Selfine: Chow!~ After much of a debate with my mistress (and because of certain reader's encouragement), here's another chapter for this fanfic! I hope you'll like it! Ah suggestions for pairings is welcomed too.

Disclaimers: My mistress doesn't own d gray man

Allen calmly led them to the dinner hall. He saw Sheryl already there with a huge butterfly perched on his head. Sheryl smiled broadly at his brother and at Bookman Jr. "Brother! Look what I got!", Sheryl said, waving at Tyki.

"What's that?", Tyki asked, peering closer at it.

"That's Tease", Komui said as he sat on one of the chairs. Lenalee gazed at it with interest. It looked pretty. Tease fluttered from Sheryl's head and flew to Tyki. It hovered around him and landed on Tyki's head. Road smiled mysteriously at Tyki and nudged him toward a seat then he did the same with the rest and finally sat on her own seat.

"Why do I have to sit beside him?", Allen complained, referring to Kanda. Timcanpy was facing the samurai, showing its sharp set of teeth.

"I'm not exactly thrilled with this...", Kanda said glaring at the white-haired noah.

"Now, now, Yuu...", Tiedoll warned.

"And how about me?", Tyki asked.

Road grinned and pointed Lero at him."Ne, don't tell me you don't want him beside you...", she teased. She smiled triumpantly as she saw her young brother lglanced down, red-faced.

"It's not that...", Tyki said lamely.

"Woohoo, Tyki's blushing!", Devitto said then pointed his gun at Tyki. Jasdero peered over his shoulder suddenly, causing Devitto to pull the trigger. A blue paint hit Tyki in the face.

"Hey!", Tyki yelled. The twins only laughed at him. They started to laugh hysterically and ended up hitting up, Skinn, who was currently eating. The young noahs glanced at him. Sparks started to came out of him. Allen stared, wide-eye. They really did it this time. He yelped as he ducked down to dodge from the thunderbolt. Unfortunately, it managed to hit Timcanpy. The gold golem went red and had gone berserk.

"Eep!", Road yelped. She quickly rode over Lero to get above them.

The golem glanced at the samurai. It leaped over him and bit the end of his ponytail. Kanda tried to pull him away. Allen grinned as he watched Kanda's lame attempt. Well, at least there's the fun part of this... The table started tilt over because of Kanda. Suddenly the table flipped, spilling all the foods to the guests and to Allen. Allen glanced at the spoiled food at the floor with a tearful eye then glared at Kanda.

"Uh-oh", Lavi and Lenalee muttered. Looks like Allen's pissed.

Allen activated Crown Clown and set his eyes on the annoying samurai wannabe. "Edge End!"

The other noahs scrambled out of the way. You just don't want to mess with the food when Allen's around. Allen chased Kanda around the whole mansion, leaving the places they passed by in ruins.

"What the hell, Moyashi? It's just food!", Kanda yelled with Timcanpy still by his ponytail."Stupid golem!"

"Just food?", Allen repeated mockingly,"Try to say that again when I have your ugly hair for sale!"

"Well, he's really angry this time...", Lavi commented. They had followed them using their innocences. Lenalee gazed at them and sighed.

~At the dinner hall

Road glanced at what used to be the dinner hall. It was barely recognizable. The Duke sighed but the smile still never left his face."Looks like dinner is postponed. We'll have little Allen to fix this later...", he said,"In the meantime, let's leave here..."

Lulu Bell stood up from her seat and turned to the Duke."I'll get them...", she said calmly.

"Please do...", The Duke said and watched as Lulu Bell turned into a black cat and sauntered out of the ruined dinner hall. The Duke and the others left the hall. Road motioned to Lero and the pink umbrella flew away with the Noah of Dreams to follow Lulu Bell. Luckily, Skinn finally calm down. Jasdevi gazed at the ruins with a satisfied look. They both turned when they heard a grunt behind them. Tyki smiled at them sadistically. He laughed maniacally which caused the twins to shiver.

"You've done... it... this time..."

Yume~ Yume~ Yume~

"That was a disaster...", Lenalee muttered to Lavi.

"Yeah but it was fun!", Lavi said to Allen and Road."Where are the others?"

"I don't know...", Road admitted. Allen walked towards Kanda and pulled Timcanpy from the said samurai's ponytail. Allen gave Kanda a fake smile while patting Timcanpy and gave it another treat. As the punishment, of course. Kanda glared at Allen. Both Road and Allen waved happily as they watched their guests leave.

They closed the larged door behind them. Allen smiled darkly. Timcanpy had eaten a handful of that annoying samurai's hair. Maybe he should at more treats for the punishment. Road glanced out at the now fixed mansion. It was useful that Allen had developed a new ability. Now, Allen could fix anything using the Ark's song. Road decided to go to her room with Lero when they heard a soft knock on the door.

Allen opened it and smiled as he saw Mana. He was glad that he had brought his dog too."Mana!", Allen said, hugging the middle aged man.

"Now, Allen, you could at least let me in. It's rather cold outside.", Mana said. Allen blushed and let Mana in, followed by his dog, Star. Star ran towards Allen, knocking him over. Allen giggled as the dog licked him. Timcanpy was dropped on the floor in the process.

Road noticed that the golem seemed angry... or jealous. Is that even possible? Timcanpy flew to Allen and pulled him away from Star. He was surprised that the little golem was quite strong. Allen gazed at Tim while Tim turned away.

"Hey, Tim, what's the matter?", he asked but the golem ignored him. Mana peered over at Allen and smiled."It seems like he has gotten jealous over Star...", Mana said.

"That can't be true...", Allen said, gazing worriedly at the gold golem.