disclaimer: i don't own naruto. if i did i would be living on a tropical island in a condo instead of where i do now.
hello, welcome to my very first naruto story.
"hey" human speech
'huh' human thought
"hello" god/demon/summon/demonic naruto speech
'baka' god/demon/summon/demonic naruto thought
"chidori" jutsu name
hope you enjoy
story start
-4 days before the sealing, spirit realm-
Inside a room made of clouds three beautiful women sat around a table talking. The first was a fair-skinned female blonde about 5'9" wearing a white gown wrapped tightly around her body covering her firm d cup breast, and had a glow of the brightest white light surrounding her. On her right was another female who could've passed as the first females identical twin were it not for the slightly darker skin and black hair. She was wearing a gown like the women next to her except it was black in color, and had an aura of the darkest black surrounding her. Across from the two was a woman around 5'6" with flaming red hair, red fox-like ears on top of her head and lightly tan skin wearing a red kimono . Flowing behind her were nine read fox tails.
"Do you understand your mission Kyuubi?" Asked the blonde, while looking at the fox across from her.
"Yes I do lady Kami." Responded the red head in a serious voice.
"Then we both wish you the best of luck. We will await news of your success." Said the dark haired female.
The Kyuubi bows to both ladies in front of her while saying, "Thank you lady Kami and lady Yami. I'll attempt to finish this mission quickly." A flash of red light later, the fox is gone leaving both goddess alone in the room.
Day of the bridge battle, Wave country.
A glowing red, demonic looking Naruto Uzumaki glares at the fallen form of a masked Haku. As he walks over to kill his opponent, the mask shatters revealing a familiar face to the blonde haired genin. The face forces Naruto to freeze right before his kunai pierced skin.
"Why?" was all the boy could ask as the cloak of red chakra left him. Haku looked up confused at her blonde opponent. Naruto seeing the confusion growled "why are you working for a selfish man like Zabuza?"
Haku sat up and responded "because he saved me." With that she told her story as the blonde listened, before asking him to kill her. Naruto plunged his knife into her skin. He saw her frown at hearing the sound of chirping birds before she fell over, her eyes going dull. Before he could get up to check on his sensei he heard clapping coming from the unfinished part of the bridge.
With Kakashi and Zabuza- a few minutes earlier
The moment Kakashi felt Naruto using kyuubi's chakra he knew he needed to finish this fast. So acting quickly he pulled out a scroll before opening it while going through hand seals. A puff of smoke and the enraged scream from his opponent told him that his hounds had grabbed Zabuza.
Not wanting to miss his chance he quickly snapped off three hand seals, then grabbed his right wrist with his left hand. Lightning began to crackle in his open palm as a ball of lightning creating the sound of chirping birds. "Chidori" announced Kakashi as the ball finished forming. Before he started running towards the helpless Zabuza, a clapping sound could be heard from the end of the bridge. Thus distracting Kakashi, causing his jutsu to dissipate. Turning to face the end of the bridge he sees Gato clapping. Behind Gato were around 300 thugs and bandits.
Bridge after Gato's death-Naruto
Feeling relief that Sasuke wasn't really dead, Naruto turned to head into town. Taking three steps towards the village he passes out.