Eric:Welcome I'm gonna try my hand at this.
Zane:All we own is Our OCs,the demonican language,and the personalitys of the adult versions of Spyro,Cynder,Ember,And Flame.
Night:Which means we don't own the official characters K.
Zane:All demonican speech will be underlined.
Zane:*walks into a large dome area crowded with people* Welcome all to Spyro Truth or Dare Eric's trying this because how popular these are.*thumbs up and pulls a C4 detonator*
Zane:what i've got author powers don't I?
Eric:*walks in and takes the switch from Zane*Idiot you use a remote.
Zane:ohh...Anyway time to bring in the peoples
*wall opens too show a mature Spyro*
A Spyro:*looks around* Zane why are we here.
Zane:Because It's a T&D show.
A Spyro:Ahh Damnit.
Zane:Hey no one can do anything bad to Cynder,Ember,or your kids.
*Cynder,Ember,Flame,and some young dragons walk from where Spyro came out*
A Cynder: Spyro what is this place?
A Spyro:Zane's doing a T&D Show.
A Cynder:He's not gonna do anything to us is he?
Zane:No I'm not I Swear It...ohh yeah. *pulls a remote out of nowhere and presses a button all other characters appear* lazin it up.
O Flame:Whoa That's What Ember will look like tell me your hittin that.
A Flame:HEY THATS MY SISTER! *Attacks O Flame*
O Flame: HOLY SHIT! *Killed by A Flame*
Night: Wow a death already this is gonna be fun. *revives O Flame*
Zane:Right others susceptible to dares are Zalera my sister,Zarrm my older brother,Serjei my younger brother, and us the hosts see ya when we get some dares OK.