Adela raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"You only call me Kuya when you want something," Alex said, taking off his jacket.

Bea nodded. And you never call me smart.

Rose sighed. "You guys, quit it. We have to go to the ruins later for some speech-thingy. I'm making coffee," she said, heading for the kitchen.

Adela perked up. "Coffee?" She ran after Rose, knocking over the table where she and Alex were playing chess earlier. "I want some!"

She's... still her, Bea 'said', sighing.

"Ade and coffee," Alex said, picking up the fallen chess pieces and the board. "A deadly combination."

"Bea, Alex, do you guys want tea?" Rose walked out of the kitchen, carrying a box of tea bags. "I found these in these up in the cupboard."

Bea raised an eyebrow. Tea?

Alex sighed to himself. "Bea and tea, almost as deadly as Ade and coffee."


After everyone had their coffee/tea, the group gathered by the ruins to listen to the speech. Adela and Bea were a bit jittery thanks to their beverages, so Alex and Rose had some trouble keeping them in place.

"Why do you have to put so much sugar in tea?"

"Get back here, damn it!"

"You can't catch-Gak!" Adela looked up to see the magician from earlier. She quickly stepped back, recalling what happened when she fell through the hole. "You!"

Alex ran into her, almost knocking her down. "Sorry," he said, before looking up. "You!"

The magician sighed and shook his head. "Yeah, it's me alright," he said. "You don't really have to do that 'You!' stuff."

"What was that void you put me in?" Adela asked, gripping on to a Pokeball.

"Oh, that?" the magician asked, chuckling a bit. "That was a result of you making me mad. But I'm over it now."

Alex's eyes filled with rage. He ran at the magician, knocked him down, and stood on top of him. The people around them quickly moved away, not wanting to be caught in the middle of a fight. "You could of hurt her! What was it? I demand an answer!"

Bea and Rose ran to the clearing. "For Arceus sake," Rose said, rolling her eyes. "There goes his Berserk Button."

Bea raised an eyebrow. Berserk Button?

"Alex is usually a perverted nice guy, but if you're not careful, you might press his Berserk Button," Adela explained as she watched Alex beat the crap out of the magician. "He sees me as a sister, so he's pretty protective of me."

Rose smiled. "Or, he likes you."

Adela turned the blond and almost slapped her, but she ducked right on time. "Don't say that!"

I can't see them together, Bea 'said', sighing. First off, she's, like, half his size-


Rose sighed. "Really, Bea? You lived with Ade half your life," she said, calling out Marzo to use String Shot on Adela so that she won't kill her twin. "You know better than to say things like that. Plus, you're both the same height."

Bea looked a bit angry, but not as angry as Adela. Now, don't start calling me short, she 'said' calmly.


The audience turned their attention to the small group of people standing in front of the Mystri Stage. Two people stood out, a blond lady wearing all black clothes and a red haired man with a cape. Those who lived in in either Sinnoh or Johto could easily identify one or the other.

"Welcome to Sinjoh," Cynthia said into a microphone. "Many of you know me as Cynthia, Champion of Sinnoh-"

"And I'm Lance, Champion of Johto!" said man exclaimed. He stepped forward, but ended up tripping on his cape.

Cynthia sighed. "Anyway, we would like to take this chance to thank our sponsor, Miss Ira Gold!" Ira stepped out and waved. The magician stood next to her and tipped his hat.

Alex's eyes widened. "Wha...? How did he get up there so fast...?"

"Magic," Rose said, shrugging. "Probably the easiest way to describe how that guy does stuff." She looked over at Adela, who was unusually silent. "You okay?"

Adela sighed. "Just fine," she said, grinning.

Alex quickly covered his eyes, smiling. "Woah, your smile is, like, blinding," he joked.

"Very funny," Adela said in reply.

Ira went on with a little speech explaining how her family is so glad to help out such a big event. She introduced her bodyguard and part time magician, Modesto. The audience applauded (except for Adela and Alex), then she gave the microphone back to Cynthia.

"Thank you, Miss Gold," Cynthia said as she was given back the microphone. "Now then-"

"Now it's my turn to talk," Lance said, snatching away the mic. "The winner of the tournament will win a very special prize, a Pokemon egg! What Pokemon it is will remain a mystery, however!"

Bea raised an eyebrow. An egg, huh? Isn't Benny a breeder?

Adela nodded. "Yup. Bro knows a lot about them."

"If you plan on giving that egg to him, don't take me with you to see him," Alex said. "He hates my guts."

Rose rolled her eyes. "It better be a rare Pokemon. If it's something so painfully common, I will kill that Ira girl."


"That went perfectly, Modesto!" Ira exclaimed once she and her bodyguard were alone. She took off her heavy jacket, revealing several wooden dolls in it.

Modesto sighed. "You know, you can't keep this up forever," he said, taking off his hat. "People are eventually going to find out that you're some average girl and that I'm something else."

Ira rolled her eyes. "Since when was I ever average?"

"Good point," Modesto said. "How long are you going to keep this up?"

Ira smiled evilly and pulled out a suitcase. Inside were many more wooden dolls. "As long as I can."