"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were pregnant..." Renji seemed to be joking. The look on Ichigo's face didn't show any amusement. "It says here," he turned a page of the text book he was currently reading. As an aspiring doctor, he knew almost everything there is to do with different diseases, illnesses and phobias. Eidetic memory (only for literature and facts ). He took pride in this when he just barely remembered what yuzu made for breakfast yesterday.
His favourite diseases were ones linked with the brain... this had nothing to do with the brain.
These symptoms were abnormal for a male to be experiencing altogether at the same time;
.Frequent urination
.Morning sickness
.Weird food cravings
.Swollen nipples
He was stumped. The redhead had to resort to something he hadn't had to do in a long while. research!
Ichigo laid back on the cream coloured seats that frequented his fathers clinic. Great! He knew something had been off about himself but having a illness his step brother hadn't even heard of, that was just taking the cake.
Renji rubbed the back of his neck, he was frustrated with himself and the situation. He picked the vial of blood he had extracted from the orangette, when he first realised his attempts to solve this mystery was becoming futile.
"You can leave... but I'm still not sure of what it might be. I'll take some more tests." He let Ichigo go part way through the door before speaking up, "Ichi."
Ichigo spun and peaked his head to attention.
"For now I won't tell your dad but if after three weeks and I'm still stuck, he will the first person I turn to regardless of how angry you are at him."
Ichigo nodded. If it this, whatever it was didn't clear up, he know his father would eventually find out.


'Beep beep' He pulled his phone from his pocket.
-Renji do you wanna meet up? xxxxxxx love rukia 3-
The redhead pulled a face, he really didn't need that kind of guilt today but he had to reply or she wouldn't stop.
-Sorry babe busy...will text when done xx-
He knew it was all kinds of wrong but he couldn't help it, he was falling in love.
The back door was open so he walked straight to the Kuchiki residence.
Even though Rukia wasn't going to be at home, it never hurt to be cautious, which was rather unnatural to Renji's personality, anyone who saw at this moment would be severely confused.
'Beep beep.'
'Please don't be her'
He sighed in relief it wasn't.
'I'm in my study'
Renji was headed that way anyway but for some reason this person always knew when he had arrived. He threw open the door of the said destination but no-one was there.
He stood there for a few moments staring at an empty desk chair when he felt a warm breath on his neck. He grinned with full force before turning around.
The taller had always taken the air from his longs just by looking into his eyes.
"Good afternoon abarai-kun," Byakuya purred. "It has been too long! Any longer and I would of forced to tell everyone about our relationship, just to make visit again."
This comment sent panic through Renji at full speed.
"You wouldn't Bya?!" He half begged half told.
"But I would," Byakuya held him so he was able to see each others whole face clearly. "Do you know how tortuous it is to walk you with my sister. I just want to abduct you and then have my way with you." He started to move his hands around Renji's body.
The only person who saw Byakuya in the state was Renji. The usually stoic man replaced with thus seductive sex addict persona.
He remembered when it first happened

A week after Rukia and Renji had made their relationship official, was the week he realised Byakuya would never look at him the way he wanted him to.
It was 12pm on the dot and Renji was sweating from the intense sparring session he was having with byakuya.
Byakuya on the other didn't look much different then he did normal did, the only signs of exertion was the few beads of perspiration trailing down his face and the very slight pinking of his cheeks.
"You have much improved from our last encounter," that surprised Renji. Good compliments where almost impossible to get from his raven hair superior. "But you are still lacking in many areas." there was the the criticism he had been waiting for.
Byakuya set down his bamboo katana.
"You're not leaving now are you?" His attempt to not sound desperate were quite pitiful. He hoped it would go unnoticed but the small amusement lighting Byakuyas eyes showed a different story.
"Is there a reason why I cannot Abarai-san?"
His mouth opened but nothing came out. 'Yes' that's what he wanted to say, instead he said." Is there a reason why you haven't been talking to me like we used to, since I showed interest in your sister?"
Now if he hadn't of grown up with the emotionless man, he would have sworn he had seen a flash of pain and jealousy cross his face but he had so he dismissed any thoughts about it.
"I have been busy and that is all there is to it." The usual brick wall that covered Byakuya's face was up once again, meaning end of conversation. It made him very angry and Renji refused to let it go unfinished.
Without a single thought he pushed Byakuya up against the dojo walls.
"NO, you've been avoiding me!" He snarled. "I thought me and Rukia being together would have brought me closer to you, even if it wasn't in the way I wanted it to be..." He dropped his head downwards." I wouldn't, I just couldn't live with myself if we never t-talked a-again..."
His voice had started to crack and with all that said there was no more anger just sadness.
He could tell Byakuya was surprised by the way his body tensed slightly. Tears were starting to run down his face. The redhead felt himself be pulled up against a strong chest and his tears wiped away.
"In what way did you want to get close to me?" It was a soft, gentle voice he had heard only once when Rukia had pushed to the ground. Byakuya had been there to pick his up.
He bites the inside of his cheek.
'Should I speak my mind?' Byakuya would never tell Rukia. Only because of the heart ache he put her through years ago... So he had nothing really to lose other then Byakuya himself. But what opportunity would be better then this.
He buried his head in the strong mans chest as it was going to be the first and last time he would be able to feel this complete.
"Please listen and think about it first before you throw me out. "He took in a deep breath. "I want you as close to me as my dad is with Isshin. Ever since Rukia introduced us when I was seven and I shook your hand." He paused. I know this isn't fair to Rukia but to be so close to you, only to have her between us... I can't cope, I just c-can't..." A sound he had never heard before drifted to his ears. It was Byakuya, he was laughing.
"How I've dreamed about this and I'm heartened to hear this from you. Now that I know this I will never let you go."
There had been a alluring sparkle in his eyes. Something he had never seen before but it had made Renji warm on the inside.
~flashback end~

That had been the beginning of the happiest days of his life, though it would of been better if they hadn't of had to sneak around because he didn't have the courage to confess to Rukia.
Byakuya was beyond unhappy with the situation, always making clear to Renji he wasn't and threatening to spill the secret, Seeming not to care about his sister or his reputation.
"Promise me you won't tell her and let's wait for the right opportunity." Renji pleaded with hope of convincing his secret lover.
Byakuya of course pretended to contemplate it for a moment but Renji knew he had already mad up his mind.
"Two weeks and three days." The raven final said. Renji's worried feeling converted into a puzzled one. Byakuya continued. "That is your allotted time to get the deed done, the day before you birthday or I'll be forced to take matters into my own hands."
A cold sweat broke across Renjis brow.
He had to do it but she was his best friend and he wanted to protect her, not betray her trust.
Everything seemed to go the opposite way of his intentions.
Somehow the string of his hooded jumper had found its way into his mouth. A nervous habit he couldn't quite shake.
Little over weeks wasn't enough, Byakuya was being so cold to the fact he would be tearing apart his sisters heart but his Bya always knew what he was doing and always tried to be ten steps ahead of every body, though it felt like the raven was being selfish.
Renji looked into Bya's slate coloured eyes. He was wise beyond his year and Renji trusted him.