I will update my fic Me, Myself, and Spy? next! I just had to get my Toy Story obsession out on Fanfiction.
I just figured there needed to be more Dolly/Woody stuff out there, and I'm happy to contribute. And to all the Bo/Woody people out there, let me just say she's GONE...I mean, I like Bo/Woody pre-Toy Story 3, but after that, Dolly/Woody is my ship. HOPE YA LIKE IT!
"Any news from the day care, Woody?" Dolly strutted up to the cowboy, who was sitting on an abandoned block, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
He and the other toys had been at Bonnie's for 2 years now, and they seemed to like it here. Everyone had settled in pretty quickly, and Bonnie was gone frequently, so that gave them a lot of time alone. A lot of time to do whatever they wanted. Every other week, Mr. Pricklepants and Hamm put on a play or a musical for the rest of the toys. Buttercup and Bullseye had weekly races, and Trixie had gotten nearly everyone an AIM account. Not that anybody actually used theirs, except for Rex. Woody was still the leader of his toys, and Dolly was the leader of hers. He had instantly established a system where they could talk to the day care toys daily, since they weren't always able to get to a computer.
"YES!" Woody yelled, so suddenly that Dolly nearly fainted. "BUZZ! JESSIE! YOU GOTTA COME HERE!" Dolly smiled at seeing Woody so excited. Buzz and Jessie came around the corner, Buzz carrying Jessie bridal style. Dolly was happy for the two toys, but it seemed like everyone had a partner except for her. Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead, Rex and Trixie, even Bullseye and Buttercup were the best of friends. Slinky was the only toy to able to understand Totoro. And Woody...Dolly smiled to herself. Although she wouldn't admit it in front of anyone but Jessie, she had developed a small crush on the sheriff. Something about his leadership, his optimistic attitude, his helping hand with everything...Dolly wasn't sure exactly how she felt. But for right now, her stuffing still filled with butterflies when he grinned at her.
"What's up, partner?" Jessie asked, after Buzz had put her down.
"Bo. She's at Sunnyside," Woody said hurriedly.
"Really?" Buzz said. "That's great!" Dolly, on the other hand, felt like she had just ran into a brick wall. Jessie had told her about Bo Peep, Woody's lost love. Bo had been everything to Woody, and he had tried to save her from being sold, but to no avail. Dolly thought Woody would've moved on by now, but by the spark in his brown eyes, he still loved Bo Peep as much as he had before.
"Isn't this amazing, Dolly?" Woody cried, jumping off his block and facing her.
"It's...fantastic," Dolly managed to choke out. Woody grinned, failing to see the hurt in her eyes. Jessie noticed though, and she grabbed Dolly's felt hand and dragged her underneath the bed as Woody and Buzz went to go tell the other toys.
"Okay, what's up Dolly?" Jessie said, staring the rag doll down.
"N-nothing," Dolly stuttered, failing to sound convincing. Jessie raised her eyebrows. "Okay, okay, you got me. It's because Bo's back."
Jessie nodded like she knew all along. Which she probably did, Dolly thought dully to herself.
"You like him a lot, don't you?" Jessie whispered. Dolly just nodded. "Well, we'll see. Maybe we can get him to move on, to see what's been in front of him all along." Dolly stared at the ground, lost in her thoughts. Jessie was her best friend now, she was her confidant. Dolly didn't think Woody would move on anytime soon while Bo was still around. Personally, Dolly didn't think she stood a chance against that Nursery Rhyme. Dolly sank to the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees. "Aw, cheer up Dolly! You still have a chance!" Jessie tried earnestly to cheer her best friend up. Dolly looked up at Jessie.
"You really think so, cowgirl?" Dolly said. She wiped away her tears and stood up.
"Absolutely," Jessie said confidently. "I'll do anything to help."
Suddenly, Woody and Buzz appeared, letting the light crawl in underneath the bed.
"Are you guys okay?" Woody asked.
"Yes sir-ee!" Jessie cried, bounding out and dragging Buzz along with her.
"How about you, Dolly?" Woody said, giving her a small hug.
"Better now," Dolly said, sighing. All too soon, Woody stepped back and informed her that tomorrow, he was going to the day care to see Bo.
Dolly's googly eyes glistened. "Can I come with?" she blurted. Covering her mouth, she blushed.
"'Course you can!" Woody said cheerfully. He took her hand and walked her out of the dark space, where the rest of the toys stood waiting. Many of them gave her a smile, but Buzz and Trixie were one of the few that gave Dolly strange, knowing looks. She waved to all of them, and let go of Woody's hand.
"So, uh, cowboy...how are we getting to Sunnyside?" Dolly asked.
"We'll sneak in Bonnie's backpack tomorrow, see Bo and the others during recess, get back in the backpack, and arrive back home." Woody rattled off his plan with a dreamy look in his eyes.
Dolly sighed, but Spanish music interrupted her reply. Both toys turned around, bursting into laughter at the sight of Buzz doing the tango with Jessie. Slinky and Totoro were rolling on the ground, holding their stomachs. Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead decided to join in too, spinning next to the space ranger and the cowgirl.
"Dime mi amor, mi todo," Buzz said, in a thick Spanish accent, twirling Jessie into a dip. She giggled. Wait, giggled? Dolly thought. What are the odds. Suddenly, the music changed to a classical song, thanks to Hamm and Mr. Pricklepants. Buzz, who had been holding Jessie, came out of his Spanish mode and dropped Jessie on the hardwood floor.
"Jessie! I'm so sorry!" he apologized. She just grinned and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which caused his face to turn the colour of a tomato.
"There! Now THAT'S culture!" Mr. Pricklepants said.
"Oh, please," Buttercup scoffed. He tapped the radio and a pop song was blared through the stereos.
"TURN IT DOWN!" Trixie yelled. Buttercup quickly turned the dial to five instead of ten.
"Sorry," he said sheepishly.
"Care to dance?" Woody said, offering his hand to Dolly and bowing.
"Are you serious, cowboy?" Dolly replied, quite shocked. Woody just smiled at her. She cautiously took his hand. After all, she liked Woody, but he just wasn't the best dancer. Dolly had seen how he had thrown Jessie around dancing, and she didn't want any of her buttons to fall off. However, Woody was quite the gentleman, dancing not too fast, not too slow, but so that Dolly felt absolutely comfortable. Dolly felt as if she could live in this moment forever.
She shoved the thought of Bo to the back of her mind. That could wait. For now, Dolly was happy.
NEXT CHAPTER: To the day care! Please review! THANKS!
p.s. If you don't know what "Dime mi amor, mi todo," means, it's "Tell me my love, my everything." XD
p.p.s. Keep Moving Forward is my motto, and it's about everything I do in life. When life gets you down, KEEP. MOVING. FORWARD. Don't stay in the past.