The Push

Note:I haven't written in awhile so I apologize if it doesn't flow well or if I messed up words. Reviews are greatly appreciated and feel free to be harsh I can take it.

Summary: The guys discuss Jane and Maura, or the lack there of.

Ch. 1

Frankie stood in the door way to the bull pen, eyes locked on his older sister, who was far to busy to notice she had an audience.

"I think Bass misses you"

"What? Your turtle misses me? Maura I think you may be projecting" Jane said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Tortoise! And I maybe project a little. It's been weeks since we've done something outside of work," The medical examiner said, trying not to sound too disappointed.

"I know, trust me I know, but with the flu and then this new serial killer, I've barely left this place it seems" Jane said dropping her hand on to her friends knee.

A smile started to creep on to Frankie's face. Jane was a tough one to crack but Maura seemed to do it effortlessly. Jane never let her guard down but the good doctor seemed to have gotten in anyway.

"Hey look, this case isn't going anywhere at the moment, let's go get some lunch and catch up, you can tell me all about how Bass misses me" Jane said standing up and reaching for her jacket.

"Sounds perfect Detective" Maura said beaming at her friend.

Oh brother, could they be anymore obvious. Frankie thought to himself. He quickly stepped into the room and busied himself with getting some coffee.

"Frankie, hey you want to grab some food with Maura and I" Jane said upon seeing her brother.

"Me" Maura corrected

"Yeah whatever" Jane said glancing at the M.E. with a small smirk.

"Nah, I'm good, maybe next time, have fun you two" Frankie said in a teasing manner.

As the girls left the building Frankie wondered if he was the only one who saw the sparks between them.

Looking around the room Frankie spotted Frost and Korsak at their desk.

"Hey guys"

"Frankie" they said in unison

"I know this maybe forward of me, but do you think something is going on between Maura and my sister"

The detectives looked up wide-eyed, then at each other.

"Oh my god we thought it was just us" Korsak said sounding relieved

"I mean at first I thought Korsak was just being a pig, but well…" Frost's thought trailed off.

"You think they're embarrassed? Worried we'll haze them or something?" Frost asked, perplexed as to why the women wouldn't just tell everyone they were together.

"I dunno, Janey and I are usually pretty open about stuff but with all the time she spends talking about Maura she's never once mentioned them being more the friends" Frankie said a little hurt by this fact.

"Well Jane isn't exactly big on the warm and fuzzys" Korsak said gruffly

"I just wish she'd tell me, I'd be supportive, I just want her to be happy, and lets face no one makes her as happy as Maura" Frankie said while the other two nodded in agreement.

Just then Frankie's walkie crackled to life. "Looks like a gotta go, we'll talk later" Frankie said departing the station.

"You can't keep pointing out their flaws on the first date Maur, no wonder you can't get a second one" Jane said entering the bull pen after lunch.

"I know, I just…I can't seem to stop myself" Maura whined slumping into the chair at the corner of Jane's desk.

"Honey, it's like the word thing, you gotta try to keep in check, just for the first few encounters, let the guy get to know you before you introduce him to, well your quirky side" Jane said putting a reassuring hand on her friends shoulder before taking her seat.

"Sometimes I just want to give up on the whole situation"? Maura said a small frown creasing her face.

Korsak and Frost sat quietly eavesdropping on the conversation. Though they knew the women were head over heels for each other they seemed to continue the ruse that they were interested dating men. The detectives shoot each other a look as if to say 'their kidding right'.

When Frankie returned later that afternoon. Frost motioned for him to come closer.

"What's up?"

"Korsak and I were thinking, is it possible they don't know?"

"What do you mean?" Frankie said scrunching his face in confusion

"You know, that Jane and Maura haven't realized that they have feelings for each other," Korsak explained.

"But it's like so obvious how could they not…OH MY GOD! THEY DON"T KNOW" Frankie exclaimed as the realization hit him like a slap in the face. A few heads turned to glare at him for raising his voice.

"Sorry" he said meekly to the perturbed on lookers.

Grabbing a chair Frankie sat himself down across from Frost.

"So how do we give them a push with out them knowing" The younger Rizzloi asked.

"I don't know if it's wise to push your sister" Frost said foreboding tingeing his voice

"Family dinner" Korsak said matter of factly.

So, should I continue? Let me know.