I want to thank you all for all of your support during this first story. I love you all for all of your help when the story got deleted and I had to completely rewrite everything and I am proud to say that this is my first successful story that I've stuck through to the end. I am finding more and more of myself in Jacie and writing this story has helped me more than I can explain. I adore you all and hope to see you all return for the sequel, being posted on November 5(LoganHenderson4Life's birthday).


I woke up, my head still on Kendall's shoulder just above his heart. The room was dimly lit, letting me know that it couldn't be later than 6:30 am and that I didn't need to wake him up anytime soon. My eyes scanned over messy room, clothing we discarded in a rush laying on random pieces of furniture. I felt my cheeks go red with a deep blush as moments from the night resurfaced. Kendall's arm was wrapped around my waist tightly, his hands resting on my stomach just below my chest. I was still for a while, enjoying the interruption-free time that I had with him; no Gustavo, no crazy fan girls or paparazzi, and even though I loved them, no James or Logan or Carlos.

I reached my hand up to brush over his cheek gently, loving how peaceful his expression was. His lips were pursed together enough that his dimples were slightly noticeable. His mesmerizing green eyes were closed and I missed them but he needed his sleep. A few minutes later, after I closed my eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep , I felt him stir under me and the vibrations deep in his chest from the groggy groan let me know that he was waking up. I looked up at him through my thick fringe of lashes and ran a hand through my tangled hair.

"Hmm... Morning, beautiful," he mumbled, giving me a sleepy smile.

"Morning," I replied, pushing myself up enough to press my lips to his before sitting up.

He lifted his hand, tracing my spine with his fingers. I shivered, leaning into his touch and pulling the sheet up enough to cover my chest. I wasn't about to put it past the guys to come busting in and see me, full frontal. "You have the day off right?" He 'mhmm'd' and grinned up at me. "What are we doing then?"

He placed his hands behind his head and shrugged lazily, a strange emotion flickering across his face. "Wanna go hang out at the beach? Just us?" I bit my bottom lip and tried to hide the ridiculous smile that grew on my lips. He reached an arm up and gently pulled me down to lay beside him. "That is... If I let you leave here today."

I giggled and placed my hand on his chest, unconciously directly over his heart. "We can always come back here later," I offered and he winked.

"I'll keep you to that promise."

I rolled my eyes, swinging my legs off of the side of the bed and pulled myself up. I grabbed his t-shirt, which hung down mid-thigh on me because of our height difference, and yanked it over myself so I was at least somewhat covered. "I need a shower before we leave. Are the guys coming over this evening?" We all still lived at the Palm Woods, but had since gotten our own rooms; Kendall and I, James and Carlos(both still single), and Logan with Camille.

"Yeah, I think so. They haven't said anything about not coming over." I nodded thoughtfully and was walking to the bedroom door when he came up behind me. "Can I join you?"

We were walking down the beach, his arm around my shoulders and our hands interlaced. We only had a few girls come up and ask for his autograph, thankfully, and we had walked far enough so that we were out of the reach of fan girls and paparazzi. He turned me toward the ocean and wrapped his arms around my thin torso, holding me against him and resting his head on my shoulder.

"I love you , Jace," he said randomly, kissing my cheek.

I smiled and kissed his lips quickly before replying," I love you too, Kendall."

Although he smiled, his eyes seemed distracted as he stared out at the small waves licking the sand in front of us. I shrugged it off, leaning back into him and that's how we stood there for about ten minutes, simply enjoying just being together when he let go of my waist, stepping back. I turned around, confused when I saw him kneel down it front me, his cheeks bright red. I felt my breath leave my lungs in a rush once I figured out what he was doing.

"Jacie, I... I love you, so much. And I've tried imagining my life without you and it just never worked out, I need you. I want to spend forever with you," he paused, taking a deep breath. "Will you marry me?"

ANNNDDD... I'm stopping it there. I'm sure you all can guess what happens. I want tons of reviews on this! The sequel's first chapter will be posted on Friday! Thank you all for reading.

Normally, The End would go here but...

To be Continued.