I know I'm in the middle of my Seth story right now, but I came up with the idea of this story one evening and just had to get it down on paper. I figured I could at least start it and see where it would led. This will be a Jasper/OC story, but everyone will be in it. This one might be a little more adult themed than "Following Fate". I hope you will like it.

I've actually made some revisions and needed to re-post this story. The name of the OC I will introduce later on bugged me and I had to change it. For those of you following this story, I apologize for the revamp, but I just couldn't deal with things as they were. Hope you like my changes. As always I'd love to hear what you think of it. Also, I don't own twilight...etc.

Carlisle POV

I sat quietly in my office, glancing randomly at the many paintings of my past decorating the walls. Normally when I'm lost in thought, I at least place an open book on my desk to create the illusion that I'm actually doing something. Tonight, I just didn't have it in me to pretend.

Not that it mattered much, since the house was completely empty, except of Esme, who was out in the garden fretting over her newly planted flowers. Most of the kids had gone hunting, but Jacob and Nessie were off visiting Charlie and Billy, while Edward and Bella were staying at their cottage near the old house for a few days. Having an empty house was a rare event for my family, since our numbers had swelled to an all time high five years ago with 8 full vampires, 1 half vampire and a shapeshifter.

We had to move out of Forks shortly after the events with the Volturi, since Bella's new vampire appearance would bring up too many questions from people who had known her before her change. We had not moved far away, however, because of Jacob. It had been very surprising to the entire family that Jacob had accepted my invitation to move out of Forks with us, rather than stay with his pack. He was determined to spend as much time as possible with Nessie. Imprinting had to be powerful to prompt a shapeshifter who was the sworn enemy of vampires to move in with them. We now lived in Canada, where we could start over, but still be within running distance from Jake's family. It had been a tough transition for everyone, but over the last 5 years, he had become one of the coven. Just another adopted teenager for myself and Esme. Even Rosalie had developed a comfortable truce with her new brother. Everything was perfect more-less, we were finally at an even number. Everyone had a companion. Existence was good.

As I looked upon my past vividly displayed on my walls, I corrected my analysis of the present...we were at an all time high, yes, but with 9 full vampires now.

It had been almost 6 months since Alice and Jasper had called the family meeting that would change everything.

Apparently, they knew from the very beginning that they were not meant to be together forever. Alice had seen them meeting and coming to live with us, but she had also seen a time when they would no longer be lovers. They agreed they would stay together until the time came when they would each meet their soulmate. They explained how they loved each other very much, but they knew eventually they would become just friend. Or as it turned out, siblings.

We were all shocked at their revelation. However, we couldn't be mad at them for lying to us, since they really hadn't lied. They never actually told us they were soulmates, we had simply assumed. They obviously loved each other, but they never got married. Not once. Emmett and Rose were getting remarried every time we moved and even Esme and I had been married three times over. Jasper and Alice had simply said they were happy the way things were. Now it all made sense.

No point for vampires to get married if they didn't plan on staying together forever.

The biggest question was, why now? Which Alice had answered by simply saying she had found him.

Alice's true mate was going to join the family in about a month, according to her visions, so she and Jasper decided to split early, to help everyone adjust.

To be honest, I couldn't see how Jasper would be able to deal with having his lover turn to another man so easily, but he took the event better than the rest of the family. He was sad, of course. He and Alice both had a couple of weeks of mourning over the end of an era, but after that, they moved on to act like brother and sister almost seamlessly.

Then Devon arrived. Alice brought him home one evening and introduced him like she had known him all her life.

I had wanted to dislike him, just out of respect to my eldest son, but it turned out Devon fit in with our family perfectly. Even Jasper seemed to liked him.

Devon was about 6 feet tall, with shoulder length blond hair and a build close to Edward's. He was only 5 years into his new existence, but had been turned at the age of 22. It also turned out that he was gifted as well. He was a very talented tracker. With time, he had the potential to easily rival the Volturi's tracker. And to top it all off, he was well accepted by the entire family, including Jacob, and adapted to a 'vegetarian' lifestyle with relative ease. He looked just a bit too old to claim as an adopted teenager, but he and I could easily pull off being brothers.

So now the family stood at 9 full vampires.

We were now the second largest coven of vampires in the world, as far as I knew. I had never imagined when I first set off to live the way I planned, that my way of life would snowball into a full coven. Don't get me wrong, I loved having a big family, but it made coming up with cover stories harder. Of course, adding Jacob and Nessie had given just a bit of variety to our usual pale skin and gold eyes but not blood related routine. Over the last 5 months, we had assimilated Devon into our family and we were now a highly organized unit. Everyone had their back story and knew what relation they were suppose to have with each other. Existence was still good, but one thing still bugged me to no end...Jasper.

We were once again left with an odd number. Not that anyone could get lonely in a family this size, but Esme and I had spent decades worrying about Edward's happiness before he met Bella and now we were back to the drawing board with Jasper. Not that he complained. He seemed perfectly content with his life, as it stood, but I still wanted him to find a companion. I wished nothing but happiness to all of my adoptive children.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I almost didn't notice Esme come into the room. She slipped in quietly, leaning on the desk in front of me. I couldn't help but smile up at her. Even after all of these decades, she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever known. I guess love had a way of blinding you to all others. It was true, I only had eyes for her.

"What's got you thinking so hard tonight?" She asked, running her hand gently down my cheek.

I chuckled to myself. "Jasper, as always."

Esme chuckled with me. "You're answer to that question use to be 'Edward, as always'." She took my chin in her hand, turning my head so I was looking fully at her. "Jasper will be fine. He's happy with things as they are. He knows he'll find his someone special someday. Alice has seen that he will and we all know better than to doubt Alice."

I took Esme's hand in mine, kissing it gently. "You're right, of course. I just worry. I want everyone to be happy."

"And they are happy. I'd tell you to stop worrying, but after all these years, I know better. You can't stop worrying about all of us. It's not in your nature." She stood away from the desk, taking a seat across my lap. "It's one of the reason's I love you so much." She pressed her lips to mine, then rested her forehead on my forehead. "Now, if I can pause your worrying for just a moment, we can discuss our trip."

I was to attend a medical conference in Mississippi for three days and Esme and I had decided to make it into a 2 week vacation. We so rarely were alone anymore. All the kids had thought it was a wonderful idea and I did long for a few days alone with my wife. I was still a man with needs, after all. It wasn't like we only had sex when we were not in earshot of the others. To do that would mean we would rarely ever have sex. Such was life in a large coven of people with sensitive ears. The sex was just better when we knew we were totally alone. We didn't have to hold back.

I cradled Esme closer to my chest. "Well, I've already rented the house and bought the plane tickets, so we're basically ready to go."

Esme smiled a devilish smile at me. "You do know, we have the house all to ourselves right now. We could do some practicing for our alone time in Mississippi."

No further words were needed. I scooped her up, carrying her bridal style out of my office. Sometimes it was wonderful not having to breath. It meant you never had to stop a kiss.

Needless to say, Esme made sure I stopped worrying, at least for one night.

To Be Continued.

There it is, the first chapter. I wanted to break up Alice and Jasper, but I like the Alice character so much, I just couldn't have her die or cheat on him etc. I figured this would make it possible to still like Alice, even though she's not with Jasper in this story.

Please read and review. I'm not sure where I'll go with this one, but I promise you'll enjoy the ride!