
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Nor do I make money off this.

Warning(s): pretty bland writing style, present tense, short and brief? Implied SeiSub.

Notes: Concrit is love?


Fuuma has good taste, Seishirou often finds himself thinking. Not only when it comes to ice-cream or sunglasses, but also playthings.

Yes, Seishirou thinks, as he watches Kamui struggle against the twines binding him in place, Fuuma has exquisite taste.

Kamui is more than exquisite - imbued with a fragile sort of beauty that's only begging to be tarnished. Being someone who appreciates aestheticism, Seishirou has always held the opinion that beautiful things should not only be admired at from afar, but explored thoroughly.

So, it's only natural and understandable that - given the chance - Seishirou would trap the boy by the means of an illusion in order to deepen their acquaintanceship.

Of course, Kamui isn't all too pleased and makes this fact more than plainly evident, but that doesn't hinder Seishirou in the least; it only makes all of this more amusing. After all, things would quickly grow boring, otherwise.

A toy that is merely pretty doesn't intrigue Seishirou much - he likes his toys with a bit of spark.

It's especially Kamui's eyes that Seishirou considers beautiful - large and expressive eyes that blaze with anger and defiance. Eyes that reveal so many emotions: disgust and hatred, but also curiosity and lust.

So endearing and positively charming!

It makes Seishirou smirk because, as much as Kamui claims to hate being trapped, some part of him enjoys it, too.

Seishirou also loves Kamui's pale skin - it's so delectable and only begging to be ravished. Oh yes, Seishirou is resolved to ensure that Kamui will remember this encounter for a while, so he leaves a trail of kisses against the boy's neck. Kamui shivers and bites against his underlip so harshly that blood trails down his mouth - Seishirou licks it away. At that Kamui starts shuddering and squeezes his eyes shut; a single "you fucking pervert" escapes from his lips and Seishirou smiles.

The boy is practically begging to be devoured.

But Seishirou doesn't go all the way. It isn't because he fears incurring Fuuma's wrath (though that would be an amusing challenge in itself, he admits), but because he's simply not interested in fully taking over Kamui.

Certainly, it would be easy - more than easy: it would only take a few words and some more touching to bring Kamui over the fence. And then Kamui would be his: a pretty toy that he could break over and over again.

Yet, though it's an intriguing prospect, Seishirou is already in the possession of a much better toy than Kamui could ever prove to be.
