. Mother: Wildheart. Father: Swiftfoot. Siblings: Flowerpaw. Mentor: Dustleg.

Lionpaw. Tom. Yellowish golden fur with bright blue eyes. Brave and obedient, a loyal apprentice. Mother: Whitefoot (Deseaced). Father: Dustleg. Siblings: Brownkit (Deseaced). Mentor: Bluepelt.

Flowerpaw. She-cat. Blue-gray fur with white tipped ears and tail. Blue eyes. Blind in one eye, but makes up for it in speed and skill. Very dedicated and is touchy when people underestimate her by her disability. Mother: Wildheart. Father: Swiftfoot. Siblings: Lightpaw. Mentor: Ravenwing.