"I guess we could build another roller coaster through downtown...The again it's not exactly new...or exciting."
From beneath the shade of the lone tree planted in his backyard, Phineas Flynn sighed as he looked up into the leaves from his spread-eagle position on the grass. Next to him his brother, Ferb, cast a silent look in his direction. Both of them had been here for a while now, debating on the day's plan and were no closer to their goal than they were this morning, which was rare. As Phineas continued to slurg ideas, then shooting them down an instant later, time continued to wind down. Neither boy moved until they heard the latch on the fence unlock and a familiar voice rang out.
"Oh, hi Isabella." Phineas sat up to greet the Fireside leader.
"What 'cha doin'?" The female rocked on her heels while she looked from each boy and scanned the yard curiously.
"We're trying to figure out what to do today but so far we have nothing," Phineas replied matter-of-factly. "I mean, summer's already half over and we just traveled the world last week. How can we compete with that?"
"You'll come up with something Phineas." Isabella assured. "You can do anything. You've traveled all around the world in a single day, discovered Atlantis and traveled through space then time-"
"Hey, that's it!" Phineas cut in, jumping to his feet. Before Isabella could ask what he meant, he began explaining. "We've been to space dozens of times and through time less than that but what if we did both?"
"You mean travel through space and time?" Isabella asked slowly, not entirely getting it and giving a puzzled look to Ferb who just shrugged.
"Exactly." Phineas continued. "You see, whenever we went into time or space we always knew the time and place we were going but if we could manage to build a wormhole, a sorta combination of both, we'll end up in a completely different dimension."
Isabella put a finger to her lips thoughtfully. "So you mean like we'd be in a world full of different, possibly slimey, mutant creatures?"
"That's definately a possablity," Phineas gave a nod and smiled. "Guys, I know what we're going to do today."
So the plan was set, halfway through the morning, and the construction that would last for yet another big chunk of the day began. Hammers would clang; drills whirl and metal welded in that little backyard when fun knows no bounds and the wonders produced went unseen by adult eyes by nothing short of a miracle, must to the despair of a certain teenager eyeing the new construction from her bedroom window.
"They're at it again, Stacy," she growled into her phone as she pressed her face against the glass.
"Let me guess, Candace, now you're going to hang up the phone and run downstairs in a soon-to-be failed attempt to get your mom to go outside to bust them, right? You're going to tell her they're out there building something again, like they've been doing all summer." Stacy's voice was thick with sarcasm but, naturally, Candace didn't notice.
"Trust me, I would...If my parents hadn't left for their stupid, week-long cruise today."
"Again? Didn't they just go on vacation?"
"It wasn't much of one apparently so they're going to make it up by being on a big, smelly ship in the smelly ocean instead," Candace rolled her eys. "Which mean, once again, I'm stuck in charge and that means no phone calls."
"Which equals, no busting." Candace heard Stacy tsk. "Guess you'll just have to find a new hobby for the time being."
"As much as I hate to admit it, you're right..." Candace sighed, then suddenly brightened. "At least there's always Jeremy," she added dreamily.
"Well, considering you two are now officially an item, one would assume that's hobby enough." Stacy remarked as if it was common sense. "Psychotically stalking your younger brothers to get them in trouble should not come before your love life, girl."
"Officially noted." Candace left the window and began pacing about her room. "But now I'm at a loss, Stace."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that all summer I tried everything I could to make Jeremy mine, and only mine, but now that he is I've got nothing!" Frustrated, the teen plopped on her bed and buried her face in her pillow with a groan.
On the other line, she heard someone call to Stacy, whose reply nearly shattered Candace's eardrum. "I gotta go," Stacy announced in haste. "Listen, you and Jeremy are boyfriend and girlfriend. This isn't kiddy stuff anymore, you gotta do something, talk to him, go to the movies, ask your brothers to whip up a shuttle and go into space for retro stargazing. Just. Do. Something."
The line went dead.
With a sigh, Candace hung up and rolled to look at the ceiling. Maybe Stacy had a point, just sitting here worrying about what to do wouldn't get it done any faster. Slow and steady, wasn't that the best way to handle relationships?
"Since when are relationships so complicated?" She wailed and returned face to pillow until the construction symphony outside finally made her snap. She leapt off her bed, with no fair amount of grace, stormed to the window and opened it with enough force to practically shatter the glass.
"Hey Candace," Phineas was the first to notice her. "Wanna help us?"
"No, I don't 'wanna help'" she mocked. "I want you and your little friends to pipe down. I'm trying to think here and it doesn't help when-What is that?" She cut off as her eyes found the boys' newest method of entertainment, some crude mix between a giant metal horseshoe and a mess of electrical wires and lights.
"Well, I guess you could call it a dimensional wormhole," Phineas replied, obviously trying to dumb it down.
"And what do you plan on doing with that?"
"Travel through time and space to an alternate dimension with the possibility of running into slimy inhabitants." Phineas answered simply.
Candace blinked before shaking her head wildly. "Uh-uh, no way. Mom and Dad left me in charge and I forbid you to step through that portal!"
"You can come with us, Candace." Isabella suggested. "It'll be fun!"
"I don't think so, once around the world was enough for me!" The teen refused.
"But this is a different world," Phineas pointed out. "Besides if you do come with us think of all you'll have to talk to Jeremy about when we get back."
Isabella nodded in agreement. "After all, we all know you put psycho stalker tendencies before love."
Candace narrowed her eyes and there was a short silence.
"I'll be right down," she grated and disappeared from the window only to come back a second later to add: "I'm only coming to keep an eye on you two, not because I'm desperate!" Everyone in the yard looked at each other, clearly not believing that.
"Awesome, now we have Candace, who's in denial, along for the ride." Phineas said excitedly, then pulled a thoughtful expression. "By the way, has anyone seen Baljeet or Buford? I figured they'd be here by now." The following silence told him no one had and he just shrugged. "Oh well, we can't sit around and wait, the power supply for this wormhole won't last long."
"Alright, I'm here." Candace announced as she closed the door behind her. "Let's get this over with before I change my mind."
Phineas help up a hand in a clear signal to hold on. "In just a sec'." He looked around briefly. "Where's Perry? I think we should bring him with us."
Candace jammed her hands on her hips. "Why bring him? You hardly know where he is half the time anyway. You'll probably just end up losing him."
"I don't want to leave him here alone," Phineas said as he began to circle the yard until locating said green creature by the side of the house and picking him up and dragging him over to the arc.. "Leaving a platypus alone in the tri-state area is just inhuman, Candace."
Candace just rolled her eyes, still not seeing how that was different from any other day of summer so far. "Whatever," she said. "Are we going or what?"
"Going. Alright, fire it up, Ferb!"
Giving a thumbs up as a reply, Ferb flipped a switch and the machine whirred to life in a less-than-graceful spurt of electricity. Within the metal arc, yet no expanding past it, a light flashed. Once, twice then suddenly blazed to life in a brilliant swirl of blues and whites.
"It looks like the yogurt I ate this morning," Isabella stated as she eyes followed the hypnotic splotch before them.
"Everyone ready?" Phineas' question made Candace gulp.
"I'm starting to think this is a bad idea," She said nervously. "We don't even know where we're going to end up!"
"Nonsense, out of everything we've done this summer, portal walking is defiantly the safest." Phineas assured. "And not knowing is half the fun."
Not entirely convinced, but knowing she'd be in an unspeakable amount of trouble if she let her brothers go to an alternate universe and something bad happened, Candace bit her lip and closed her eyes. She forced one foot in front of the other and stepped through the arc.
And there you have chapter one, you wonderful readers who found this by some miracle XD I have an issue with short first chapter so dont hate me D: Please Read and review!