The Insanity

*A/N* Has this become cliche yet? I hope not, because here's hopefully my last parody. Beg that it is, and don't flame me if you don't like funny stories!

The Insanity

My name is Rachel. Well, ah..hey, what am I supposed to say next?

I don't know, make something up.

That's your job.

Yeah, well I'm suffering from a severe writer's block right now.

So this means that the story's in my hands?

You got it. I think I'll give y'all a break. Just until I get over my writer's block.

I started dancing around. Finally, I get to write my own fan fic! I've been waiting for this moment for my whole life! So I started writing.

The Insanity

"Uh-oh. Who's writing the story?" I heard from outside the barn. Wait. Why was I in the barn? And why did Marco walk in the room?

"I'm writing. And you'd better be nice to me or I'll write you into oblivion."

"Okay, fine." I began to write again.

My name is Rachel. Well, I think it is. And I won't tell you my last name.

"I forgot it. So please stop spamming my e-mail with death threats! Please! I can't take it any more! And it's seriously driving me crazy."

"Marco, stop it!"

I can't tell you my last name because-

"Because the FBI is after me."

"Marco, shut up!" I quickly wrote Marco into a black hole.

"AAAAH! Not a black hole! NOOOO!"

"Rachel! Did you write Marco into a black hole again?" My mom asked.

"But MOM! He wasn't letting me write my story!" I whined.

"No nonsense from you!"

"Hey mom? Why are you in Cassie's barn anyway?" She disappeared. This was getting weirder and weirder.

Even if I could tell you my last name, I wouldn't because the Yeerks are here. They're-

"We know already Rachel!" Jake said, coming in.

"Yeah, but they don't."

"Who's they?"

"You know, they. The audience. The people who read this stuff."

They're parasitic slugs that crawl into your ear and-

"Make you do the hokey-pokey." Jake said.

"JAAAAKE! Why'd you do that? Now it's all screwed up!"

"I was just trying to make it a little more interesting."

"Well shut up and let me write!"

They crawl into your ear and control you. You can't walk, or talk, or blink, or tell your parents that you love them. And you don't know who is and who isn't a-

"Swedish meatball." Jake interjected.

"That's it! You've ruined your last fan fic!" I said. Then I opened a hole in the ground. Jake fell into it and it closed up.

"That wasn't very nice!" Cassie said, coming in.

You don't know who is and isn't a controller because they don't act any different from normal-

"What're you doing?"

"Cassie, I'm writing a fan fiction. And if people don't stop interrupting me then I won't get past the introduction."

"But the introduction's the most boring part!"

"Live with it."

They don't act any different from normal people. In fact, they could be your parents. They could be your siblings, your teachers, even your best friends. There's a group called the Sharing, and it's run by-

"Giant pigs."

"Cassie, why did you do that?!"

"Because I wanted to."

The Sharing is run by the Yeerks. When you become a full member, they take you down to-

"Disney World."



"Don't do that again!"

When you become a full member, they take you down to the Yeerk Pool and infest you. We fight the Yeerks. We is me, Jake, Cassie, Tobias, Ax, and-

"A rubber duck named Elvis."

Yeah, a rubber duck named Elvis.

We were walking home from the mall when Elvis suggested we take a shortcut through the abandoned-


The abandoned Kwik-E-Mart. We did that, and Tobias spotted a giant-

"Soup spoon."

A giant soup spoon overhead. It landed and an Andalite came out of it, offering to give us-

"Some chicken noodle omelets."

We accepted, and found that these omelets gave us the power to turn into any kind of-

"Food substance."

So now we have to fight the-


Now we have to fight the chefs that want to-

"Take over every kitchen in the world."

I was getting nowhere.



"Where the heck did you get all this?"

"Madlibs R Us."

"Cassie, I didn't want to do this but..." I turned her into the Mexican staring frog of southern Sri Lanka with my golden magic slingshot. Then Tobias flew in.

< Hi Rachel. Where's everyone else? What's with the frog? >

"They're...out. I'm writing a story."

< Cool. >

When you become a full member, they take you down to the Yeerk Pool and infest you. We fight them. We is me, Jake, Cassie, Tobias, Ax, and Marco. We were walking home from the mall when someone suggested we take a shortcut through the abandoned construction site. Then Tobias spotted a giant ship coming towards us. It landed and an Andalite came out. He gave us the power to morph into any animal we choose. So now we fight the Yeerks, who want to take over the Earth.

"That's better."

Well, we were all in the barn, talking about-

< Who liked Rachel the most. >

"Gee, Tobias, that's sweet. But I'm trying to write here."

We were talking about what our next-

< Insane mission was going to be. >


< This is boring. >

"I give up!"

"I need to get back to Pixieland!" Mitsey the magic elf, who was being followed by a flying soda can, yelled, and then she was gone.

Then a kid in an orange parka slammed against the wall and died.

"Oh my God! They killed Kenny!"

< What's going on here?! >

"I don't know."




"Which is what?"


I hit everything in the room with no effect. Then I smashed my computer and everything returned to normal.

The End of another demented story by me

Or is it?