I have a new story idea, it's totally AU, but isn't that sometimes, some of the better stories, things that don't deal with the things that are happening in the show? To get a refreshing story that isn't about the latest episode? Hmm, well that's what I think! Here's the details!

Summary: Princess Elena Gilbert has an arranged marriage is for the Prince of Fell's Church to the ONLY Salvatore brother, Stefan... since Damon went missing years ago... but if Damon returns, what things will change due to him being the eldest Salvatore?

Characters/Pairings: Elena, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Alaric, Jenna, Giuseppe and Bonnie. Elena/Damon.

Rating: T, cause it's the usual.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, *tear*

The Eldest Salvatore

Chapter One

Princess Elena Gilbert of Mystic Falls Kingdom looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing jogging pants, that her Aunt Jenna, the now Queen of Mystic Falls, hated. She wanted her to look the part of a princess when she went out in public, but Elena, liked to lay low, act like the rest of the people she desired to be around instead of being stuck in a castle, as usual.

She was going out to see her parent's grave, something in which she hadn't seen in months. She needed to write in her journal and the graveyard was the only acceptable place to write. She sighed as she put her hair in a bun and walked over to the balcony connected to her room, she needed a break from all of the crap going on her life, for example, her brother Prince Jeremy, and his girlfriend Princess Anna were ignoring her, due to the fact Anna never liked her. How her best friends Bonnie and Caroline, who were living in the palace as well, were blocking her out for some reason. Not to mention her Aunt Jenna and Uncle Alaric don't talk to the children anymore... thinking they were old enough to solve their own problems.

The worst part to her, was the arranged marriage she had to meet for in the next few days. She was as a baby to be married off to the eldest Salvatore, who was a man named Damon, but he went missing years ago. Now all that was left was Stefan... she hoped he wasn't a jerk.

She got dressed and walked out of the house with her diary and into the graveyard that was less than ten minutes away, but she had to pass through the town. It was like a modern town, everyone had all the rights, but they controlled, but it wasn't bad, everyone liked them, they gave everyone everything that they needed, within reason. Elena wanted to be a regular person more than anything, she hated the role of princess. When she was younger she told her parents she wanted to be a writer and they laughed at her.

She arrived at the graveyard and slid down to the ground where her parents were buried. She sighed and started talking. "Hi Mom, Hi Dad. It's me, Elena."

She sighed again and said, "I hate this still, I still want to be a writer and civilian, but I can't. Things are hard, I don't want this arranged marriage, it's going to kill me. I want someone who will love me, and I can love back. I have to meet him tomorrow, his name is Stefan Salvatore. It was supposed to be Damon, but everyone thinks he's dead."

"I miss you guys, I wish that you hadn't gone on that vacation to Paris, and then the plane wouldn't have crashed." She said with a frown, before stopping and writing in her journal.

A few hours later Elena felt a tap on her shoulder and jumped up.

"Ah, I thought you were dead, wouldn't be good to have the princess dead now would it?" A male voice asked in a cocky tone. Elena looked at him and he had black hair and bright blue eyes, he was gorgeous, but she had to remember that she was to be married soon. Not to her will, a voice in her head added.

"You okay?" The man asked again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, but do you mind if I ask you who you are?" Elena asked.

"That's not of importance, but here's the question, why are you out here, all alone? Shouldn't you be at the palace." The man asked with a frown.

"I should be." Elena muttered sliding back down to the ground. The man tilted his head at her and said, "What's on your mind?"

"I can't really tell you now can I, if I don't even know your name." Elena smiled at him.

"You can call me D. Just the letter." He smirked at her, "I know who you are, your Princess Elena of course."

"Yup that's me, the one required to be an idol to all girls." She said sadly.

"You don't sound too happy about that." He said as he slipped down to the ground beside her.

"Ever feel like you don't want to be where your at? Like the grass is greener on the other side?" Elena asked D.

"Yes." He answered.

"I don't want to be the princess." Elena sighed, happy to get it off her chest.

"Any reason why?" He asked.

"I don't want to have to be forced to be with someone and rule by their side, I want to fall in love with someone and have a family, but it's not possible for someone like me." She frowned.

"Really? Your arranged for marriage, who too?" He asked.

"Have you heard about the Salvatore's in Fell's Church?" She asked.

"Very well, yes." He said with a look on his face that Elena couldn't decipher.

"I'm due to marry the eldest one, and since the eldest is gone, I have to marry Prince Stefan."

"Hmm, interesting, his name was Damon, correct?" He asked. She nodded and he added, "I heard he was in the same position as you. Didn't want to rule, and he left."

"I can't do that, people say that he's dead, and I can't leave my Aunt, she's all the family I have left, other than my brother." Elena explained.

"Oh, what about King Alaric?" He asked.

"He's like a step-uncle, if there's such a word." Elena frowned.

"I don't think that he's dead, but I think he's out there still looking exactly what you want, but I think he might go back to his palace." D, explained.

"I don't think so, he's been gone for years." Elena laughed and got up. D. also laughed and said, "Not very princess dressed are we?" He asked cockily.

"I think I just explained that." She smiled at him, as she found herself lost in his eyes. She blushed and looked away and he smirked, "Liking what you see?"

"Don't be a jerk." She frowned.

He smirked again and said, "If Stefan doesn't work out, give me a call, I'll give you a good old groping session." He winked and then walked off, dropping a piece of paper in the process. Elena looked down at the paper and looked back up to see that D. was gone. She sighed and picked up the paper, listed on it was a number.



She smiled and collected her things and walked home.

Damon Salvatore stood at the castle front in which he had left years ago, due to the fact he hated it, but now, that he had found out about Princess Elena and how she was in the same shoes as himself, he couldn't let his brother Prince Stefan brood her to death. Maybe it was time to come home, but not yet, he wanted to make an entrance at tonight's festivities at Mystic Falls.

"Elena! What have I told you about wearing those wretched clothes?" Her Aunt asked as she walked into the palace with her journal in hand. "Sorry." Elena simple muttered, still thinking of the man who called himself D.

"Oh please, just go upstairs and go get changed and ready for tonight's ball, I've invited the Salvatore Family as well, so you will get to meet Stefan." Jenna pleaded.

"I don't want to go tonight Jenna, I just want to go to sleep, it's been a long day." She frowned.

"Get up those stairs right now and get dressed." She snapped and Elena just did as she was told, as usual. She walked up the stairs and got ready. She was wearing a red gown that almost touched the floor and her hair was in curlers. She had to wear the crown that was given to her. Elena may have hated being a princess, but she loved the fact that she was the one that got to support things like Cancer research, she provided most of the money for that, she also took care of injured animals at vets as a volunteer, and since she was the princess, she was always wanted for help, and she loved doing it. Being a role model for girls wasn't bad either, teaching them to pitch in was the right thing to do and she was happy about that.

"Elena you ready? Well too bad I'm coming in!" Caroline, her best friend said as she bounced into the room, but there was a tone of hatred underneath, maybe it was that she dated Matt, her now current boyfriend.

"I am ready." She responded as Bonnie came in with her boyfriend Tyler.

"Elena." Tyler nodded to her. "Tyler." She responded back. Caroline and Bonnie both shoot her glares before leaving. Elena sighed, it was going to be a long night.

As the time arrived Elena found herself socializing with the people who arrived. She was talking to the Donovan family, in which Matt was associated with as Caroline hung off of his arm, she talked to the Lockwood's whom Tyler was associated with, and she talked to the Forbe's in which Caroline was in with. They were all in the palace, leading either armies, people or concerns.

She smiled as the crowd around her disappeared. She went to sit as another man approached her. "Princess Elena Gilbert, it's a pleasure, I am Giuseppe Salvatore."

She stood back up and curtsied to him and smiled, "You must be Prince Stefan's father, King Giuseppe."

"Indeed I am, and I do believe that it's time that you should meet each other." She nodded at his statement and got up with him. She walked over to where a group of men were sitting and she instantly felt at home with most of their kind smiles.

"Leave the two alone." Giuseppe said to the other men. They cleared and all that was left was Stefan. He wasn't bad looking, but not compared to the man in the cemetery, she stopped her thoughts, she was marrying Stefan, not this D. person.

She took a seat and said, "I'm Elena." She said with a fake smile. Stefan laughed and said, "You can put away the fake smile now, they're all gone." Elena smiled and then dropped it. "I'm not happy with this either you know." He said.

"How do you know I'm not happy about it?" Elena asked him.

"The way you walked over here, like you going to be executed." Stefan said.

"You saw that huh?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said as it grew silent until Elena said something, "Why don't you want this?"

"I don't want to bore you with stories. How about you tell why you don't want this?" Stefan asked.

"Please? I'll tell you after. I promise." She said and Stefan nodded. "I'm in love. With a girl that I have known my whole life, she and I were in diapers together."

"Really? Who is she?" Elena asked with curiosity.

"Katherine Pierce, she looks just like you actually, but she has blond hair." He explained and nodded. "What about you?"

"I want to be a writer, and get out being royalty." She admitted. He shook his head and said, "Sometimes I just wish my brother was back, so I could marry Katherine. Damon had a mind like that, he always wanted to leave and one say he did, just left, without a word."

Elena was about to reply when there was a voice from beside them. "Careful what you wish for Stefan, it sometimes might come true."

Okay, was this stupid? Answer me truthfully, I had this dream, honest to god, and I HAD to write it! What do you think?
