A/N: Another 'lazy' fic here. Nothing to it really, just Tony and Pepper bantering in my head...figured I'd write it down.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.
"I love you."
"Stop it."
"Tony, please. And give me that."
"What? Can't a guy tell his girlfriend that he loves her?"
"Well…yes, but-"
"But nothing."
"But not on the microphone during the company Thanksgiving party!"
"And why is that?"
"You very well know why. It's unprofessional. These are people we work with everyday, Tony."
"Oh please. There's nothing professional about Thanksgiving parties."
"How much have you had?"
"Oh Potts, ye have so little faith. It hurts."
"How much, Tony?"
"I just had one glass! I swear. Ask Happy. Now give me my mic back."
"No. Not until you promise to keep it professional."
"Since when have I been professional?"
"With me, almost never. But that's different."
"Ha. Okay. I promise. Cross my arc, hope to die. But for the record, everybody here knows I love you. It's not something new."
"Yes, but you still can't say it over the microphone. Please, Tony, work with me here."
"Okay. No more 'I love you's' over the mic. You look gorgeous today, have I told you that? And I really do love you, Pep."
"Thanks. I love you too, Tony. And no dying."
"Okay. I'll try my hardest not to die anytime soon. Now, would you mind saying you love me again – just once – over the mic?"
"God help me."
Thanks for reading! =)