"These don't make any sense," an officer said as he dropped several files on the desk. It knocked over the name plate: ALFRED F. JONES.

"What are these?" the man on the other side of the desk asked. If your eyes didn't meet the man, the office room would look like any other professional room. Pastel colored walls and end even a couple of degrees hung on the dull walls but if your eyes did happen to look beyond the knocked over name plate, they would meet something less than professional and you might very well mistake the obscure scene for a window into the building next to you. It certainly did not fit a high ranking detective. This Mr. Jones had his feet up on the desk and eating away at a Big Mac – his third this evening. The trash from the previous burgers were crumbled up behind the desk or next to the trash can, an obvious sign that his desired basket hadn't made it or he was just too lazy to actually get them in the trash can. Most of the force was use to the way things were kept and Mr. Jones was considerably the best detective they had. The reason for that most did not know. You see, Alfred F. Jones was not a normal human but a personification of a country. Then again, he didn't like to think of it just as a country but much more than that. It was the great nation of America! So unlike most on the force, Alfred got his sources from all over the US of A.

But let's get back to those files.

"There have been five cases similar to this just this month. A group of people are murdered over a period of a week or they just go missing and our culprit disappears off the face of the earth. It's not the same culprit either and these criminals were normal people before hand too. It doesn't make sense how they can be so messy with hiding their tracks but be so good at disappearing," the officer explained.

"Oh yeah, you gave me a couple of those last month too. Those were like impossible," Alfred said before swallowing the rest of the burger. There wasn't much more important than savoring the taste of a burger as fine as this you know, even if in most cases he didn't savor it for long.

"Yeah, and we have more. They don't happen enough to catch the eye of a normal citizen but it sure is a problem for us."

"Okay! I'll take a look at them for ya, and I'll let you know if anything comes up," he said enthusiastically. There was no way he would let crimes like these go without justice. The detective's blue eyes followed the officer out as he left Mr. Jones' office. A few moments passed (spent on finishing the burger) before the blond haired man pushed himself up and headed out of the building. He reached for his cell phone – it was the newest version of it too with a touch screen and everything – and held down the number 2 to go to his speed dial.

"'Ello, this is Arthur Kirkland," a British man answered on the other end.

"Hey Iggy!" Alfred chimed in. "I need your help. I thought a lot of weird things happen at your place so you would be a pro!"

"America?" the voice on the other end asked in confusion. Alfred always forgot to tell who he was on the phone. He just expected everyone knew.

"Of course it's me! Are you so old that you don't have caller ID?" he teased.

"S-shut up! What is it you want anyway?" Arthur barked back over the phone.

Alfred pouted. How could he be so mean? Just a moment ago, he was polite but now he rude like always. It was like England didn't like him. Of course, the American forgot that the other could not see him. It took a moment for him to realize Arthur asked him a question and then realize that Arthur could not see him. "These odd murders have shown up a lot lately and I can't figure it out. Do you think you can help Iggy?"

"Alfred, I don't want-"

"Alright, I'm coming over."

"Hey listen to people when they-"

Alfred hung up on the Briton. He took no care to listen to him since Alfred was already seated in his private, American jet. He would have talked longer or annoyed Arthur longer was more like it but he was told he couldn't use his phone during take off. So he shut the phone down and pulled out his gaming counsel. He spent most of the journey playing the newest Japanese game that Kiku had sent him. So he ended up getting sucked into battling zombies and foul creatures that he didn't notice when the landed. Someone had to get his attention before he realized he was on the island nation of the United Kingdoms. Upon realizing he was in fact there, he hopped out of his seat, yelling thanks, and darted off the plane to the airport building. There, the Briton was waiting for him inside, reading some aged, lengthy, dull book.

"Did you expect to have me wait all day?" the representation of England asked as he got to his feet. His bushy eye brows were furrowed as he scowled at the American. He turned around and headed out, hoping to get on with his day without Alfred, even though that was hopeless now.

"Well, I was playing Kiku's new game! He wanted me to test it out for him. I don't why you have to be so grumpy though. You should be happy that I came to see you!" Alfred said as he poked the Briton in the head until he was slapped, which in return, Alfred pouted and rubbed his stinging hand.

"I'm busy America! I don't sit around all day waiting for your blasphemous comments!" he snarled.

"I wanted you to look at these cases. Shesh," Alfred said and pulled out the files from the bag over his shoulder. Arthur took the files before moving into the black taxi that was driving him around. He looked them over quickly before handing them back.

"What's the problem with them?"

"We can't catch any of the culprits and it seems like they're connected."

"I've…had a few cases like those…" He started, carefully wording his sentences.

"Um…Excuse me, but shouldn't you tell him that we've had more than a few, Mr. Kirkland?" the nervous driver said. At the stop light, he pulled off his silver colored glasses and cleaned them with his shirt before putting them back on. The short, dirty blond glanced quickly over his shoulder at the two passengers.

"How many have you had?" Alfred questioned quickly.

"Liam we're not discussing this outside of…er…the meeting!" Arthur snapped back.

"I'm d-deeply sorry," Liam squeaked back, quickly shutting his mouth and going back to focusing on the road. He looked even paler now.

"Arthur, you're hiding something from me," Alfred said as he crossed his arms in displeasure. "What is it?"

The British man only sighed. "Liam, go ahead and tell him. Hopefully he'll shut up too," Arthur said and the mumbled a "sorry" to the driver.

"Yes sir," Liam said. "Mr. Kirkland runs an organization known as Pandora that specializes in these cases."

"What's so special about them?" Alfred inquired.

"The culprits have formed contracts with hellish creatures we call Chains," Liam answered and adjusted his glasses.


"Alfred, this is something that's older than you. I really don't feel like explaining the concept to you," Arthur said in annoyance. "All you really ought to know that these creatures are dangerous and if you're an 'illegal contractor' you might as well have signed your soul to the devil." The two passengers in the back watched the car slow down and come to a halt in front of an old castle-style building. The driver quickly stepped out and opened the door for Arthur.

"Wait! But I need to solve those cases Iggy!" Alfred exclaimed as Arthur stepped out of the car.

"Look, you bloody git; I have things to do like I said. If you're so determined to figure this out, why don't you do some damn research into…I don't know about 200 years ago!" Arthur retorted. He turned toward the taxi driver to speak with him.

"What happened then?" Alfred asked, but Arthur was speaking quietly to Liam before he walked off.

"Mr. Jones, I'll be driving you for today. Is there anywhere you would like to go?" Liam asked.

"Take me to a phone. Mine is dead and I need to make a phone call," Alfred replied before he leaned back in his seat, fuming, "and to McDonald's. I'm hungry."

"Yes sir," he replied before pulling the car away from the side walk.

Thanks for reading the first part of my Pandora Hearts and Hetalia Fanfiction. It'll end up being much longer than most of my stories so far. Please, I accepted comments and reviews. It helps me make this story much better and seeing how this is just a taste of the complex story I'm working on, help is definitely needed. Plus, I love comments good or bad so give me your comments, reviews, and ideas if you would like. Thanks~