"Yeah, and I'm so happy."

A few days later. Knock, Knock, Knock.

Miley went to answer the door, and to her surprise, Robby and Jackson, with his new girlfriend Siena were standing on her door step.

"Daddy! I cant believe you are actually here!" Miley screamed, hugging her father. "Jackson!" Miley hugged Jackson also. "Jackson who is this?" Miley asked pointing at Siena.

"Oh, sorry Miles, this is Siena. My girlfriend." Jackson smiled, pulling Siena closer to him, and gave her a nice hug.

"Oh, hello Siena. Nice to meet you, my name is Miley. I am Jackson's brother, and Robby's daughter." Miley held her hand out to Siena.

"Nice to meet you, Miley." Siena shook Miley's hand.

Miley was showing them around her huge house. And, for only being 26 it was a huge house!

"Miley how did you get this huge house?" Jackson asked, dumbstruck.

"I am me, Jackson. You know what, that is how I got this house. You should know that that would give me a lot of money." Miley told her brother, not wanting to give his new girlfriend any hints.

"Miley she knows you were Hannah Montana. Every body knows. Remember you told the entire world." Jackson told his sister.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot." Miley laughed. "And here, Jackson you and Siena will be staying in this room. You can go un pack."

Miley lead her father to his room. Slightly smaller. "Here you go daddy. This is your room. You can un pack also. Dinner is at 5. Have your hands washed, and be sitting in the dinning room 5 minutes too. I have some important news before we begin eating." Miley told him, walking out of his new room.

Miley came back down stairs, where Lilly was reading a book. Like normal.

"Thank you, Lilly. If you didn't make me phone him, I never would have. And he never would have been here right now. Thank you so much." Miley hugged her friend.

"You welcome." Lilly smiled. "I have to tell you something. And this something is gonna be announced at dinner as well."

"Oh, wow. It must be important." Miley smiled. "What is it?"

"I am pregnant." Lilly smiled.

Miley's mouth fell.

5 o'clock came. Everyone was seated at the dinner table. Miley stood up.

"Hello, everyone. Now, we have 3 very important people sitting here today. Robby Stewart my father. Siena, and Jackson Stewart. Jackson is my brother. Have a good dinner. Now, as I can remember Lilly has some thing to say before we eat. Go ahead, Lilly." Miley sat down, and looked at Lilly who was now standing, and she looked as happy as ever.

"Hello, everybody. I have some very exciting news. I am pregnant!" Lilly told everyone. Not leaving anytime for anyone to say anything.

"Lilly?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, Oliver we are having another baby!" Lilly cried.

"Oh my gosh Lilly, I cant believe it! I love you." Oliver hugged his wife. Immediately this being the best day of his life.

Every one started to clap.

The night was coming to an end. Miley was putting Alex to bed. Robby came into his room.

"Hey Dad. Right sorry, I totally forgot. Alex this is your grandpa. My daddy." Miley smiled at her son.

"Hi grandpa!" The smile that was on his face was the best smile Miley had ever seen him give.

Miley and Robby walked out of Alex's room. "Honey I am so happy for you. You have matured to a wonderful person, and the worlds best mom! Your mother would be so happy for you." Robby hugged his daughter, then went up to his room.

Miley loved having her dad with her. She had missed him so much. Jake came over to where Miley was sitting.

"Honey you have done awesome. I love you. Come on, it is late. Lets go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. Today is old news." Jake picked her up, and cradled her like a baby. He took her into their room.

"I love you." Miley said, while being carried to their room.

"I bet I love you more." Jake smiled, kissing her forehead.

"I don't know. I have never stopped loving you. And I never will. You are the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. And, of course with our wonderful children." Miley smiled, sitting in their bed.

"Yeah? But it is not all of our children. We have one missing." Jake sighed.

"Yeah, but she isn't missing. She is still here. She will never leave our hearts. And, wherever we go, she will always be with us. I promise." Miley smiled, turning the lights off and drifting off into a sleep.

That night, Miley dreamt of, her mother, and daughter.

Miley walked up to her mother, in heaven. "Mom, make sure Emily does ok. Please. Me and Jake miss her terribly."

My mother nodded her head. "You did right my daughter. I knew you would succeed in this crazy mixed up world. And I would do anything for you, or your daughter. Now, get some sleep my sweet. I miss you so."

That night Miley slept so good. And she knew that her daughter would be in good hands. Forever and Always.

This is offically the last chapter. Please review. Hope you enjoyed it. And, if you had any problems with the last chapter, please let me know. I really want to know your advice. And, please tell me what you thought about this chapter. Hope you liked it. And it is over. :(