Without a second thought, Cody rushed down to the candy counter in search of Maddie. "Maddie!" He exclaimed. The young girl turned her attention to him. "Hi Cody. What's up?" She said concerned. She noticed the panicked expression on Cody's face. "I need your help! I did something really bad, and I don't know what to do…" He stared at her expectantly. Desperate for her assistance.

Maddie's eyebrows rose slightly. Cody never did anything 'really bad'. That was usually Zack's specialty. She wondered what he had done. "Ok, spill." She told him.

Cody seemed to not know where to start. "It's ok Cody. I'm sure whatever it is we can fix it." She said encouragingly.

When he neglected to say anything, Maddie tried again. "Cody, What did you do? Get a C on your report card?" She said teasingly.

"No!" Cody yelped, wishing it were only that. His eyes misted as he blurted it out. "I made Zack hate me!" He wailed. "I can't tell my mom, because she'll hate me too! I, I, um…..was going to smoke a cigarette and Zack stopped me, but then mom found him holding it, and he got in trouble, and I didn't say anything, and, and now he hates me!"

Maddie's eyes widened big time. "Woah, slow down! You did what?! You SMOKED? Are you serious?"

Cody's reluctance to respond was answer enough. Maddie was shocked. "Cody?"

Head hung in shame, Cody continued, "I was trying to light it when Zack came in. He took it from me, and yelled at me…..then mom came in, and…I let him take the blame. I feel horrible." He sniffled, beginning to cry.

Maddie put her arm around him, pulling him in for a hug. "You know there's only one thing to do to make this right, don't you? You have to tell your mom."

"Look Cody, you obviously know you screwed up and have to tell her. That's why you came to talk to me. You're scared, that's understandable. I'll come with you if you want, if you think that will make it easier?" Maddie offered her young friend. Cody tensed up, and let out a long breath.

"I don't know why I did it. Mom was so mad… I've never seen her so mad. I wanted to tell her but I couldn't. What kind of person am I Maddie? I even tried to tell her after but I chickened out." Cody confessed, hoping that the girl stood before him wouldn't end up hating him too, due to how horribly he had acted.

Maddie surprised him by rubbing his shoulders. "Cody. I know its going to suck but the only way to fix this, is to come clean. I'm sure Zack is pissed off at you, I think anyone would be. But you have to act fast. Is he grounded?"

"Yeah….but for a different reason. He got a different punishment for the cigarette….you know that concert our Dad is taking us to? He's not allowed to go to that.." Cody neglected to tell Maddie about the spanking, there was no need to tell her that. Plus, he didn't want to add another reason for Zack to hate him, telling the girl of his dreams that he got a spanking? Well, Zack would not appreciate that.

Suddenly, he felt a searing slap land on his shoulders. Maddie had just slapped him. And now she was glaring at him. How did she go to comforting to fuming mad in such little time?

"CODY. Are you kidding me? That concert means the world to Zack. What's wrong with you? You march up to your suite and come clean NOW. Or…or I'll tell your mom for you!" Cody's eyes widened. He gulped.

"I'll tell her! I will. I just need some time. To you know, plan what I'm going to say and how." Cody rambled quickly.

Maddie stared at him intently for a minute or so. She could tell that Cody did feel very guilty, but he was still scared. Hopefully his guilt would override his fright. She didn't want to come between him and his mom, but Zack was her friend too. She didn't think she could just know the truth and let him miss out on his very special day. She decided to give him an ultimatum.

"You have until the day of the concert to confess, Cody. I'm not going to let Zack miss it just because you couldn't own up to your mistake. I'll tell your mom what you told me.. I don't want to, but I will. Please Cody, just tell her. You'll live. She's your mom, and she loves you. She won't kill you.. I hope." Maddie ended her short rant with a smirk.

"Look Cody, I know you can do the right thing. But I have to get back to work, I don't want Moseby to say I'm neglecting my job. Good luck." She said sincerely, and Cody was off to go back to the suite.