Suishou Yume: Hello everyone! I hope you'll like this new fanfic! Anyway please leave a review! ~Sigh... Sometimes I think I'm making a lot of fanfics lately.

Selfine: I've noticed. You might not be able to update the other fics.

Yume: Worried about me? (smiles)

Selfine: Of course not! Not about you anyway!... Oh! The author doesn't own the characters in D. gray- man.


During their semestral break, first graders were given a special project by Director Lee. Can things turn worse by a simple school project? Who knows? Besides they're just kids. What can they possibly do?... AllenXTimcanpy, RoadXLenalee and TykiXLavi

"Can't you at least help me here, Roadee?", Allen wailed. He was carrying a large box. It was given to them by their school director, Komui Lee. The director said that it was a special project for the first graders. Allen sighed, why would the director give them a project when they were supposed to enjoy their semestral break?

"Ne? But you're the boy here...", Road said, swinging Lero around. She peered over her shoulder, Sheryl and Tyki were just behind them. Tyki was carrying the same large box as Allen's.

"Stop that, Sheryl!", Tyki yelled. Sheryl was trying to grab the box from him.

"But I just wanted to help!"

"You're making it worse!"

"Stop fighting, Lero!", Lero yelled.

Tyki and Sheryl ignored the umbrella and continued fighting. A black limousine stopped in front of the school gate. The door was opened by their sister, Lulubell, who's currently in grade five. They all hopped on inside and settled on their seats. Allen placed the box on his lap.

"How's school, my children?", The Earl asked as the car drive away from the school.

"It's terrible...", Road whined.

"It can't be that bad", Lulubell said with a bored tone.

"It's only because you don't go in our school", Road said."You don't have to deal with a crazy school director."

"Komui Lee?", The Earl asked."What did he do this time?"

"He only made us do a project at our semestral break..."

"I wonder how Lenalee deals with her brother...", Allen said thoughtfully.

"Ah, before I forget, Cross Marian will be staying at us for a week", The Earl announced.

"That creepy womanizer?", Allen blurted.

"Allen-kun...", The Earl warned in a stern voice.

"Fine. But I don't like him", Allen said." Is Mana coming too?"

The Earl nodded. Allen's eyes lit up. He had always like Mana's company and the thought of having him over during sem break made him happy. Road smiled, it always make her happy seeing her little brother smile. They stopped by the school where the twins attend and picked them up.

"Guess what...", Allen began as they sat.

"What?", Devitto asked.

"Yeah, what?"

"Cross' staying with us this week", Allen said.

"WHHhhaaaaattttttt?", they yelled in unison. Allen only nodded while covering his ears.

"That Cross. He'll pay for what he did last time!", Devitto said,

Jadero nodded in agreement."We'll make him pay his own debts!"

"You can't force a monster to do things it doesn't want to...", Allen said. Jasdevi nodded at this. Allen was right besides only a monster would force a first grader to pay his own debts. And Cross is a monster.

"Now, now, children. Enough about Cross Marian", The Earl said, clasping his hands together. The gesture kinda reminded Allen of Komui."We'll be having guests tonight... At dinner."

"Who?", Road and Allen asked.

"The Lee, Bookmen and Kanda's family...", the Earl answered.

"Yay!", Road beamed.

"Brother's blushing!", Sheryl exclaimed.

"It's because of Bookman's grandson...", Lulubell said simply.


"It must mean that Tyki really likes that rabbit...", Allen said from behind the large box.

"Shut up!", Tyki muttered.

"You don't need to deny that, Tyki-pon. We can accept that, after all we're your family...", The Earl added, joining in.

"I don't like that... That Lavi!"

"Ne, Tyki's on de~nial!", Road sang."Ty~ki's on de~nial..."

"Stop that!"

"Hehe. Look at the way Tyki's blushing!", Devitto teased. Jasdero peered over Tyki's shoulder and grinned." He really likes that rabbit!"

"Stop teaming up on my dearest brother!", Sheryl defended."He can't help it that he loves Bookman's grandson!"

Jasdevi only laughed at that. Tyki buried himself behind the box. Can't they just stop teasing him?. The twins were still laughing as they entered the mansion. Tyki was still hiding his face behind the large box he was carrying. Allen placed the box in the living room and sat on the floor with a sigh.

"Allen, want to play with me while we wait for them to arrive?", Road asked, crouching in front of Allen.

"Does it involve me cross dressing?", Allen asked. Mostly, Road's games ended up with Allen wearing a girl's clothes. Road only giggled and stood up.

"It involves dressing up", Road announced."But we're not going to dress you up..."


"Tee hee, Tyki of course!", Road answered."We're going to dress him up for that person!"

"Eh? But wouldn't that be hard? I mean knowing him..", Allen began.

"That can be solved", she said then called for Jasdevi who were still teasing Tyki.

"What is it?", Devitto asked, he was obviously annoyed for being interrupted in teasing Tyki.

"We need your help"

"For what?"

Road leaned closed to them and whispered something. Jasdevi both nodded. By the time Road finished what she was saying, Devitto and Jasdero were both grinning. Allen sighed," I guess they're in...", he said, standing up.

"This should be fun", Road chimed.