Disclaimer: I do not own The Hunger Games.
Reply to Karen: I have no idea if you will read this but, if you are: thanks for telling me. I wasn't incredibly angry (I often sound angrier than I am )) and as I said, I am flattered. It was mainly because this was the second or third time someone's told me about my work being translated when I've had no idea about it myself. If I want to use someone else's work/ideas for anything, I always ask first so I found it annoying that a lot of people wouldn't do the same back. If you do want to translate anything I write in future, go for it - just drop me a message first so I don't find myself suddenly being directed to my writing in a different language ;)
A/n: This is a series of oneshots. Each oneshot features, in order, a person from the character list on this site as well as a few i felt should be there (Boggs, Coin, Caesar, Cashmere, Gloss, Marvel and Maysilee) each with a randomly picked prompt (or as random as i could manage without throwing actual darts at my poor old dictionary!). Updates will be one a day (hopefully) though when i go back to uni, this might change. Anyway, i hope you enjoy! As always, any criticism, just shout it out. Any advice on law, shout it out louder!
1) Annie Cresta – Hedge
The arena was a maze and they had been in it for days. She could just imagine how they looked to the Capitol – ants, crawling around hedge-filled pathways with the occasional river or stream nearby. Nothing to let them know where other tributes were. No real way out as far as they could tell though maybe they had walked in circles. Nothing to mark their way. Just hedges and rivers and streams.
Varni had become her friend, against all odds, and he helped her cope. Maybe it was too obvious to the other tributes they were allied with or maybe they just disliked his cocky attitude but on the eighth day, Varni and Quin argued. Soon enough, they were fighting. And Annie was screaming for them to stop while Amber drew her sword, looking for a way to end the fight, but found no opening. Carat and Galba simply watched.
Quin swung her axe. Almost in slow motion, Varni's head fell and rolled into the hedge while his body collapsed.
Annie screamed.
She'd seen twelve deaths already. Maybe she could have coped with a thirteenth but her thoughts were already plagued with those she'd helped to kill and this ... this was Varni! Varni who would never admit to being wrong unless he'd offended you. Varni who threatened everyone but stayed with the weakest people in case they needed help...
... It was like waking from a dream. She found herself next to Varni's headless corpse and the mutilated body of Quin. There was no one else nearby though her arm was bleeding heavily...
... All she could see were hedges, containing Varni's head and the girl from eleven's arm and blood dripping from every leaf...
... The ground was shaking but the leaves were standing still while Quin swung at her with an axe...
... Water, water, everywhere and filled to the top with blood and spiders. Kick, kick, just kick...
... "Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the 70th Hunger Games – Annie Cresta from District 4!"...
... A hovercraft picked her up and she screamed because they were coming after her. All of them...