Disclaimer: I own nothing, or do I?

A/N: Just a short drabble about JJ, I'm devastated she's leaving and I think if you're going to write out an amazing character like her, you should at least do it in an epic way.

R&R Please. :)

"Although we have come to the end of the road, I still can't let you go."

~ Routine ~

It was routine, a normal case, none of them could expect anything like this to happen. It was routine.

They forced their way into the house, guns pointed ahead of them, shouting to each other and for the suspect to come out, they had been through this a thousand times. It was routine.

JJ slowly opened the door in front of her, biting down on her lip, turning around to shout for one of the team members to walk down the dark steps with her. She heard a cry from below, and despite knowing the routine, emotions overruled logic as she descended the steps, slowly and carefully.

She held her gun in front of her, taking a deep breath as she tried to see someone, someone, through the darkness. She took one step back, never having noticed the person creeping behind her.

She felt it, she felt it all. The knife plunging into her back, and then back out again, she felt his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming. She could feel the tears running down her face, her fingers pressing down on the trigger, hoping her friends and team would hear her.

She could feel the cold, hard concrete as he pushed her to the ground, her head slamming the floor, the pain was almost unbearable, feeling the blood drip down her face.

She heard her friends running upstairs, before she was quickly turned onto her back, the knife plunging into her once more, this time in her stomach. She cried out, screaming for someone to save her.

She thought about Henry, about Will, about all of her best friends before succumbing to darkness. This was just another routine case, another routine arrest. Just a routine.

~ .. ~

They heard screaming coming from downstairs, all rushing towards it as they thought about the worst – realizing that one person was missing from the team. It took them just a minute to get downstairs, one minute and it was too late.

Morgan immediately saw the suspect, running to him, not being able to control his temper at the sight of one of his best friends, laying there bleeding. The worst ran through their heads, calling for backup as they checked to see if she was still with them, wishing this was all just a nightmare, a nightmare they would wake up from soon.

They watched her being taken into the ambulance, they followed behind, all of them in a daze as they thought about JJ and the memories they shared with her. None of them wanted to tell Garcia, none of them could stand hearing their best friend cry, none of them wanted to even hear the words come from their mouths. It would make it so real.

They waited for news on their friend. Hotch stared at the wall ahead of him, Rossi paced back and forth, Reid muttered statistics and facts about her condition to himself, as Emily tried to calm down Garcia on the phone. Morgan clenched his fist, murmuring about killing the guy who did this to the girl he thought of as his little sister.

It wasn't until the Doctor approached them that they stood up, staring at him, waiting, hoping and praying. Hotch was the first to speak, asking for any news on her.

The bad news came. The devastating news stayed. They had lost a team member in the worst way. And none of them could quite believe it had ended like this.

It was just routine.