AN: This is my first time writing a story for Darkest Powers. Go easy on me. Please. By the way, this story will be in Derek's POV, unless stated otherwise.

I sighed as Dad pulled into another parking lot of another hotel. Finally, we'd be able to get out of this damn car. I got out of the passenger seat as Dad nudged Simon and Tori awake. Chloe and Lauren weren't with us anymore. After the Edison Group caught up to us once and Chloe was injured, Lauren decided it was better to take Chloe and split up. Instead of staying in a group where they'd be more protected. Idiot.

So, Lauren packed and dragged away the love of my life, my mate, with her. Chloe refused to go at first, but then she started worrying once Lauren made it clear she wouldn't budge about moving out. I couldn't really blame her. Lauren was her last remaining family member, since she couldn't see her dad, and Chloe didn't want to lose her. She'd already thought she lost her once, and that was painful enough.

I stretched, cracking my back. Tori winced and made a noise of disgust, but I ignored her. Being in that cramped little car all day killed me. "Derek, help Simon with the bags, will you? I'll get us checked in. Tori, you can come with me."

"'Kay." I grunted, walking to the back of the van and grabbing my bag, along with Tori's and Dad's. And trust me, Tori's bag was way bigger than it needed to be.

Simon sighed as he grabbed his own bag, along with Tori's laptop bag. "You make me feel like a wimp." he said, pouting.

"That's because you are a wimp." I replied automatically. You know. That whole love-hate relationship siblings have. Unfortunately, that now includes Tori. Yeah, you heard me right. Tori is Simon's half-sister. Which means she's my half-sister. Don't you hate it when irony turns around and bites you in the ass?

Simon scowled as we walked into the hotel. Instead of asking the receptionist where Dad went, I just followed his scent. I was usually anti-social. I was practically homicidal after long car rides. I walked into Dad's room and put his bag near his bed before doing the same with mine. I lugged Tori's into her room. "Thanks, Dog Boy." she said. I growled at her before stalking out of the room.

"How in the world could you have had that?" I asked Dad, jerking my thumb in the direction of Tori's room.

"Oh, she's not that bad." he said. "You're just grumpy from the car ride. Come on, let's get some sleep."

I grunted in response, admittedly tired. We drove through the night last night, and all day today. And, being a werewolf, sleeping in a cramped car is nearly impossible. So I was running off of about three hours of sleep. I quickly stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

A knock on the door woke me. No, let me rephrase that. A pounding on the door woke me. It sounded like someone was trying to knock our door down. "Kit! Open the door! Please!" a strangely familiar voice yelled. I remembered who it was and bounded off the bed, throwing open the door. I heard Simon and Dad groan behind me and get out of the bed.

Lauren was standing in the doorway, looking on the verge of a heart attack. Pure panic was in her eyes and there was just one thought running through my head. Chloe…

"What happened?" I snapped. She wouldn't be here unless something was wrong.

"Derek, what are you talking about? Who–Lauren?" Dad exclaimed as he saw her.

The door beside us burst open and Tori stomped out. "Do any of you know what time it is? It's three in the morning! What the hell are you–" she stopped as she too saw Lauren. "Where's Chloe?" she immediately asked.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you!" Lauren yelled, frantic. I was so glad that this was a small town. There wasn't anybody in the rooms around us. "She was attacked. All I heard was her scream, and then I ran to her and saw a huge wolf biting into her shoulder! She scared him off with some corpses, but she's hurt. He also tore open her side with his claws, and I'm afraid it might be a werewolf. It looked bigger than other wolves."

"Where is she?" I growled.

Lauren shrunk back from me. "In the car. A blue sedan."

That was the last I heard. I ran, taking off to find Chloe. This was all Lauren's fault. If she'd just stayed than Chloe wouldn't be hurt, or possibly turning into a werewolf. I ran into the parking lot and found the sedan. I could see Chloe through the windshield. Her head was slumped forward, and I could tell she was having trouble breathing. I could see that her shoulder and stomach her bandaged, with small red spots forming through tears in her shirt.

I quickly yanked open the door and reached in to grab her. Her intoxicating smell instantly washed over me, but it was different. She smelt like a werewolf, fur underneath skin. A string of curses exploded from my mouth as I grabbed her, holding her bridal style and kicking the car door closed behind me.

I quickly walked back to the room, avoiding jogging for fear of hurting her more. Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open. Her nostrils flared and her eyes widened in panic. She jerked away from me. "Let go!" she yelled. I looked in her eyes. They were feral, more animal than not. The wolf had smelt another, a stranger, and therefore a threat, and reacted on instinct. Her wolf was trying to get as far away from me as possible.

"Chloe!" I snapped. "It's me! Derek! I'm safe, alright? You're okay. You're going to be fine." My voice softened as I got to the end, trying to convince myself as much as her. She stopped struggling, but it was because her movements had caused too much pain and she'd passed out. I whimpered slightly and moved faster. I slammed the door to the guy's room open and placed Chloe on the bed. The others quickly moved over from where they'd been spread about the room.

"Derek? Is she a werewolf?" Dad asked.

I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face, nodding. "A werewolf attacked her alright." I murmured. "She's turning into one as we speak."

"How can you be so calm about this?" Lauren yelled.

I snapped. "I'm not!" I snarled, giving her my worst glare. She flinched back. "This is killing me, watching her like this! But I wouldn't have to if you had stayed! This is all your fault! If you'd stayed here, with the rest of us, she wouldn't have left, she wouldn't have been bitten, and we wouldn't be in this situation, waiting to see if she'll make it through or not!"

"Derek!" Dad snapped, getting my attention. I realized I was shaking, my fists clenched at my sides, and I was bearing down on Lauren, ready to tear her apart. I backed up, moving closer to Chloe.

"What do you mean, if she'll survive?" Simon asked, alarmed.

"Yeah. I mean, she's turning into a werewolf, right? It's not like she's dying." Tori added.

I shook my head, but it was Dad who explained. "Not everyone that gets bit by a werewolf survives. In fact, there's only one female werewolf in existence, in the Pack. I hate to say it, but Chloe's chances aren't looking good."

I almost howled in agony at that. She will survive, the wolf said confidently. How do you know, I asked bitterly. She is our mate. She is strong. She'll survive. We won't let her die. I shook my head, praying he was right. And praying that if she did survive, she wouldn't totally lose it.

AN: So there's a little chapter to get us started. Again, this is my first time writing this kind of story, so go easy on me. Review and tell me if I should keep going, and what I should change. Were the characters okay? I know Derek seems a little OCC in this one, but you have to remember, Chloe was just attacked. His nerves are a little shot. He won't be like that in other chapters. So tell me what you think!