Disclaimer: I only own the idea. Really. That's it.

Jar of Hearts


There's a twilight zone between waking up and being fully and blissfully asleep.

Most people aren't aware of this, seeing as how some seem to enjoy waking up as soon as they are aware that they are halfway conscious. Some people have never even been in that area before, because they embrace reality too much.

And then there are the people like me. We relish this time between the world of the living and the world of the unaware. We know that as soon as you do fully wake up that you will most likely be somewhere that you will regret.

I try to drown myself in that moment, because I always know what's going to come next. I always know that as soon as I have to wake up I won't want to, because this feeling of nothingness really is the best part of my day.

They say ignorance is bliss. They are right. Here's a Fact of Life: They are always right, and that is a lesson that I have learned the hard way. It is better to know nothing than something, after all. Personally I wish that I was innocent.

I wish I didn't know what a man's hand felt like on my body. I wish I didn't know what it was like to get your heart trampled on, to know what the sweet, sweet flavor of nicotine really was like. There are so many sensations and feelings and wishes that have all been wasted by me.

If I had the choice I would start all over, way back in utero. Maybe I would abort myself.

It's not a bad idea.

It'd probably be better for everybody.

A/N: This story has started out in so many bits and pieces and now I feel like it's really come together. This was going to be a Jinx/Wally story, but I decided Tara/Garth would be better. And it is already. I'm so glad that I decided to change this.

This story will be very different from 'Philophobia' though it may be told in similar ways (i.e. first person).

I just hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I'm going to.

(Also, the next chapter of 'Philophobia' shall be up soon. My computer had a virus and deleted all of the next chapter. It was not fun, having to re-write all that, let me tell you.)