"Hn? Is that the only thing you can say!" "Hn." "STOP SAYING HN!" "Ah." The pinkette was fuming, her face the color of her hair. "say something that has more than ONE syllable." "Kiss me." He said with a crooked smile on his face. "What?" "Kiss me. I believe that was TWO syllables." She gasped. "Sasuke…" he looked into her bright green eyes. "Sakura.."

Today was her first day at a new school, in a new town, with new people. It was the middle of the school year at Konoha High school, so Sakura was nervous. What if everyone hated her. Her cheeks were pink, the same color as her hair. She was named Sakura because her hair was the color of a Sakura Blossom. She sighed and walked into the gym. "P.E. With Gai sensei." She murmered to herself. A group of girls pointed her to the locker room where she quickly changed into the deep green shirt and Bright orange shorts. "What a weird outfit."She said trudging out of the locker room. "Okay Class!" a man, who she assumed to be Gai sensei, called. "Let's get started." He separated us into teams of two. I ended up in a team with a really shy girl with long black hair. "Today we will be doing obstacle courses with our partners. One of you will have your eyes closed, and your partner will guide you through the course." She turned towards the shy girl. "Hello I am Haruno Sakura." She said holding her hand out. "H-hyuuga Hinata." She said grasping her hand lightly and shaking it. "so, I'll close my eyes and you guide me." Sakura said. "Okay." She said quietly. The first obstacle was climbing a rock wall. "Left foot, up a little." Hinata directed me up the wall and back down safely.

When class was over Hinata ran over to a blonde haired boy with bright blue eyes. Standing next to him was a raven haired boy with dark, onyx eyes. She studied him closely for a second before walking towards the locker room. "Come to think of it," she said to herself, "His hair looks kinda like a duck butt." She laughed, pushing the black haired boy out of her mind. She looked at her schedule. "Okay, next is English with Kakashi-sensei." She steered herself towards room 13b. She walked in a little late, as she'd gotten lost and ended up in Hall A. "Ohayo." She said with a smile. "Hello Miss. Haruno, please take a seat." She nodded. The only seat left was next to the boy with the duck butt hair. She sighed and walked towards the empty seat. "Okay class open up to Page 100 of your text, Sasuke would you mind sharing with Miss Haruno." "Hn." Was the boy, Sasuke's, reply. He opened his book and slid it slightly towards her. I peered at it. Okay, I know where they are. She took out a pen and paper and began to take notes on what they were doing. So they are gonna have to read a novel? I wonder which one.

"Okay Class, so about the novel assignment," Kakashi sensei said writing something on the board, "you will work in teams, which will be chosen by me. " He finished writing what he had been writing on the board. "Here are your teams." He walked away from the board. Neji and Tenten, Naruto and hinata, ino andKankuro, Shikamaru and Temari, Sasuke And Sakura, Wait, UCHIHA SASUKE and ME? Haruno Sakura? Wait there has to be a mistake. Kakashi sensei apparently sensed what she was thinking. "There are no mistakes." He said to the class. Sakura's mouth fell open. "no way." She said under her breath. "no way." She did not want to be with this jerk who only knew one word. "Hn." Sasuke said stuffing his text book into his backpack. Sakura Growled. "You and your partner will be picking a book that you think fits the criteria and do your project on that book." The class nodded. The bell rang and the students exited in a mad dash for the door. She decided then and there she hated him. She had just met the guy, and hated him. He could only say one word for heaven's sake. What kind of stuck up loser only says one word! She sighed and shook her head. She headed for third period. She sighed again. "Only 2 more classes until lunch. Hope I don't get stuck with that Sasuke again. God, he's annoying." She mumbled and took an empty seat. She closed her eyes and reopened them to see a raven haired boy with dark onyx eyes walk into the class room. NOOOOOOOOOO she screamed in her head. "Oh god." She slammed her head onto the table. The teacher walked in. The class was art. "Okay, Class let's get started. Today you will be sculpting something meaning full to you." The class grabbed some clay and returned to their places. She began to work the clay. She had no clue what she was gonna do. She decided what she was gonna do with her lump of clay, and she set to work.

After some time the lump of clay began to look more and more like a tree, a certain tree in particular. She began to craft tiny blossoms and place them onto the tree. Yes, it was a Sakura tree. She Crafted a small bird. She did not notice for a while, but the little bird she had crafted was, indeed, a raven. "Oh, How pretty." a blonde girl said. "thank you." "I'm Ino." The girl said. "Oh, so You're Ino. You must be in my English class." "Yup." She said. "You made a sakura tree and a raven, pretty interesting huh?" "Um, I did not mean to make a raven, but it kinda just turned into that I guess." "Oh? Well incase you are wondering Sasuke Uchiha is not really on the market. You see he has fan girls and, well, they try to kill every girl that gets near sasuke. The last girl he showed even the tiniest bit of interest in, she was sent to the hospital after a 'freak car accident'. She nearly died and is now in a mental hospital." "Oh, wow. Well I am not interested in that weirdo. He only knows like one world. I only date guys who have a vocabulary." "Really? If you say so." She said returning to her own work. Sakura rolled her eyes. The teacher began to tell the students to clean up. She put her sculpture on the drying racks. They would be painting them Monday, so she had to leave it at school. Yes she'd started school on a Friday. Kinda weird huh? Well Sasuke came over to her handed her a piece of paper, and walked out the door as the bell rang. She opened the note and read it as she walked to fourth period.


Since I got stuck with you for this stupid project I guess we'll have to work on it together. Meet me at the 24 hour café in town tomorrow morning to discuss what stupid book we'll read.

Uchiha Sasuke.

P.S. bring your own money I only pay for myself.

"well that was uplifting." She said rolling her eyes. His phone number was written on the bottom of the page. She stuck it in her back pack and continued to class.