"Why do you hate me so much?" Biyomon asked with a slight childish naivety as she sat beside Gatomon in the back of Schul's car. Tai and Agumon were in the car right in front of them being driven by Kari, although Schul rejected the idea Tai had managed to convince him. Even so Schul still took it upon himself to keep an extra close watch on the car. Gatomon put on a false smile and turned to Biyomon.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Gatomon said with false innocence, Biyomon chuckled at the comment and Gatomon scowled.
"What's so funny?" Gatomon asked, a little more bitter than she intended. Biyomon chuckled again.
"It's just that, all through dinner you were making jabs at me and i'm pretty sure just a few seconds ago you were given me these really dirty looks." Biyomon explained, she stopped just as Schul chuckled and pointed to the unfortunate car in front of them.
"Heh heh, bet the little man is sorry he decided to go with his little sister instead of me." Schul said with a slightly sadistic chuckle, causing Biyomon and Gatomon to glance at the wildly swerving car. Apparently Kari was having a difficult time keeping her hands steady on the wheel.
"I hope he doesn't get hurt." Biyomon said with sympathy at her boyfriend, causing Gatomon to give her an unnoticed dirty look before replying.
"Yeah, I hope your boyfriend doesn't get hurt."
Author's note: Trying reading to this chapter while listening to "Who gave her the roses" by "Eyehategod", I wrote this chapter while listening to that song.
Anyways, sorry it's so short. I've just been really busy and stressed the last few weeks and now i'm trying to get back into the scheme of writing again.