I, Zora Lancaster, am officially pure genius! Yes, I have done the impossible and invented a ray that turns anyone I use it on into a little 5 year old! Now all I have to do is test it, but on who...OH I KNOW! Sweet revenge! Chad Dylan Pooper will never know what hit him, muahahahahaha!
"Oh! It's 2:00, time for my argument with Sonny!" I said to myself as I walked off the set of Mackenzie Falls. The other so-called-actors like Marta and Ferguson just stared at me with confused expressions as I continued to mumble to myself. What? CDC can talk to himself if he wants to!
I continued to make my way over to Sonny and Blondie's dressing room when I was stopped by the freaky little random.
"What do you want random?" I asked annoyed.
"REVENGE!" she cackled pulling out some weird ray pointing it directly at me. I stumbled back a little, who knows what that freak is going to do to me this time! "Aww, is pooper scared?" she laughed.
"N-no, Chad Dylan Cooper fears nothing!" I replied only half confident. The truth was, I was scared of one thing. That freaky little random, what's her name again? I think its Dora...
"Well fear this!" she screamed and shot the ray directly at my precious face. Then everything went black.
"Well fear this!" Zora screamed just outside my dressing room. Oh no, what is that girl up to now? I'd better go and check what she's done now. I opened up my dressing room door looking around. I didn't see anything too peculiar. It was just Zora standing there crazily with one of her weird inventions and- oh! The CUTEST little boy she had ever seen in her life!
"Aww, Zora! Who's this little cutie?" I asked. Zora immediately started cracking up and the little boy put on a frown.
"Cute? Yo- you think HE'S cute? That's hilarious Sonny!" Zora continued laughing.
"Oh, Zora look! You upset him!" I went over and hugged the frowning little boy. He had the blondest hair and the dazzling blue eyes. He looked, well he looked just like Chad! His outfit was even similar to a Mackenzie Falls uniform. It was a little blue sweater vest with tan slacks and grey converse. All in all he was just plain adorable.
"Let me explain," Zora said calming down from her laugh attack, "I used this ray I built to turn pooper here into a little 5 year old!" she giggled. I just stared at her shocked.
"Zora! You have to change him back! Like, right now!" I shouted at her. This was horrible. Very, very, horrible. If the paparazzi found out about this Chad's career would be down the drain. Plus, I can't like- okay well maybe have a tiny crush, just tiny..yea tiny..I think...Okay yea, I can't have a crush on a 5 year old! It's just wrong!
Suddenly a tiny voice interrupted my thoughts. "Son-nayy!" Chad whined at me with his cute little voice. I couldn't help but giggle at his sudden innocence. "Don't laugh at mwee!" he stumbled, startled by his new voice and horrible pronunciation.
"Sorry Chad, but, well your just too dang cute!" I cooed to him. He did his signature CDC smirk at this. It was a lot different from his normal smirk, considering that now he had baby teeth and you couldn't take him seriously because of his age.
"So, you think I'm cute, huh monroe?" he said trying to turn on the Chad Dylan Cooper charm but completely failing.
"Yes Chaddy! You are the cutest little baby in the world!" I emphasized baby making him frown. "Which reminds me, Zora, you NEED to change him back!"
"Well, I would...but I don't know umm exactly..how?" she stated sort of as a question.
"You WHAT!" Chad and I screamed at the same time. You could tell Zora was panicking, she always hated getting in trouble and tended to do things before she thought them through when she gets nervous. Which lead her to doing something yet again VERY stupid. She pointed her strange ray straight and me and the next thing I knew everything was black.