
"It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we're missing until it arrives." - Anonymous


In the movies, the recovery room was always a lovely symbolic white, with gauzy curtains blowing in a slight breeze. The person who had been saved from certain death woke up alone, and wondered if they were in heaven, and what had happened to everyone else. Or, in many cases, a someone else.

Hinata's waking up was not like that.

She knew exactly where she was when she woke up, because everything was orange. The walls, the comforter, even the million-thread-count sheets. She knew she was alive, because basically every part of her hurt, and she knew where Naruto was too, because he still had her hand. She turned her head and saw him next to her, drooling in his sleep, a crosshatch of Band Aids over his cheek.

He looked perfect. Alive, and handsome, and perfect. She squeezed his hand gently, and he smiled in his sleep.

Flowers, stuffed animals, and get-well cards littered the room. The door opened, and Neji stepped inside. He found her eyes opened and gave one of his rare smiles.

"Good morning," he said. "How are you feeling?"

Hinata thought it best not to answer that question. "What happened?" she rasped.

Neji poured a cup of water, and helped her drink it. "I'll get the others," he said, not answering her question, and was gone before she could stop him. She felt a tug on her hand, and looked over to see Naruto yawning, his eyes open.

"Am I in heaven?" he asked, when he saw her. "'Cause, baby, you look like an angel."

Hinata laughed, which hurt, and Naruto laughed, which hurt, but they didn't stop until the door burst open and a very noise parade marched in.

Sakura hugged Hinata gently, followed closely by Ino and Holly, and then Hinata was just hugging everybody, including Hanabi and even her father. Naruto wasn't getting as many hugs, because Sasuke was standing over him and berating him, and refusing to let anyone jostle the idiot for fear he would lose the brain he had left.

Naruto finally ended it, by pulling Sasuke into a back-slapping hug, and reaching for the next person without permission.

Everyone settled around the bed, and Sakura finally answered Hinata's questions.

"Sasuke drove about two-hundred miles an hour all the way back," she said, with a smile. "He got there just in time to get you all out."

"I knew you liked me," Naruto said triumphantly.

"Oh, please," Hinata said with a wink. "We all know he came back for me."

Sasuke laughed, everyone laughed, to the point Hinata was worried the neighbors were going to call the cops. After that, everyone talked at the same time, and Hinata wasn't even aware she was tired until Tsuande and Sakura started kicking people out, and ordered the two of them to get some rest.

Naruto sighed contentedly, and looked at her. "You know," he said. "After this, our lives are going to be a cakewalk."

Hinata raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Don't you think?"

"We're going to have to settle down the city, root out any of the last of Kabuto's supporters, make sure Sasuke isn't crazy anymore, and a hundred other things. Not to mention planning a wedding! I'd like to see how you're going to handle asking my father for permission."

"Do I have to?"


"Well," Naruto said slowly, pulling her closer and smiling into her eyes. "Let's settle the important questions first. Where do you want to honeymoon?"

"Hmm," Hinata smiled. She thought of all the places she had seen running, of Paris and Texas, the mountain peaks of Colorado and the deep, clear lakes in Italy. She thought of the warm, sandy beaches on the coasts, and the light of the water reflecting off the cresting sea.

"Right here," she said. "Right here is just fine by me."


Author's Note: I couldn't remember if I had used the quote at the top before. :p

Well, that's it! I wanted to finish and post this before I left on a year and a half long mission for my church. I won't be able to write at all during that time. Thank you so much for all the reviews and encouragement-I managed to finish because of you!

Thank you all!