I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You. I live in America, but I do not live in Massachusetts. Here is a bonus chapter to wrap it all up ^_^

Boil Advisory

By Waterrain

Ludwig tried to avoid Feliciano, but it did not work. The blue eyed German decided to make himself sick by standing in the rain and he ignored Gilbert's loud laughter. It was difficult ignoring his older brother, but he pulled through it. The next day Ludwig was sick, he was coughing, sneezing, and his head hurt.

"Why the hell did you do this to yourself? I didn't think you would actually get sick. Why?" Gilbert asked firmly and his arms were crossed.

"I have no idea what to say to Feliciano." Ludwig replied and he coughed. "So I'm avoiding him."

"Why didn't you just fake being sick. You damn nitwit." Gilbert stated flatly and he looked down at his younger brother. "I fake being sick when I don't want to see someone."

"I didn't want to lie to him." Ludwig managed to say before sneezing. "It is not right lying about being sick. I'm not like you, Gilbert. Leave me in peace."

Gilbert rolled his eyes and walked out of Ludwig's bedroom. He thought for a moment before smirking to himself, dialed up Feliciano's phone number, and informed the Italian that Ludwig is sick. After thirty minutes someone was knocking on the door and Gilbert answered it while faintly smirking.

"Ludwig is sick and I don't want him to alone while I'm gone. Not sure when I'll be back and thanks Feliciano." Gilbert commented cheerfully and he started to walk out the door.

"It's no problem." Feliciano said happily and he made sure to lock the front door after Gilbert walked out. The Italian cheerfully walked to Ludwig's bedroom, humming to himself, and he opened the door.

"Hey, Ludwig. I'll be nursing you back to health!" Feliciano commented to the shell shocked blue eyed German. "Pasta will cure you."

Ludwig watched in horror as Feliciano attempts to help him resulted in his bedroom looking as if a hurricane went through it. Books on the floor, clothing scattered, food stains, fruit punch staining his carpet, and so on.

"Do you feel better?" Feliciano asked curiously as he looked at him.

"No, I feel worse." Ludwig replied honestly and he closed his blue eyes. Feliciano walked over to him smiling brightly and placed a hand on the German's lips.

"You could give your sickness to me." Feliciano said innocently, he noticed that Ludwig's cheeks were flushed, and the Italian moved his finger teasingly over the blond German's lip. "You would feel better, vee."

"Nein." Ludwig stated firmly and he moved his head to the side. "I do not want you to be sick. I c-c-c-care about you, Feliciano."

Feliciano hugged him tightly while smiling brightly and he noticed that Ludwig looked embarrassed.

"Will you be mine, Ludwig?" Feliciano asked cheerfully and he was still smiling. "I'll be yours if you will be mine."

"It's a bit sudden to say such things." Ludwig muttered quietly and the Italian smiled down at him.

"It's alright because I can wait for you because I love you." Feliciano said honestly and he enjoyed on red Ludwig's cheeks became at those words.

"I'm going to sleep now." Ludwig said in a tired voice and he started to drift to sleep. Feliciano yawned, he laid down by the blond haired German, and fell asleep clinging to Ludwig. In the end Feliciano did not catch a cold, but in the morning Ludwig was no longer sick.

Please Review and Thank You.

Nein is German for No.